Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1540: Yinpeng team

The first deputy commander of the Terran Right Camp.

In the right camp, under one person, above 10,000 people.

Even among the entire human race, Sun Hao’s status can be ranked high, and the right-hand commander’s attitude toward Sun Hao is quite good.

And Sun Hao has the ability to directly mobilize the five battalion soldiers of the Terran.

Jiang Yan, who made Sun Hao troubled, did not know when he quietly went back to the camp. Otherwise, Sun Hao would definitely call him to listen to his command.

The status of Ling Tianjian's swordsman, with the improvement of Sun Hao's status, has risen.

In particular, the identity of Yin Peng Fei Swordsman is to make Ling Tianjian send swordsmen superior.

The swordsman who can fly, which constitutes the sword flight, is out of the category of the meat shield and becomes a powerful unit that is comparable to the flying knight.

Sun Hao did not swear by himself, and he improved his sword array and his improved swordsman silver armor scheme to the Terran Sword Camp. The people’s sword battalion was able to develop a new flying unit and enhance their own The strength of the virtual battlefield.

However, after Sun Hao’s method was reported, the upper class of the Terran suddenly discovered that it would be difficult to reproduce the Yinpeng of Aquilaria.

This method is indeed feasible, but the requirements are more demanding.

You need a sword that can command Yinpeng as the head. You need a sword that is capable of improving your flying ability. The sword is meant to be the tail. You also need a tie sword that can connect the core body parts of the entire swordsman. Finally, you need a powerful An agarwood-like swordsman who can drive the entire battle of Yinpeng.

These things can be replaced by related ones, but after the replacement, the decline in power is inevitable.

In other words, the arms can be formed, but the combat power is not affected by the main war monks, but can reach Yinpeng, it is estimated that there is no.

Don't look at Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang is just a robbery of the elite swordsman, but the actual combat power, fear is not under the four robbers and five robbers, or else can not get a star warrior title.

Among the four robbers and five robbers, many of them are already busy for distraction, and many are worried about the robbery. After entering the virtual battlefield, they often hold many important positions, but they really have no thoughts. Organize a team like the Yinpeng team.

Moreover, even if such a monk is willing to form, he will have to find a few monks who have the same mind to cooperate.

When the Terran was studying Sun Hao’s Yinpeng tactics, Sun Hao was also actively expanding his Yinpeng team.

After receiving the consent of the great commander, Sun Hao mobilized all Lingtian swordsmen and added 10,000 swordsmen from the sword camp, reaching a scale of 30,000.

From the Shenying camp, the car was transferred and the 20,000 shots were added to join Yinpeng.

From the monk camp, Arda was transferred and 10,000 monks were mobilized. Five elements of each of the five elements joined Yin Peng.

This is a brand new Yinpeng.

Moreover, it seems that only Sun Hao can command, in order to effectively control the new tactics, others, completely unable to understand.

The reason is the ability to control.

Who has Sun Hao, the ability to bless all attributes?


Therefore, even the people of the right-wing camp, can only look forward to the new Yin Peng, which Sun Hao set up.

The new Yinpeng drill and command is more difficult. Sun Hao has been practicing in the core area of ​​the right camp for more than a year, which led the new team to go out for the first time.

In the first battle, go straight to Langein Island.

The expedition is aimed at opening up the territory.

More than 60,000 warriors have turned into a huge Yinpeng with more than a dozen wingspans, taking off from the lakeside. Wherever they are, all those who resist are eliminated.

All the way to kill will pass.

Sun Hao stood up in the core area of ​​Yinpeng, and he felt deeply in his heart. When he first went into Langein Island with a few women, he was so cautious.

Now, I have led the team to a strong crush.

On the island of Lange Green, at the time of the emptiness period, the new gold shortage has not yet been born. A large number of wild animals have been killed by Sun Hao. After the Yinpeng soldiers fell, they quickly began to follow the requirements of Sun Hao at the lakeside of Lake Green Island. Build defense facilities.

With four women, Sun Hao once again came to the fairy pear tree.

After the outbreak of the desert snake, the pear tree was greatly created. A large number of branches were buried in the thick soil, only some of the branches were exposed. After two years of tenacious growth, the ground was once again tenaciously exposed.

