Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1563: Explosive meteor

The double-headed snake snake swiftly swam in the air, and the huge snake body seemed to twist a few twists, and it has arrived not far from Chongtiancheng.

On the two heads, four eyes, like a small sun, instantly illuminate the white light.

Behind it, hundreds of millions of wild animals seem to have been ordered to stop.

The two heads of the double-headed snake began to rotate from left to right.

Four huge, waterfall-like white lights, shot out of four eyes, formed four huge hits and swept over Chongtiancheng.

The same petrochemical ray, but whether it is strength or blown surface, it is beyond the ordinary snakes do not know how many times.

From the left to the right on the sky, there are four huge grooves, and the rays pass through, and the walls are petrified.

The rays passed, but the soldiers who blocked the road were instantly smelted into stone carvings, turned into pieces, and smashed.

From left to right, from right to left.

The two-headed peak of the Golden Waste Committee snake swept a few rounds.

The tall walls were swept in a few feet deep, and the Yinpeng team of the Unicorns and Sun Hao had to move backwards in the air to avoid being swept by powerful petrochemical rays.

Fortunately, the attack of the Fengfeng Snake was not endless. After a while, he made a one-handed gesture and made an offensive gesture.

The savage beasts at the commanding level burst into a variety of light and sprinkled them out of the wild animals.

Wherever the light shines, the spirit of the wild animal is violent, the voice is violent, and the eyes are **** red, especially the evil mosquitoes, which are shaking the wings quickly, and the screams of thunder are heard in the air.

Layers of wild animals, got their own blessings, followed the golden age, forming a wave of violent storms, madly attacked the sky.

In the rear, the peak of the snake did not stop, mixed with many wild animals, and gradually attacked Chongtiancheng.

Sun Hao discovered that the wild animals near the Fengfeng Committee were not only slightly higher in level, but also the color of the eyes became golden, and the body was covered with a golden light. There is no doubt that this should be the special blessing of the Fengfeng Snake. ability.

I don’t know what kind of magical powers there are for the wild animals that have been blessed by the Fengfeng Snake.

The wild beast was raging and rushed over.

In the hands of Bubwini’s rattan sticks, a green light rushed into the sky, and a mouth screamed: “Wrapped...”

At every level of the entire city wall of Chongtiancheng, almost at the same time, the sacred monks applied a wooden attribute spell to the outside, and a large number of vines appeared out of thin air, entangled with the wild beasts, obstructing the progress of the wild animals.

Above the city wall, including Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team, all the long-range attacking teams rushed forward.

A large amount of arrow rain attacked the wild beast wrapped in vines in front.

The fierce, desperate wild beast fell under the arrow, but more wild animals rushed over, the vines were broken through layers, and the wild beasts approached the layers of Chongtian.

This level of attack is equivalent to a big decisive battle. Bubwini also made a full effort, and did not dare to have the slightest reservation. The previous battles have not been used, and all have been used.

When the barren rushed for a distance and the vines were broken, Bubwini’s rattan sticks were lifted up and screamed: “The thorns...”

With the monks of the Unicorns, the masters of all levels worked together, and under the unified command of Bubwini, a powerful wooden attribute thorn was thrown out.

The tall, sharp thorns of the thorns grow from the air, stabbing the wild beasts that rushed over.

A large number of wild animals were pierced by the blood of the epidermis, and outside the city, there was a raging roar of wild animals.

Some of the weaker wild animals, such as the many evil mosquitoes on the top layer, are directly pierced by thorns and hung on the thorns.

Within the flock of wild animals, a powerful gold rush came out, the thick limbs, the solid leather did not fear the penetration of the thorns, led the wild beast, forcibly drowned the thorns, and rushed over.

Bubwini’s eyes flashed through a faint light, and his mouth screamed: “Wood fire, fire of heaven, give me a burn...”

The wild tide rushed over, a large number of vines drowned, and a large number of thorns drowned. In the violent screams of Bubwini, in the technique of the monks of the unicorn regiment, they violently burned up and rushed to the sky before the sky.

