Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1574: Use privilege

The condensed empty tower is the magic weapon of Sun Hao. There are many important people in the tower, and Sun Haoxiu must try to start the restart after he recovers.

I am afraid that there will be no reaction to the condensate tower. Since there is a need, then Sun Hao has to dig into these resources.

Chongtiancheng is not a big city, there are many strange resources that need to be condensed in the empty tower. After a few simple walks, Sun Hao went home and began to think of ways.

How can I do it quickly to earn Lingshi?

Also, how many times do you have the right to choose a few times and how to maximize your own interests?

Sun Hao feels that he needs to think hard and then decide.

Perhaps, Sun Hao needs to learn and learn first, look at some of the data of Chongtiancheng, and have a clearer understanding of the underlying resources.

The imaginary and vastness is incomparable, and the Lingtian Swordsman where Sun Hao is located is only the Terran Swordsman under the illusory side. It is really impossible for the imaginary information to be compared with the top ten rushing people.

Even in the middle-class Xianshan, Sun Hao has discovered a large number of unique cultivation resources from various ethnic groups, and there are many different kinds of spirits and refiners that Sun Hao does not know.

Compared with those who have lived for a long time and have lived for thousands of years, the accumulation of knowledge of Sun Hao is still not enough.

The foreign bodies in the body and the condensing towers are sensitive to resources. However, they can only instinctively judge the value of various cultivation resources, but they do not know their specific uses. Some of the spirits formed after refining are even more detached. Their induction.

More importantly, Sun Hao knows that if his knowledge is not accumulated enough and resources are not recognized, it is likely to cause many huge losses.

In the process of searching for resources, Sun Hao discovered a very peculiar phenomenon, that is, the resources that require the same intensity demand of the empty tower, and the transaction price often has a huge gap.

The reason is that things are rare and expensive.

Some things are not of low value, but they are easier to get, so they are not very precious.

Perhaps, there are some resources that are very valuable in Chongtiancheng. Instead, they are not worth the money in the Terran camp. Because of the different regions and different resource distributions, the value difference may be very large.

It is based on this kind of thinking that Sun Hao did not immediately choose to cultivate resources in the special treasure house of the Chongtian. Instead, he decided to use his privilege and enrich his knowledge reserve before deciding his own movements.

After talking about Rushan and Xiaoqing about their plans and getting strong support from them, Sun Hao proposed his first privilege to the Chongzu: "I hope to enter the Chongtian collection."

Unexpectedly, Sun Hao used the privilege so quickly, and he chose to study. The top executives of the Chongtian family were slightly surprised.

The commitment of the Chongzu people, the privilege of the Chongzu, is quite valuable. For the Terran, as long as it is used well, it may solve three huge crises, which may be the biggest barrier of the Terran.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hao used it once.

However, when the high-level cadres told the privilege that there should be a normal use of the law, Sun Hao nodded with a smile: "Well, Agarwood understands, but the first privilege of Aquilaria still chooses to study in the sacred place of the Tianzu. ”

The Chongtian also told Sun Hao that if Sun Hao used this privilege, he could go in and learn some non-protective classics, but those who need to contribute can borrow the same, but still need the corresponding contribution, and some higher classical contributions may Exceeding Sun Hao’s ability to withstand, unless Sun Hao uses the second privilege to get it down.

That is to say, Sun Hao is likely to learn in the collection of holy places, that is, some intellectual knowledge and other books, things that can be used for cultivation may not be particularly large, so use privilege, fear is A little waste.

Sun Hao carefully thought about his own needs. Undoubtedly, for Sun Hao, the biggest shortcoming is actually the knowledge reserve of the virtual world, and there are serious deficiencies. At present, Sun Hao needs the most, the most scarce, It is learning, so, almost no thinking, Sun Hao insisted on using his first privilege, entered the sacred place of the Chongtian, and learned more and more comprehensive knowledge.

Although the Terran is not the top 100 races, it has been brilliant since then. Moreover, the strongest ability of the Terran is actually the ability to learn. Therefore, the language used by the Terran, the language used by the Terran, is the virtual language of the virtual world. It is also the official language of the Chongtian people. After Sun Hao entered the holy place of the collection, there was no problem in learning.

