Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1567: Lei Peng Tianjian (4)

Even if the commander-level desert beast suddenly attacked, the Yinpeng team was still firmly steadily under the leadership of Sun Hao.

Bubwini screamed: "Okay."

Unwillingly, the leader-level evil mosquitoes were repulsed by the Shenxiang sword. They flew high and their bodies were very flexible. They escaped the silver net and thunder snakes. A pair of eyeballs that were as big as a bull's eye kept turning and ready to go.

But before it rushed out again, it was just the moment when the shock wave just dissipated.

Just above its head, it slammed and blasted.

A thunder, blasted on it accurately.

This is not a lightning snake in the silver net!

The leader-level evil mosquitoes quickly judged that this is a brand new lightning strike spell. The wings are flying fast and want to wake up from lightning strikes as soon as possible.

But its body, still unconstrained, stiffened in the air.

Under the wings, the stiff body is still moving fast.

Strong resilience should also allow it to escape in an instant, and there is not much fear in its heart.

But at this time, it suddenly heard the angry and anxious roar of the double-headed snake, a doubtful thought just flashed, a painful stomach, looked down, a white sword I have already pierced my big belly, which is filled with blood of various wild animals, and a lot of blood has emerged from my stomach.

I barely fanned my wings and found that after I inserted a sword on my stomach, I couldn’t move.

Sun Hao whispered in his mouth: "Vini brother, catch..."

Shen Xiangjian slammed into the air and rushed over with the leader-level evil mosquitoes.

Bubwini reacted instantly, and with a wave of his hands, all sorts of attacks rushed out toward the leader-level evil mosquitoes.

The defensive power is not outstanding. The evil mosquitoes, which rely on the speed and the strange needle toxins, are instantly submerged in the colorful light, and blasted in the air, turning into a **** rain.

In the sky city, Bubwini took the lead in eliminating the first commander-level wild beast.

Above the city walls, the monks at all levels burst into bursts of cheers, and the morale of the defending soldiers was greatly enhanced.

Bubwini, who made meritorious deeds in one fell swoop, could not help but lift his own rattan stick and screamed loudly.

The peak of the double-headed snake was a little embarrassed.

The entire team of wild animals stunned a little, especially many evil mosquitoes, and there was a buzz in the sky. The commanders were killed. These wild animals, who don’t understand fear, are a little red-eyed and want to rush over, if they have peaks. The control of the wild beast may have been advocating for a forward attack.

The peak of the double-headed snake stayed, and Lei Peng, who was with Sun Hao, briefly squatted in the air. At this time, the peak of the golden age caused a dog bite and nowhere to feel.

In other directions, the war has a lot of life, and the wild animals have a lot of power. In this direction, the wild animals are particularly damaged. In addition to the necessary auxiliary forces that follow them, a lot of gold shortages are poured into the Chongtian City. before.

At this point, it has already faced the shackles of insufficient strength. If you continue to send the wild animals behind you to attack, it is estimated that the ending is still the same. The thundercloud above the Terran Lei Peng battle is still condensed and not expected. How many dead to the beast?

The ordinary wild beast does not move.

In the past, the gold shortage was sent to death. It is also dangerous to lead the wild animals in the past!

The timing of his own hands-on has not yet arrived. The peak of the Golden Relief Committee stands in the distance of Yinpeng, and constantly spits his own snake letter, making a burst of unwilling screams.

Throughout the sky city, there is a battlefield of such a short confrontation. There are two places, that is, the direction in which the two heroes are located. The other directions, including the defense zone where the nine-star warrior is in the fire, are still in the middle of the war.

The wild beast is like a tide, it is not fast enough, and the battle will be glued.

At this moment, the warriors of all defensive faces, especially the few fighters who played very hard and fell into the direction of the seven-star warrior in the fierce battle, all raised a deep sigh.

Seeing people can't look at the appearance, some monks, you can't take common sense to evaluate.

Before the war, no fighter was optimistic about Sun Hao. No soldier believed that Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team could have more combat effectiveness.

But now, as the battle continues to deepen, the more the war, the more intense it is, the more the gap between them and Sun Hao is more obvious.

Sun Hao not only kills a huge number of wild animals, but also makes the wilderness have to stop.

