Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1531: Big warrior

The Lakers and the Great Warriors are enlisted in the North, and they are all powerful contemporary arrogant figures.

A large warrior led a Lakers warrior to drag a gold shard, and the three great warriors could destroy a powerful gold shortage. That is to say, the three great warriors work together and they are powerful and unmatched.

However, the three great warriors joined forces, but they couldn’t help Yin Peng’s Yin Peng.

Yinpeng takes the grandeur of Sun Hao as the spinal cord, the soul of the sword as the soul, the love sword and the sword as the link, supplemented by the sword, the water and the water. Now there is the killing trend that Sun Hao has just refined. Strongly, the ability of all swordsmen is dissolved into a furnace, forming a strong whole, and the strength is beyond the gold shortage.

In particular, the agarwood sword condensed by Sun Hao's five-property sword pill has become the most lethal weapon of Yinpeng. The swords of the five attributes can all be blessed, and the swords of the five attributes can all be motivated. A strong blow broke out.

Supplemented by Sun Hao's own powerful swordsmanship, swords and scorpions, swords and thorns, swords like mountains.

The recruits were heavily tempered, and the three great fighters were depressed and found themselves firmly suppressed.

At this point, they also once again saw what it means to be too lazy to be unreasonable.

Not far from Langein Island, the huge battle group was so dark and dark, the river fell to the sea, the waves were soaring, and there were huge explosions from time to time.

But the twilight desert snake that was close at hand did not see any movement.

The resentment of the three great warriors against Sun Hao reached its peak again.

If it weren’t for the **** Sun Hao to use some of the hungry dan, to succeed in letting the late-night snakes have the desire to forage, how could the elite of the Lakers be destroyed overnight?

No matter how the three great fighters hated Sun Hao, but as the war continued, they had to regret to find out that they could not do anything about Yin Peng.

With the continuous development of the war, the three means to do it all, the spears pierced the sky, and could not break the Yinpeng; the huge waves and the shackles of Yinpeng; the formation of the iron triangle to attack, can only compete with Sun Hao’s agarwood sword .

Yinpeng five-line cycle, endless life.

The three great warriors had just been fighting for the gold shortage, and they have not been able to recover better.

Although there are a hundred reluctances, but the cod has to make a retreat, that is, the order to retreat into the lake.

Because of the elite revenge of the Lakers, the front has been facing the battle in the lake.

The reason why the big warriors are not eager to retreat is that their own home is in the lake. When they enter the lake, they are born kings. The three great warriors do not think that Yinpeng will be three people when they enter the lake. opponent.

When the situation of the war was not very good, Kezhen issued an order to enter the water. Of course, he also announced the failure of the Qingyin Yinpeng mission. Not only failed to meet Yinpeng’s hair, but also lost the Lakers themselves. A lot of elite.

After receiving the orders of the department, the Gard and Taias were unwilling to turn around and fall into the lake.

The three great warriors of the Lakers have their own characteristics, the strongest of which is undoubtedly the science, and the Gard and Taias have their own characteristics.

Among the three, Garr is tall and long, extremely agile. After entering the water, the speed is extremely fast. It is the quickest assaulter among the Lakers.

Therefore, almost the same time that the department had ordered the retreat, the Garr was like a beautiful leap in the air of the fish, and fell to the lake.

But just before his body was still in the air and could not fall into the water, Sun Hao slammed into the air inside Yin Peng: "Kill..."

The silver-clad swordsmen who formed Yinpeng’s spirits were in full swing, and under the leadership of Sun Hao, they shouted: “Kill.”

The violent killing momentum, fiercely as the essence generally rushed from the sky.

Like the dolphins, Garr, who gracefully jumped into the water, was involuntarily rushed by the powerful murderousness, shrouded on the spot, and felt that the feeling of chilling and trepidation came to his mind.

The dark passage was awful, and Gard forced the real yuan to fall into the lake.

Sun Hao screamed: "Where to go, Dapeng wings, Peng hit, Peng hit..."

In the air, Yinpeng slammed his wings and a huge flashing force rushed into Sun Hao’s body.

As a projectile, Sun Hao rushed down from Yinpeng's body, and his hand was swayed by a scented sword. He was smashed into the sky and directly killed him.