Of course, it is certain that it is not accustomed to it. Because of the relationship between the body and the body, the collection of the celestial beings is relatively large. It is placed in front of Sun Hao, like a tall stone wall. The text inside has a fist size.

A whole tall and beautiful mountain, inside the various caves and buildings, divided into different categories, filled with collections, became a small spot in the sea of ​​books, began to learn in the Holy Land.

At this time, the tide of the next virtual battlefield is gradually coming to an end.

The Terran sent representatives to congratulate the great victory of the defensive war in Chongtiancheng. The Terran helped a lot, and the Chongzu was not stingy. After the negotiations, Chongtiancheng gave the people a peak of the golden age, and raised the status of the Terran in Chongtiancheng to the intermediate level.

That is to say, the Terran has acquired the right to build various trading facilities and build various important positions in the intermediate mountain of Chongtiancheng. Of course, how to obtain the construction site, the people themselves can find a way.

The great interests of Chongtiancheng have ignited the hearts of the high-ranking people of the Terran, and the leader of the Terran camp has brought people personally to negotiate with Sun Hao.

Lei Peng Xianshan is directly rewarded to Sun Hao and Yin Peng team. If the Terran wants to obtain the right to use, it must be approved by Sun Hao.

Sun Hao has also won three privileged privileges of the Tianzu people. This good use is also of vital importance to the future development of the Terran.

However, after the commanders came, they learned that Sun Hao had used a privilege and went to study in the holy place of the Chongtian City.

Suddenly, the leaders realized.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang wants to use the privilege, but they have no way to restrain it. Moreover, the commanders also clearly perceive that Chongtiancheng is very respectful to Yinpeng fighters and worships Sun Hao, but the attitude towards other Terran monks can be It’s arrogant.

Think about the identity of Sun Hao's eight-star hero.

Think about the great achievements of Sun Hao's guardianship of Chongtiancheng, spread it all over the world, and shake the actual combat power of the Wanzu. The Terran commanders instantly understand that if you want to empty the white wolf, take away these coveted rewards from Sun Hao. It may be that the resources prepared in front of the resources are much worse, and some of the high-sounding rhetoric or the big meaning of what is still less to say.

The Zhongying Grand Commander negotiated with the leaders for a long time, and after taking out a brand-new plan, he went to and found Sun Hao who was studying in the Holy Land. He simply explained the intentions of the Terran and hoped to get Sun Hao’s Allow and support.

Sun Hao listened carefully to the opinions of the leaders.

Generally speaking, it is two large blocks. One of them is the development and development of Lei Peng Xianshan. The Terran hopes that Sun Hao can give up the leading power and hand it over to the elites of the Terran. As compensation, Sun Hao automatically Obtain the right to invoke ordinary cultivation resources in the battlefield of the human race, and the personal use rights of rare resources.

When the Terran is developed, it will retain the name of Lei Peng Xianshan and build the sculpture of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang to commemorate Sun Hao's fighting achievements. At the same time, the Terran will automatically assume the construction task of the Yinpeng team in Lei Peng Xianshan.

Sun Hao gradually understood the meaning and intention of the upper class.

Strictly speaking, in exchange for Lei Peng Xianshan, the upper class of the Terran has not much compensation for Sun Hao personally. Those who call the resources, Sun Hao is an eight-star hero, and it has its own, the use of rare resources, the same reason, to Sun Hao The record, the management of the human resources, rare resources, who dare to say no word.

These conditions can not impress Sun Hao.

In fact, if Sun Hao only wants to be a landlord in the next vain, then Lei Peng Xianshan can not let, Sun Hao can fully develop on his own.

However, Sun Hao feels that the development of Lei Peng Xianshan must not be as fast as the development of the human race.

Therefore, after a little thought, Sun Hao proposed two amendments: "Opinion 1, the Yinpeng team accounted for not less than a quarter of Xianshan; opinion 2, planning and building a stronghold for Ling Tianjian to use."

The top of the Terran sighed with relief. Sun Hao’s opinion was not harsh, and even gave up huge benefits. After agreeing to Sun Hao’s request, the Terran mentioned the two privileges left by Sun Hao. (To be continued~^~)

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