Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1577: Alchemy makes money

No one gave Alu the answer. [_]suimеng.

The holy mountain is quiet.

Sun Hao returned to Lei Peng Xianshan, saw the ecstatic Xiaoqing as snow, and also took Xiaoqing a few laps. He also met the main members of the Yinpeng team and explained some things. Qinghe went to the high mountain of Xianshan to find a useful cultivation resource for himself. At the same time, Sun Hao also started the study.

The leader of the Terran presiding over the construction of Lei Peng Xianshan brought a list of the resources of the Terran to Sun Hao, and some resources for exchange, and also brought the vowels of the ancestors.

The voice of the ancestors is very simple, let Sun Hao seriously consider the transfer of privilege, there is no insistence in the voice, just tell Sun Hao not to rush to use privilege, have something to discuss, if you need to exchange privileges for rare resources, Also ask Sun Hao to give priority to his own family, and this family will find ways to exchange resources.

Sun Hao did not make any promises and just said: "I know."

If the upper echelon of the Terran is this attitude, Sun Hao can not worry about it last time. After all, he is also a part of the Terran. It is necessary to give priority to the family.

With Xiaoqing and Ruxue, flying to the high-level Xianshan area, Sun Hao began to trade in various trading markets in Xianshan.

Although Sun Hao has an unparalleled reputation in Chongtiancheng, he has the right to freely enter and exit the higher Xianshan. However, there are not many monks who know Sunhao in the whole Chongtian City.

Therefore, the appearance of several Terran monks in the high-level areas has not attracted the attention of monks in various trading areas. Recently, the construction of the Terran has indeed been done by some monks entering the advanced areas through some doorways to purchase resources.

Moreover, after all, the Terran is just a little bit of strength, relying on the aristocratic talent to obtain a certain status of the small family, the purchasing power is limited, several ethnic monks are really not the focus of high-level Xianshan business.

Sun Hao himself does not want to act with high-profile, take two women around to take a look, easily understand some resource market, and quietly, from the various Xianshan, acquired some Lingcao elixir for their next move start preparing.

Sun Haozhen in the alchemy summary, turned to a kind of very likely to only refine, has a lot of value, and the main medicine is the crystallization of wild animals, they also have a lot of reserves of the spirit, maybe, after refining Really can get a lot of Lingshi.

On Lange Island, Sun Hao laid the foundation of his own Shen Xiangjian's peerless roots and laid a solid foundation for his own display of Tianjian. The key point is Sun Hao's own refining of the Golden Pills, which raises Jin Dan.

The two kinds of spirits are mainly aimed at the Terran Swordsmen, and refining and refining is quite difficult. Although the value is very high, the market in Chongtian City is not estimated to be very large.

Therefore, Sun Hao did not intend to refine the two kinds of spirits to earn Lingshi.

In the alchemy summary, there is a lot of races, including the spirits that can be used by the celestial beings. The golden rains and rains are also a kind of spirituality that requires the gold crystallization to be the main medicine refining. Energy, so that the difficulty of refining this kind of spirit is comparable to that of Jintai Pills. It is estimated that there will not be too many people who can refine.

Jin Danyu Lin Dan's medicinal effect is also very attractive, quickly improve the monk's refining and repairing, and can use the energy of the golden waste as a hammer to polish the monk's real yuan, so that the monk's foundation is more solid.

Can improve the repair, can consolidate the real yuan.

Sun Hao thinks that the value of this spirit should not be low.

Judging from the records of the Chongtian tribe, similar Lingdan can sell a lot of price in Chongtiancheng.

From the high-level Xianshan trading market, Sun Hao quietly acquired a lot of refining drugs from Jinhuangyu Lindan.

And Sun Hao’s hand, the current gold shortage is crystallized, and there are two crystals of the peak of the golden age.

Under the imaginary rule, in the battle of defending the city, the wild beast that was strongly killed by the soldiers, most of its resources are owned by the soldiers. Sun Hao killed the Quartet in the battle of Chongtiancheng, the wild animal resources in the hands of the single wheel, but Quite a lot.

Chongtiancheng did not treat Sun Hao badly. Apart from a peak of the golden age, he left the hand to reward the human race. Other resources, including the heart of the double-headed snake, were sent to Sun Hao, and there were a considerable number of them. Ordinary gold crystallization, silver crystallization.

If Sun Hao really exchanges these crystallizations, it is estimated that it is enough to exchange a few spiritual veins.

Of course, if you can process one or two and refine it into a panther, the value should be able to double.