The flames vacated, the fire filled, and the tall city walls became a huge burial ground.

Bubwini glanced at Sun Hao.

In front of Sun Hao's attitude of fierce fire and silver Peng, in front of the sky, Bubwini admire.

But now, he still shows the means of not being weaker than Sun Hao, annihilating a large number of wild animals, but it is a bit of a test with Sun Hao.

A little different from Sun Hao’s time of fighting, at this moment, the wild beasts outside Chongtiancheng are blessed beasts, and there are still a lot of gold shortages.

Some gold shortages even have natural fire-fighting capabilities.

Bubwini’s fire did not ignite like the flames of Sun Hao’s spatter, and it was partially squandered by water to slow down the fire, and more wild animals with flaming flames were still timid. Rushed to Chongtiancheng.

The wild beast after the flames was not far from Chongtiancheng, and various attacks began to pour into the wall.

There are sour water, fireballs, poisonous thorns, and poisonous liquids...

There are also wild animals, bursting out with fierce screams, affecting the morale of the Chongtian Warriors.

Different wall heights have different battle scenarios.

But no matter which section of the city wall, it was instantly in a state of white heat, while the wild beast was killed in large numbers, the soldiers of the Chongtian City defending the city began to appear a lot of casualties.

Bubwini stood proudly at the top of the city wall, with words in his mouth, and his cane sticks for a long time, his eyes flashed, his mouth screamed: "Blasting meteor, give me a shot..."

Among the huge unicorns, a splendid brilliance broke out, and the unicorns of the forehead of the tiantian warriors illuminate, and the glaring brilliance forms a white ball of light, which stands above the head.

Bubwini gave me a shot.

The rattan sticks move forward, and in the middle of the screaming, a large piece of light ball rushes out from the unicorns, like a meteor-like rushing wild animal tide.

Like a thunder, the light ball smashed in the tide of the wild animal, and the explosion of the rumbling explosion broke out. Many wild animals were immediately blown up by huge explosions and flesh and blood.

A large number of blazing flames rushed out of the ball of light and screamed and burned.

The wild beast, which is weaker in strength, was instantly destroyed in the explosion.

The more powerful wild beast was also hit hard, and then many wild animals fell into the burning fire.

Among the huge explosions and the fierce burning flames, the only thing that can really hold back is the gold shortage. Some of the weaker silver shortages can't resist the double blow and were destroyed before Chongtiancheng.

Bubwini breathed a long breath and took a look at Sun Hao with a little pride.

Sun Hao gave him a thumbs up and a faint smile on his face. He whispered in his mouth: "The Pooh brother is powerful, and the powerful thunder fire compound spell is admired."

Bubwini laughed: "This is the talent of my heavenly family. Pooh is just taking advantage of his strength. It is a few magical spells of Shen Xiangxi, which really opened my eyes."

The Chongtian family has a unique angle. Sun Hao also knows that the unicorn should have some magical abilities. Now, this is one of them.

Smiled, Sun Hao said: "The sky is not the top ten people in the virtual ranking, with the power of silver, but also can not stop the sky, Achen, today, but really know what is called the darling of heaven and earth. ”

Bubwini laughed and laughed. "Agarwood, my tactics and the petrified rays of the Fengfeng snake are not able to be launched casually. Next, I am afraid that it is a real evil battle. You still need to work together to tide over the difficulties." ”

Sun Hao’s heart moved and smiled and said: “Vini brother, I don’t know if you can send a second-level intensity. You only need the spell of Ray attribute. Don’t attack the power too strong. The key is to form a large area with strong thunder attributes. If you can, Agarwood is a bit of a means to use it."

Bubwini’s eyes lit up and said loudly: “This is easy. My Unicorn Legion will have a Thunder attribute spell, Hao Hai Lei Guang. This spell is a wide range, with a wide attack surface, but with a slightly less lethal spell, Agarwood Do you really have a way to take advantage of the large-scale minefield that is formed in a short time?"

Sun Hao laughed happily: "Vini brother, it is him, you and I may wish to join hands in a battle, try our new combination." (To be continued.)

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