Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1549: 3 star hero (6)

Half an hour, before the fortress, the battle became hot.

A large number of wild beasts were knocked down under the fortress, but there were also a large number of wild beasts who stepped on the body of the companion to break a certain defense point of the fortress, to kill the war, and the soldiers were inevitably wounded.

The rear monk sent a message. In the right camp, all the transfer arrays were ready, all the retreats were in place, and the people of the Terran were asked to retreat.

Standing on top of the fortress, the expression of the Terran commanders is very complicated.

Liang Shu and whispered that this was my fourth time to retreat from the right camp. Every time, I had to drop more than 100,000, and I could only watch them as ashes together with the fortress. ”

The commander of the great commander said that Elfa, the monk in the right camp, was the first to retreat, and you went to arrange..."

After that, turn to Sun Hao agarwood, Yinpeng team can not afford to lose, you also with Elfa, the first evacuation, remember, your direction of evacuation is the Terran camp. ”

Sun Hao (none-wrong) novel w.quu. Look at the fortress above, still fighting the human race fighters, Shen Sheng said that the great commander, at this time a retreat, the former work is abandoned, we do not fight for it? "No error novel network does not jump words.

The general commander is pointing out the 16 gold shortages outside, breaking, and talking less, you go first..."

Sun Hao took a deep breath and took a good breath. ”

After that, he turned and strode to Yinpeng.

Behind the scene, the general commander continued to arrange the retreat mission car festival, and you led the second camp to retreat from the right camp, Liang Shuhe, you took the third retreat of the swordsman..."

Liang Shu and loudly said that the swordsman has always been the last, why is this third? Shouldn't the Cavaliers go first? "No error novel network does not jump words.

How many times have the big commanders laughed, and they are all after the swordsman’s break. This time, I am going to change my Huahan iron ride. I really want to see how long it takes for the wild beast to break open my iron-defense defensive array...”

Liang Shuming and loud shouting are not good. Huahan Iron Rider is a weapon that my Terran charge is in danger. It must not be damaged in the right camp defense. I don't agree..."

One leg, one song, Liang Shu and loudly said that the big commander, please let me stay, this time, I want to stay in the last batch, I have already withdrawn, decided to coexist with the broken..."

As soon as it was, Sun Hao, who was inlaid into Yinpeng, had a slight glimpse of his body, and his eyes flashed through a fine light.

With a ring of arms, Yinpeng flew up from the fortress.

In the Yinpeng Array, Sun Haolang said that all the friends, before Shen Xiang retreat, will go to the meeting for a while.

The Terran leader is looking at the sky.

The big commander said loudly, and did not mess. ”

Liang Shuhe is on. ”

El Farton lived at the pace and smiled and said that Shen Xiang had this Yaxing, and my monk camp is also willing to help you, to do our best, to help them. ”

Among the Yin Peng, Sun Hao said that Yin Peng belongs to him, and he dares to join me in a thousand military and military ranks. ”

Sun Hao’s voice is full of fighting spirit, full of heroic spirit, and at the same time, it is filled with a thick murderous.

Yin Peng’s monks only felt that there was a strong desire for fighting in the heart. There was a strong war of unrelenting will in the hearts of the war. Involuntarily, the arms of the hands were almost unanimously waved, fighting, fighting, fighting. ......"

The strong fighting spirit kept flowing in the body of Yinpeng.

Even the usual do not like to fight killing, but the old and honest implementation of the sword meaning as the Yinpeng ties of Xiaoqing, also raised the silver sword, crisply shouting..."

Yinpeng spread its wings and rushed into the sky.

Above the fortress, slammed out, and the sword was sharp before the Yinpeng, rushing out to the front of the fortress.

The powerful impact is struck by the wild animals that come from the violent shock.

The blood is shining, the blood is raining, and the wild beast that is attacking the fortress is under the strong sword. If it is too late to scream, it will turn into a **** rain and be far away.

Silver Dapeng, instantly seems to be contaminated with blood, and the dark red wilderness dissolves into one, but Dapeng's body still has a layer of white swordsman, constantly in the **** rain.

In front of the fortress, the huge wild animal attack surface, like a lake rushed into the river, there is a huge impact stream, Yin Peng instantly rushed into the hundreds of millions of wild animals.

Above the sky, there was a scream of screaming in the clouds.

