Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1561: Lie Yin Yinpeng

The war continued for half a day, and the wild tide not only did not weaken at all, but the wild beasts became more and more.

The pressure on the unicorn regiment is growing.

Moreover, as the battle gradually warmed up, as the battle continued, among the three wild animals, the weakest evil mosquitoes, which had the weakest strength, began to pose the greatest threat to the soldiers.

The evil mosquitoes are only the size of a puppy, the number is large, and the speed is extremely fast. It is very difficult to prevent itself. However, after several days of continuous fighting, the defenses of the soldiers are inevitably reduced, and the evil mosquito tails The power of it will expand infinitely.

In the sky, there are buzzing everywhere, a large number of evil mosquitoes, flooding in the air, every time there are soldiers in the evil mosquitoes, paralysis, pain greatly weakened the strength of the soldiers, Bubweini In this direction of the leading army, major casualties began to appear.

Bubwini didn't even care about the battles at all levels below, but focused on the control of the unicorns.

On the top of Chongtiancheng, the Chongtiancheng powers who are always watching the whole battle situation have to send a five-star team to support Bubwini to assist in defense.

The arrogant Bubwini did not have any opinions at this time. The war situation was not optimistic. The loss of the Unicorn Corps made him secretly distressed. The reinforcements sent by Chongtiancheng just relieved his pressure.

While Bubwini couldn't stand the pressure, the same direction as Bubwini's seven-star warriors also appeared. The Chongtiancheng had to send the city's reserve team to enter the battlefield and assist in defense.

The huge gap between the teams began to stand out.

Under the storm of the wilderness, the eight-star team is reluctant and able to support it, and does not need to send more reinforcements.

The direction of the nine-star team's mine fire has taken a certain advantage and played well.

The easiest thing is the direction of the hero Muge Day. The wilderness is fierce, but it is intercepted by his gods and is outside the city of Chongtian. There is no chance of being close.

The three seven-star teams had to re-raise their reinforcements.

Every seven-star team now has three teams in concert to stabilize the situation.

During the war, everyone gradually formed a consensus that Sun Hao Sun’s five-star hero title sounded very powerful, but the battle power of the Yinpeng team was actually the combat power under the leadership of ordinary five-star fighters.

It may even be a little worse.

So far, the performance of the Yinpeng team can only be said to be unsatisfactory, and there is not much success.

Of course, among all the teams, Bubovini’s unicorn regiment began to gradually change its view of the Yinpeng team.

In any case, the Yinpeng team broke the petrochemical ray of the snake, or else the unicorn regiment may fall into the embarrassing situation of being beaten and unable to fight back.

Moreover, the Yinpeng team has defended the left wing of the Unicorn Corps, and the proportion of casualties is far less than that of the Unicorn Corps. Just two days, Bubwini has already looked at Sun Hao.

After another team came in this direction, Bubwini threw the combat missions on the various levels under the defense and defense to the new team, but he still led Sun Hao to fight the huge wild animal main force in the sky above Chongtiancheng.

The overall situation in this direction has stabilized again, but the losses of the Unicorns are still huge.

The harm of evil mosquitoes is still there, and the combination of flying lions and snakes with evil mosquitoes has given the Unicorns a great loss.

The 300,000 reserve soldiers of the One-Army Armed Forces came into play one after another, and there were no more alternative soldiers available behind them.

Bubwini's brows are deeply wrinkled. If you follow this situation, it is very likely that you have not waited until the peak of the golden age, and your own unicorns will all finish playing. When will you take advantage of the peaks and beasts?

Bubwini’s heart is unwilling, but he can’t find a solution to the problem. It’s only one step.

How to hold this direction stubbornly, it is the collapse of this direction, and you can be the big sinner of Chongtiancheng.

Sun Hao observed and realized the embarrassing situation of Bubwini, did not want the mission to fail, and Sun Hao, who had collected the task of collecting the snake's eyeballs, naturally did not want to fall into the sky, and he carefully defended the defensive hood on the left wing of the Corps. In order to reduce losses, Sun Hao is also urgently trying to solve the problem.

God knows to push, Sun Hao gave a silver swordsman a fire shield.

