Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1572: 1 battle 8 stars

The sinister sky is rising, the silver thunder is shocked, and the sound is full of nine heavens.

The sky is full of swords and feathers, and the five colors are now visible.

The Terran Sun Hao, outside the right camp, Xiao He reveals sharp corners, the achievements are enviable, people are puzzled, and the monks are not particularly understanding, not particularly optimistic about the Samsung hero.

When I first came to Chongtiancheng, it was just a reserve team.

A battle in the sky.

There is no vain in the virtual list.

The stepping stone is the peak of the golden age, the famous name, very difficult double-headed snake.

In the time of the ancient times, there was a wilderness, "Shan Hai Jing". Once there was such a record, people who could survive after seeing the snakes could dominate the world.

In the ancient ceremony "Zhuangzi". There are also records, saying that Qi Gonggong once saw the snake, and later became one of the ancient spring and autumn five fighters.

The name of the snake, under the illusion, can be described as rumbling.

However, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, outside the city, Hua Lei Peng, out of the sword, stepping on the snake, a battle to become famous, famous under the virtual family.

This war.

Lei Peng has evolved hundreds of millions of Thunder, intertwined into a network, killing countless beasts.

This war.

Tianjian is in the world and shows unparalleled power.

The snake came to attack, a sword, and broke its tail; the snake came again to attack, a sword, shaving three eyes; the snake wrath and the nest, commanding hundreds of millions of wild animals, attacking, attacking, attacking...

The sword of the sea, the swordsman's sword, the killing sword, the three shocking swords broke out together, and the five elements of swords and shadows merged into one, eventually turning into a cyan wood attribute huge sword.

The sky sword is empty, breaking everything and being strong and degenerate.

Cut off your double head!

The corpse is eight segments!

The Jinfeng double-headed snake was killed by a blow.

There is resistance, but there is no effect, I want to avoid, but I can't escape.

A blow, fallen under the sky.

With the disappearance, there are several major levels of gold that follow.

Before the Chongtian City, the billions of gold plagues were smashed by Tianjian, and most of them were destroyed. Before they were close to Yinpeng, the Thunder crashed down.

Lei Peng's large-scale killing mine attribute spells once again appeared.

A large expanse of wild animals fell before Lei Peng.

Above nine days, under the thundercloud, hundreds of millions of wild animals are flying over, Lei Peng silver is shining, blue light is flowing, below, Tianjian has broken the void and fallen.

The wild beast is like a straw, and it is annihilated in the thunderstorm.

The double-headed snakes, with their own fierce name, and the army of hundreds of millions of wild animals led by themselves, have made Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's peerless name.

When Lei Peng was in a peerless position, stepping on a broken snake head and floating in the air, the wild beast trembled, and Chongtiancheng cheered for it.

The pattern of the entire defensive war in Chongtiancheng has since changed.

Lei Peng won the battle and took the lead in leveling the wild beast in one direction of Chongtiancheng.

The peak was destroyed and the wild beast was slaughtered.

Sun Hao’s Yin Peng and Bubwini’s unicorn team were liberated.

In the Sky City, the monks who closely watched the entire battlefield, mobilized two strengths to take the lead in supporting the heroic Mug Day, which is not far from their defense area.

Yinpeng and the Unicorn Corps made a strong attack. Mugeri, which originally occupied a certain advantage, was supported and quickly gained a comprehensive advantage.

Mugeri took a heart and shot, killing the golden age of the peak, Yinpeng's power, a stroke of the sword, annihilated the core of the gold-level leader, the one-man army to stay, clear the wild animal that has gone.

The phantom team of Mugeri, Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team was liberated and brought together into a torrent that rushed over to other defensive points of Chongtiancheng.

The Phantom team has an unparalleled range of offensive capabilities.

The Yinpeng team was fierce and fierce.

There was a huge fighting effect. Every time I rushed to one place, the Phantom team sprinkled a wave of arrows and rain, and a large number of wild animals had no time to react. They have been shot and killed a lot.

The furious wild beast found the enemy. When the attack began, the Yinpeng team descended from the sky. It was impossible to say that the sword had collapsed and the thunder was covered.

There are so many wild animals, and they can’t help but slaughter.

The peak of the golden age, it has become the goal of Mu Ge Ri and Sun Hao.

Phantom of the gods and Lei Peng Tianjian all the way through.