Hundreds of thousands of wild animals abandoned the siege of the fortress, slammed into the encirclement, and all kinds of attacks rushed to Yinpeng.

Sun Hao’s eyes have changed miraculously, one eye is as bright as blood, and it’s suffocating; the other eye is blue like a sea, calm and without waves; and Sun’s spine is like a The golden stick of the roots has a golden light.

The three swords are driven for the first time.

The five real yuan, the first full force call.

Sun Hao also wants to see, with the help of the power of Yin Pengjian, the full force of the outbreak, can change the fate of the right camp soldiers.

Shen Xiangjian carried all the repairs of Sun Hao, and he trembled above Sun Hao’s head.

Billions of wild animals swooped.

On the body of Yinpeng, the powerful swordsmanship suddenly swelled.

Sun Hao’s clear and calm voice has spread from hundreds of millions of wild animals. The five elements are all in one, the swords are moving together, and with the agarwood attack, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill...”

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

Five killing words.

Every word spit out, among the Yinpeng monks, the five attribute monks followed Sun Hao’s violent voice and involuntarily slammed a kill.

The true elements in their bodies, whether they are the real elements of refining or the swordsman of the swordsman, are also madly pouring into the sword array and introducing into the agarwood sword that keeps shaking.

Every time Sun Hao broke out, he killed a word.

Shen Xiangjian shook his sword at the top of Sun Hao’s head, killing a sword that was fierce and arrogant.

Five killing words are exported.

Gold, cyan, blue, red, yellow... The five swords are centered on the agarwood sword, which is fan-shaped and rushes out to the front.

The sword of the five attributes.

In the air, a huge fan-shaped shooting surface was formed, which was extremely fast and slammed forward. The place where it passed, like the wind blowing sand, the hunger of hundreds of millions of wild animals, silently , turned into fine sand, floating in the air.


Where the five attributes Jianguang passed, there were five huge wounds in the wilderness of the wilderness, which looked like the five fan bones of the fan.

In front, from the nearest position of Yinpeng, all the wild animals were killed. Only in the farther places, they were close to the location of the Golden Waste. The wild animals in the middle of the five swords were lucky to escape.

Above the fortress, the Terran warriors broke out and cheered. Although Yinpeng will eventually retreat, the record at this time is very comforting.

Guided by the Yinpeng monk Zhenyuan, blessing agarwood, the three major heights of the condensed Sun Hao body slightly trembled, his face showed a faint smile.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, Sun Hao’s second phase of the unparalleled sword bone, which has been cultivated for a long time, was finally completed. The three swords are like the three talents of heaven and earth, firmly consolidating Sun Hao’s Whole body bones.

Sun Hao is now completely exhausted and can't affect his bones. The only thing that can't be used is that he can still become a skill, because the bones are still worse than the last step, which is the real bone.

However, the second step of the unparalleled sword bone is now completed, but it allows Sun Hao to use more monks and real elements to break out stronger strength.

Five swords light rushed to the golden age, after killing thousands of wild animals, they were photographed by the golden age.

The result is brilliant.

The beast that is not afraid of death, the offensive is not a slight meal.

Above the sky, the screams of the clouds and sorrows burst into flames.

The wild beasts shake their bodies in unison, and they do not advance and retreat.

Yun Wu screamed at Sun Hao.

The air has changed suddenly.

Sixteen gold fell into the sky, and the Qiqi broke out, rushing up to Sun Hao’s Yinpeng, still in the middle of the road, fireballs, silver needles, steel thorn feathers... and other special attacks have poured.

After the fall of the sixteen golds, hundreds of millions of wild animals were turned into torrents and rushed up.

It seems that the ten rivers rushing to the sea, the ground seems to be six spears, the target points to Yinpeng, and their heads of gold shortage, it is the first to kill.

The sixteen gold rushes are all launched, and the momentum is amazing.

The huge shock wave seemed to be rushing to tremble, and the vibration of the ground had already brightened the fortress and the defensive cover opened.

The big commander shouted a scent of aloes, not hard to resist, ..." (to be continued.)

The first five and forty-nine chapters of the Samsung hero (six)

The first five and forty-nine chapters of the Samsung Hero (six) are made by [no *wrong] [small-speak-net] members, more chapters please go to the website:

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