The tail of the evil mosquitoes slammed into the silver swordsman, and the Aegis of the Fire shook twice and disappeared, but what surprised Sun Hao was that the tail of the evil mosquito had been burned by the flame reflected by the fire shield. It seems to have softened a lot and lost the deterrent power to the silver armor.

Thinking about the peculiar effect of the Aegis of Fire, Sun Hao could not help but move.

After repelling a group of wild animals again, Sun Hao shouted in the line: "Vini brother, I led Yinpeng out to play a wave, you be careful of your left wing..."

Bubwini gave a slight glimpse and said in his mouth: "The wild beasts are like tides, don't be easily involved."

Sun Hao laughed and said: "Nothing, I know what to do, you are careful about your left wing."

Bubwini nodded and said: "In this case, you should be careful with Aquilaria."

He also wants to see what kind of results can be achieved after Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team rushed out.

Sun Hao’s arms were stretched out, and there was a whistling in his mouth: “Yinpeng belongs, and I will attack.”

Yinpeng slammed into the sky and swooped forward. He rushed out of the tall wall of Chongtiancheng and rushed out to the dense wild animal front.

The sound of Shen Xiangjian’s slamming sounded, and Yin Peng rushed out of the road to Jianguang.

A large number of wild animals that were blocked by the road were shot down. The front of Yinpeng was instantly empty, but the wild tide swarmed in, like the tide of the sea, quickly drowning the hollow and quickly drowning the rushing Yinpeng.

Bubwini screamed: "Agarwood is careful."

Sun Hao’s mouth was violent: “Fire and Silver, give it to me.”

With a bang, Yin Peng, who was surrounded by wild animals and wild beasts, rushed up a huge red flame hood.

Hundreds of thousands of wild animals came and shocked, and the flame cover was broken by layers. At the same time, the surrounding of Yinpeng suddenly splashed the sky and became a huge sea of ​​fire.

The flames are raging and the fire is shining.

Yinpeng changed into a huge fire and silver pen, and observed it carefully. Bubwini found that every Yinpeng warrior had a red flame shield on the top of the eggshell, and the whole Yinpeng body, It is a huge flame shield.

The flame shield has a strong ability to sputter, constantly splattering the flames around, igniting the wild beasts that have stormed around, forming a huge sea of ​​fire.

Seeing this huge fire, Yinpeng, Bubwini couldn't help but worry about it. This spell is a bit like a fire But what kind of fire shield is full of the entire Yinpeng team, can you always add? Where is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang from, where there are so many real yuan spent squandering?

Bubwini can see that after the fierce fire and silver rushed into the wild animal tide, the battle effect was very good.

Sun Hao did not expect that after Yin Peng became the fire of Yinpeng, the effect would be so good. The biggest advantage is that the tail of the evil mosquito has lost its deterrent force in front of the fire, and the petrified ray of the snake is also against Sun Hao. Yinpeng does not have much harm. The only thing that can threaten Yinpeng is the flying lion. After Sun Hao can strengthen the defense and attack against the flying lion, the wild beast in front of him seems to be unable to Yinpeng.

The dense wild beast surrounded the fiery fire and silver, and slammed it, but the result was a large expanse of fire in the sky. A large number of wild beasts had not been attacked by the fire, Yinpeng, and they had been burned alive. Falling into the air.

Moreover, because Sun Hao's fighting position is the highest, the fallen wild beast inevitably has a huge impact on the battlefield below.

A group of flames fell into the air, and the dense beasts underneath were too escaping, and one was only ignited, and the sea of ​​fire gradually spread.

What surprised Bubwini was that the fierce battle of Yinpeng exceeded his imagination.

Among the hundreds of millions of wild beasts in front, the fierce fire and silver penge always stood firm in the air, and within the body of Yinpeng, there were bursts of arrows, earth attributes, wood attribute spells and sword gas attacks, constantly harvesting wild animals. And the fire shield on the body, always firmly put up, not extinguished at all times, bursting into a burning, unpleasant taste from the front kept coming.

A piece of evil mosquitoes was spotted, and one of the flying lions was only killed by the sword, and the snake was poured into the rain of arrows.

The fiery fire, Yinpeng, was strong and flew outside the city of Chongtian.

What are the millions of wild animals? (To be continued~^~)

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