Moreover, it was the first to kill the leader-level wild beast, shocking one side, even if it was the first hero Muge Day, it seems that he did not have the record of Sun Hao.

Of course, in the direction of Mugeri’s guarding, the leader-level wild beast would not dare to rush to the inside of the city, fearing that he would be shot directly by the penetrating force with strong penetrating power and strong ability to break the defense. Therefore, there was no command. The level record also makes sense.

But there is no doubt that the Jiuxing Warrior Brayfire was really compared to Sun Hao’s horror record.

Although the battlefield of Brayfire has achieved a lot of advantages, but there is a huge gap between the emptying of the wild animals, although the fire has been vigorously manifested, various major moves frequently appear, but unfortunately, he saw the radius of Sun Hao eight After Gray's hit, I can only sigh.

I have to be convinced, as a squadron warrior, actually in the Ray attribute spell, completely compared to Sun Hao, not convinced!

The two battlefields confronted each other, and the other four battlefields were in full swing.

The beasts were bound by the commanders and peaks, and did not arbitrarily send reinforcements to the two unfavorable battlefields. The two battlefields were not arbitrarily sent to the reinforcements in other directions.

Because of these two walls, the real wild beasts, the army led by the peaks and the commanding level of the wild beasts are watching, and the strongest blow can be erupted at any time.

It doesn't take long for confrontation, and there should be a special way to communicate at the peak level.

Almost at the same time, all the peaks and gold shortages, Qi Qi forwarded over, even those who are still struggling outside the wall, the peak of the golden waste has also attacked.

The peak of the golden age and the Qiqi attack can give the biggest pressure to Chongtiancheng at the same time, so that Chongtiancheng can't free up its hands to support each other.

On the rear wall of Sun Hao, Bubwini did not use Sun Hao to speak, raised the rattan stick in his hand, and threw two Haohai Leiguang in the front, thrown it under Lei Peng, forming a large sea of ​​light. .

Lei Peng's blue light shimmers and absorbs the light, constantly above his head, forming a huge, increasingly rich thundercloud.

The Fengfeng Committee spit out the snake letter with a snake, and the army of the wild beasts with black pressure behind them, with the wrong-level golden age hidden in the wild animal tide, pressed up.

The guards around the Fengfeng Snakes took the lead in launching a long-range strike against Tiancheng, but the focus of the attack was to circumvent the Yinpeng commanded by Sun Hao. The eyeballs were shot and quickly launched a petrochemical ray attack on all levels of the city wall. Some of the walls that have just been repaired after the war have been stripped off again.

There are also many soldiers who have fallen into the wall.

After a wave of shooting, the wild tide army really rushed forward.

The double-headed peak snake no longer covered up, twisted his body and rushed over to Lei Peng. Its body was on both sides, slightly below the body, and a large number of guardian nature animals kept a certain distance, with it, rushed Come up.

Lei Peng stopped in the air, from time to time in the thunderclouds, and suddenly waited, the unicorn regiment has begun to erupt, vines entangled, thorns and thorns, stopped in front of Chongtiancheng.

The wild beast was slightly blocked, and the conventional long-range strike was attacked.

But the wild beast that was attacked this time is really elite, the vines are good, the thorns are good, and they are all swayed. Bubwini’s fire attribute spells can also rely on the power of wood attribute spells, simply do not do it. Two endless, directly launched the explosion of meteors.

A thunder ball, pouring out to the front.

The peak of the double-headed snakes squeaked in the mouth of the snake, and the snakes, which were mixed among the millions of wild animals, marched forward and opened their mouths.

Before the explosion of the meteor, there was a surface wall in vain, hitting the thunderball, and bursting into a rumbling rumble.

The second release of the blasting meteor was not affected by the expected attack. The soil attribute spell of the snake was offset by most of the time, and the wild beast rushed up and fought against the defensive warriors on the wall.

At the top of the sky, a human head of the double-headed snake rushed forward, and the snake letter spit out from the mouth. The scarlet belt was generally rolled into the air.

Among the hundreds of millions of wild animals, the strong gold-clad snakes got the order. In the same time, when the snake letter spit out, a petrochemical ray broke out, forming a large piece of light film, closely following the snake letter to the thunder. Peng rushed over. (~^~)

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