Xiaoqing hugged the tenacious pear tree and cried and laughed.

On the pear tree, the white pear flower gradually blooms in front of Sun Hao and others. It seems that the little girl has smiled happily after the storm.

After staying for two days and simply constructing a defense system on Langein Island, Sun Hao once again led Yin Peng to kill him all the way.

After finding the big commander, after the secret discussion, the right camp sent a large number of troops to the island of Lange Green and began to rely on the island to build a new Terran camp.

After the fairy pear tree and the fairy pear tree, it became a top secret place.

The general commander learned of the existence of the desert snake at dusk. According to Sun Hao’s suggestion, several areas were divided. At regular intervals, some wild animals were thrown into it.

Then, the construction began on the island of Lange Green.

Sun Hao took Yin Peng from the Terran camp to the Langein Island to kill a few times, and even strongly killed a rushing gold shortage, completely cleared the crisis along the way, opened the Terran Right Camp and Lang Green The passage between the islands.

Finally, a transmission array was built on the island.

A new Terran camp was built in this way. However, this camp has announced a number of taboos, such as the inability to refine the alchemy, the inability to refine the vessel, and the inability to make holes in the cave house.

But in any case, this has become a new gathering point for the Terran, and as a radiation, it has a vast expanse of lakes and has developed many rare cultivation resources.

After five years of busy work, the island of Langeing finally stabilized. At this time, Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team was developed and the scale expanded again.

Five thousand swordsmen, 30,000 gods, 20,000 monks, a hundred thousand soldiers, became the most elite Yinpeng team of the right-wing camp.

After the overall situation of Langeland was stabilized, Sun Hao led his new team to prepare for the upcoming wave.

According to the information of the scout camp, and because of the need for his own swords, Sun Hao began to lead Yinpeng crazy to sweep the huge wild animal nest near the right camp.

Over the years, Sun Hao has been forging his own bones with three swords, constantly forging the three swords into the bones through various means.

Thin and dense, a little bit, let the three swords become the bones of their own body, and gradually complete their own casting.

Now, Sun Hao’s body skeleton has gradually developed its unique characteristics after condensing.

Sun Hao’s spine condensate is dominated by fighting, and the stick of the sky is turned into a spine, which propels up the backbone of Sun Hao’s top standing. In the sky, he naturally blends into the softness and killing sword of the sea sword. The fierceness of the situation.

Sun Hao has a piece of bones, and the bones that have been shredded are now completely worn by the sea as a pearl. The the depth of the sea also has the tenacity of fighting spirit. And the violent murder.

The gap ligaments of all the bones of Sun Hao are mainly condensed by the killing power. It seems to be a piece of plasma. The package is in contact with each bone. Similarly, in the plasma, there is also the momentum of the sky and the sea.

The bones of the whole body are nearing the end.

What Sun Hao needs is to thoroughly integrate the three swords in the constant battle and truly complete his casting.

At this moment, Sun Hao’s skeleton has completely recovered, and even far beyond ordinary monks.

Even if Sun Hao does not condense the peerless sword bone, it is no longer comparable to ordinary monks in terms of bone toughness. It can be said that at this moment, Sun Hao is not only completely recovering from the damaged state after the ascent. And, too, the recovery task was overfulfilled.

However, this is still a little different from Sun Hao’s request.

Therefore, Sun Hao was killed from the right camp of the Terran. In the first battle, he aimed at the violent camp of the Weizuo right-wing camp for decades and killed the past.

A big battle broke out in the close attention of the top of the Terran right camp.

Yin Peng spread his wings and danced.

Sometimes the sword is out of the sheath, sometimes the arrow is like rain, and sometimes the five-color fireworks bloom.

Spells, swords, arrows... Three kinds of attacks, fierce, violent ridiculous drowning in a variety of offenses.

For more than a month, Yinpeng annihilated thousands of miles of violent torrents among thousands of miles of mountains. Among them, two golden crickets were killed, and no more than twenty silver urns...

The violent family is completely transformed into the resources of the right-hand camp.

Let the right camp arrange for people to collect thousands of miles of battlefield.

Sun Hao took a rest for a month, led Yin Peng, and rushed to another wild animal nest. (To be continued.)

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