The will was taken away, and the spirit that was a little lost was stunned by the space around him. On the opposite side, a silver armor, Sun Hao with a five-color flying sword, quickly zoomed in on his pupil.

I didn't have time to think about it. It was like hearing a slap in the ear, "careful." Then, Garr seemed to look at the slow motion. He found that his body was banging, and Sun Hao was holding a silver sword and running through it, and he turned back hard. Looking at Sun Hao who rushed from the middle of his body, Garr suddenly found that time had returned to normal, and huge darkness came.

Sun Hao's body flickered in the air, like Feiyan's nesting, holding a scented sword, jingling, inlaid into the silver Peng Peng.

Keke screamed: "Small..."

Garr’s body was broken into two pieces, and he spit out two words: “Go away...”

There were two bangs, and the body fell into the lagoon, and blood was pouring up.

At this time, Taias has fallen into the middle of the lagoon, and climbed over the huge waves. As the waves undulating, he looked at the dead Gard.

Counting the brethren swallowed by the desert snake at dusk, the five great warriors of the Lakers Zijin Dynasty, in the battle of the Terran, actually lost three.

Before the war, how could the Lakers Zijin Dynasty think that there would be such an ending.

Moreover, unlike the two fallen big warriors, the Garr was really, and was strongly killed by the Terran soldiers on the spot.

The real face-to-face fight was killed.

The Lakers are not only hurting the soldiers, but also folding.

Ke Wei stood on the fallen lake of Gard. His face had anger and sadness that was difficult to conceal. Among the five fighters, he and Jiaer had the best feelings. Now the good brothers are killed and killed in front of themselves. His fierceness, the hands of the lake fork in the air, the screaming loudly: "There is a gallbladder, single-handedly with me, the human race kid, you know the hidden head, relying on the battle, what a hero, thief There is a kind of battle."

Sun Hao returned to the sword array, his arms slightly vibrated, and Yin Peng crossed the beautiful arc, hovering in the air, slightly shaking his wings.

Sun Hao’s eyes are like electricity. Looking at Ke Wei, he said in a loud voice: “Since the big warrior is going to fight, then I will respect it better than death, Ke Ke, then pick me up, Dapeng wings, Peng hit, Peng hit...”

In the sky, Yinpeng showed his wings, and the power of the battles once again accumulated to Sun Hao's body. This time, Sun Hao not only called a force of battle, but five kinds of swords, instant Call all.

All the swordsmen only felt that the real thing was empty and poured out.

The entire Yinpeng body slammed down and plunged into the sea.

The direction of the crash is exactly the same.

Ke Ke screamed: "Despicable, actually still using the power of the battle..."

In the voice of the body quickly sinks and hides away from the lake.

Since Sun Hao can borrow the power of the sword, then he can naturally use the power of the lake to fight.

Ke Wei does not believe that Sun Hao can make himself in the lake.

Not far away, Taias slowly rises and falls with the waves of the lake, watching the development of the battle.

He found that although Sun Hao's speed was very fast, he couldn't catch up with the big warrior who had already dive, and he was relieved a little.

But at this time, Taias suddenly found out that Sun Hao was popping up among the rapidly sinking Yinpeng.

However, Sun Hao’s Jianfeng is not the one who has already dive quickly, but points to himself who is far away.

Taiasi’s heart is so light, so far away, I can completely avoid you.

As soon as the body swayed, Taias quickly sneaked into the lake.

Falling into the lake, Taias has the advantage, the speed is fast, and it keeps sneaking deeper. At the same time, the spear in the hand begins to gain momentum. If Sun Hao continues to chase the water, he does not mind giving him a head. .

However, the spear had just been lifted, and Taias suddenly found an incredible thing.

His tall body, although he got into the lake, although he was constantly drilling into the lake, but the **** thing is that the lake is rising at this time.

As a result, he still stood still in the same place, the difference is that he has a layer of protective film of lake water.

How could this be?

The natural waters of the Lakers’ warriors will be broken by others?

Taias’s heart was shocked, but the speed was not slow. When the gods knew it, they wanted to break through this strange lake control. From the direction of Sun Hao’s rush, there was a horrible and murderous murder. On the body, I couldn’t help but feel a chill, and I was a little lost in a moment. (To be continued~^~)

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