Three of the six peaks of the golden age fell to the bottom of the wooden day, and two of them were fallen by Sun Hao’s sword. The last peak of the golden age actually overcome the instinct that the wild beast must attack the city. With the few remaining Guardian wild animals fleeing.

In the end, Mugge took advantage of a peak of gold shortage, but also surpassed the strong rise of Sun Hao.

However, in the city of Chongtian, all the soldiers, including Mugeri, know that the biggest hero in the battle of Chongtiancheng is actually Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

It was Sun Hao who took the lead in breaking the deadlock, laid the advantage of one side, and eventually expanded this advantage into a powerful victory, winning the victory of the entire city.

In the battle of Chongtiancheng, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang became famous.

The virtual list once again issued a report.

The war report did not use the first battle of Mu Ge Ri as the protagonist. Instead, it was based on Lei Peng Tian Jian, under the name of the illusion, and the title of the Eight Stars in the First World War, and grandly pushed the eight-star hero Sun Hao.

In this battle, Sun Hao’s exploits jumped from five stars to the apex of the eight stars, and he achieved an eight-star hero.

In fact, if Sun Hao’s military exploits were sealed in this position, maybe Sun Hao’s combat merit is enough to promote him to the nine-star warrior, and when the Samsung hero advances to the nine-star hero, he directly achieves the hero title, then that is, Sun Hao is actually a hero now.

After a series of judgments on the virtual list, the conditions for Sun Hao to achieve heroes are not mature.

Automatically set Sun Hao's combat skills at the peak of eight stars, and achieved an eight-star hero.

But it was Bubovini who fought side by side with Sun Hao, so he took advantage of a big bargain. This guy, because it was Sun Hao’s comrade-in-arms, Sun Hao’s extra spilled exploits were naturally accumulated on him by the virtual list.

Bubovini, who also made a lot of contributions in the battle of defending the city, crossed the eight stars in one fell swoop and directly achieved the nine-star warrior. He gave this kid a happy life, triumphantly, in the long-eared warrior, that has been with In contrast, after the war, he only upgraded to the front of the eight-star warrior.

The virtual list war, not the first hero, but highlights the eight-star hero Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

Many soldiers under the illusion could not understand, but after carefully reading the battle report and watching the passing of the Chongtiancheng war, the soldiers were silent.

Under the emptiness of the thousands of people, the top tens of thousands of arrogant people in the virtual list, Qi Qi shocked.

Lei Peng Tianjian, what kind of power is it?

A sword broke its tail.

A sword picks three eyes.

A sword smashed both ends.

A pinnacle snake, a huge stepping stone, will be highly uplifted by Sun Haosun.

The soldiers doubted Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, a monk who had just been robbed, how to do it, they can imagine, you can look up to Lei Peng Tianjian, the immortal legend of Chongtiancheng.

The entire city of Shoucheng City lasted for three months.

After all the sporadic wild animals have been cleaned up, Chongtiancheng celebrates the city.

The Chongtian people held a grand celebration ceremony.

The Yinpeng team, the eight-star hero Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, really became the focus of the ceremony, and also received a lot of substantial rewards.

The Yinpeng team obtained a small right to reside in Xianshan in Chongtiancheng.

Don't underestimate this small fairy mountain, enough to live more than half a million monks, all kinds of facilities inside, and directly built in the Chongtian City, you can directly become a transit station for the Terran to build a large transmission array.

Moreover, the Terran can also exchange some resources with the powerful and powerful races of this sacred mountain, and enter and exit some important places in Chongtiancheng. It can be said that with this small fairy mountain, the Terran has become a very important one. stronghold.

Of course, at present, this Xianshan is placed under Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team. If the Terran wants to be public, it must go through Sun Hao’s nod.

This is one of the most affordable rewards for the Terran.

The Yinpeng team's monks also received many practical rewards. Each of them received a chance to enter a high-level Xianshan warehouse in Chongtiancheng to pick up a treasure, or to cultivate resources. Each person rewarded 10,000 points of circulation in Chongtiancheng. The contribution rate rewards millions of versatile top grade Lingshi.

The shots of Chongtiancheng are extremely generous.

The reward for the Yinpeng team is to envy the other combat monks who have come to support.

Even the phantom shooting of Muge Day is slightly worse than Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team, not to mention other teams.

The highlight of the award is a reward for several team leaders.

Especially Sun Hao and Mugeri. (To be continued~^~)

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