The low-level crystallization has been handed over to the small housekeeper Xiaoqing to deal with it. The senior crystal Sun Hao stayed and prepared to use it for alchemy.

Rain Lin Dan is a series, the name is different according to the crystals of the wild animals used. There are gold rain forest Lin Dan, silver rain forest Lin Dan...

Different Yulin Dan's monk grades are also different.

In addition to the Yulindan series, Sun Hao also selected two other kinds of spirits, and also acquired some elixir, ready to refine some to see if there is a market.

A glimpse of Leiyuan Dan is a kind of spirituality that can enhance the power of Ray's attributes. This is Sun Hao's deliberate choice, aiming at the spirit of the celestial being.

The unicorn of the Chongtian can display the thunder attribute spells, and Leiyuandan may have some markets.

However, because there is no similar spirit for comparison, the source of Leiyuan Dan purchased by Sun Hao is not many, less than ten.

A sacred bone, a kind of peculiar use of the clavicle in the brain.

In the illusion, there are many people in the world, and the shape of the people has a huge difference. There are huge differences in height, body shape and shape. However, among the virtual world, there is a common understanding that the legs are upright. Race, when practicing, has a huge advantage.

Moreover, whether or not we can speak and whether we can enlighten ourselves is the most important criterion for progress of all ethnic groups.

Among the thousands of ethnic groups, the young bodies of many races need to undergo painstaking cultivation before they gradually gain the ability to speak and gradually open their minds. Before that, there was no better than the wild animals.

The most obvious of these is the Yaozu.

The demon family is basically the same as the ordinary beast, which is very unfavorable to the development of the Yaozu.

Under the illusion, after the development, there are also many ways to improve this state, that is, the corresponding corresponding Ling Dan came into being.

Hua Bing Dan is one of them.

Sun Hao refining the bones of Dan, is hoping to meet the militant monks who need to be trained by the younger disciples, then, at that time, it may be worth the money.

I chose three kinds of panacea, spent a month, with a small snowy blue, and visited more than 20 high-level Xianshan, spending a lot of Lingshi, Sun Hao purchased enough elixir, and went home.

At this time, the Yinpeng team has, in accordance with Sun Hao’s instructions, built a place for water refining and a normal alchemy room and refining room in the core area where it is stationed.

Let Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing personally organize their own defense forces, and Sun Hao plunged into the alchemy.

The three levels of the spirit are not low, and the methods of refining are also different. Sun Hao needs a lot of time for alchemy.

The first refining is the silver rain forest Lin Dan.

Because of the foundation of the golden pill, and the biggest refining difficulty of this kind of panda is precisely that it cannot be rectified by fire. The secondary difficulty is that the energy balance is difficult to grasp, and the two aspects of Sun Hao are not low. Refining did not meet much difficulty.

After the silver rain forest was formed by Lin Dan, after the continuous refining of ten furnaces of silver and rain, Lin Hao made a sigh of relief and refining ten golden rains.

The silver rainy rain Lin Dan ten furnace into nine furnaces, Dan Dan twenty-seven, one furnace three.

Jinhuangyu Lin Dan ten furnaces into seven furnaces, twelve Dan, the difference in the rate of Chengdan, there is also the phenomenon of incomplete Dan, but fortunately the quality of Chengdan is not bad, twelve gold rain forest Lin Dan Among them, there are five top grades and four middle grades.

Did not continue to refine Yulin Dan, Sun Hao will turn the direction, began to refine the source of water with refining Danyuan Dan ~ ~ let Sun Hao is unexpected, Lei Yuandan's refining is beyond ordinary Difficult, even if there is water to make alchemy, even if Sun Hao has a variety of auxiliary methods, but the first three furnaces Leiyuan Dan without exception, all bombing.

The huge explosion, the shield of the alchemy area trembled constantly.

It was shocked by Xiaoqing and Xuexue, but when they saw the horrible hair and the singularity of Sun Hao, they could not help but laugh.

The biggest difficulty of Lei Yuandan is that the lightning property is too unstable, too violent, and it will explode if it does not come.

Even if Sun Hao has the magical method of assisting Lei Lei, it is inevitable that there will be a phenomenon of bombing.

As a result, the ten deputy Leiyuan Dan refining materials, Sun Hao only refining three pairs, only got five brilliant, the success rate is so low that Sun Hao is at a loss.

The five elixir's elixir spent a total of more than one hundred thousand top grades of Sun Hao, a spirit of the sale of 200,000 top grade Lingshi to basically protect this!

This broken Dan is really a big loss.

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