Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1578: Big auction house

Fortunately, Sun Hao's alchemy technique is quite powerful. As long as Cheng Dan, the grades are not bad. Among the five Leiyuan Dan, Sun Hao got two top grades and three middle grades.

Put away five Lei Yuandan who may be losing money. Sun Hao shook his head and began to refine the last kind of Ling Dan and Hua Dan.

Among the three kinds of spirits, the level of Hua Bing Dan is the highest.

The refining method is also the most orthodox method of fire refining.

The biggest difficulty in refining the bones is that it must have enough firepower and a strong balance of liquid and liquid.

Sun Hao small flames reminder, the most difficult point of the bones of the bones to solve the problem, easy to get, the balance ability itself is the strength, the original, the highest level of the three Ling Dan Ling Dan, Sun Hao get a furnace, one go.

Sure enough, what is often a big gap between practice and theory.

Originally thought that Lei Yuandan was the easiest, but who knows that it turned out to be the hardest.

The original bone dan, which was originally thought to be the most difficult to refine, was easily settled. Ten furnaces were made into bones, and Sun Hao was trained into nine furnaces, and nine spirits were obtained. Only one furnace was scrapped.

There is only one out of the bones of the bones, and if the value is not high, Sun Hao also has to lose money.

Among the three kinds of spirits, Sun Hao has only used it. It is only Jin Luyu Lin Dan who has experienced similar drug effects. With Sun Hao’s personal experience, this kind of pan-dan market must be weak, and he should be sure to make a profit. .

And Lei Yuandan and Huagu Dan, Sun Hao in the data of Chongtiancheng, did not touch these two kinds of spirits, it is likely to be the ancient Danfang, when the price can be sold, it is only God knows.

Refining the good spirit, Sun Hao began to think about how he should get rid of it.

It is not a good idea to sell to the high-end area. Sun Hao does not have the kind of leisure and time. When he wants to think about it, Sun Hao has given Bubwini a transcription.

Bubwini lived in the middle of the high mountain. After receiving the voice of Sun Hao, he rushed over at the first time. The two men fought side by side. After the meeting, the friendship was very casual.

Sun Hao did not know the value of the three kinds of spirits, and he did not easily come out. He was afraid of ridiculous and generous. Instead, he directly submitted to Bubwini a request to participate in the Chongtian City auction conference.

Bubwini was promoted to the nine-star warrior, and his position in Chongtiancheng was very high. In addition, he was doing things for Sun Hao. However, he did not really encounter too many difficulties. After three days, he made a note, saying that it was already with the auction. The conference said that there will be an auction tomorrow and Sun Hao will be invited as a VIP.

Bubwini’s work is very hard.

Sun Hao originally meant to be able to participate in the high-level Xianshan, the auction of the Chongtian family, but Bubwini directly brought Sun Hao to the real core area of ​​the Chongtian, a huge specific fairy mountain.

Participating is also a large-scale auction of the Tianzu once a month.

When Sun Hao arrived at the auction site, he was not shocked by the huge scale of the auction.

The entire Xianshan Mountain is actually a large auction house.

Sun Hao saw this auction site for the first time, so I never expected the auction site to be built like this.

A high platform covering a few acres in size is suspended above the height of the middle of Xianshan. Bubwini introduced Sun Hao to the auction house.

Under the Xianshan Mountain, there are more than ten different seating areas around the auction floor. These seating areas are even more eye-opening for Sun Hao.

Bubovini’s area with Sun Hao’s arrival should be the auction seating area of ​​the Chongzu native monks. The tall, white seats are lined up in a row, from the bottom of a mountain, obliquely upwards, evenly and neatly arranged.

This seat, Bubwini sat down just right, Da Ma Jindao, showing his mighty majestic, but Sun Hao and Xiao Qing, such as the snow three sitting in a seat, still looks very spacious.

Sitting in this tall seat, Sun Hao three became a small point.

Next to the exclusive area of ​​the Chongzu, it is another big mountain. To be precise, it is a big tree, a big tree branch, a lot of hidden seats, a top, some long ears, and others. Races that are used to activities in the forest are looming.

These two areas are fairly normal.

There is an area, it is a big fire, and there are huge red stones floating in the magma.

There is an area, a vast ocean, and a small island rushed up.

There is also an area, which covers half of the entire auction site, but the seats are quite rare...

If it wasn't for Bubwini's leadership, Sun Hao wouldn't have thought of it. This strange and extraordinary Xianshan is the auction house of the Chongtian people.

Sun Hao and Bubwini came relatively early. After coming, there was a rushing woman who flew over, greeted respectfully, and smiled and asked Sun Hao and Bubwini if ​​there were any items that needed to be auctioned.

Bubwini said no, Sun Hao thought for a moment, throwing out a silver rain forest Lin Dan, a bone bone Dan, let the female repair to the appraiser to see if it can be included in the auction list.

Originally just a courtesy inquiry, the tall female repair did not expect that this tribe did not really take out the auction items of the temporary participation, slightly stunned, and took two jade bottles with a smile, very politely said: "Two adults please Later, Hehrar went back and went back."

The master of the Chongtian identification saw two jade bottles. The first reaction was: "Hey, the meaning of the Terran, the pandans are small, the second sister, give me some caution, although perhaps this kind of spirit is not worthwhile, but, broken It’s hard to explain..."

While talking, pick up the jade bottle.

Considering that these two kinds of spirits are relatively rare, Sun Hao has carefully marked the jade bottle and made detailed comments on the name and medicinal properties of Ling Dan.

Sun Hao also wants to see if these two kinds of Ling Dan are eligible for the auction. If there is, then Sun Hao will have to talk to the auction house.

Silver rain rain Lin Dan? The rain Lin Dan series actually exists?

The appraisal master saw the first bottle of Ling Dan, his expression was strange now, he observed it for a while, and tested it with a special method. His eyes flashed and his mouth said: "It is still a top grade silver rain, Lin Dan, finished. Fully utilizing the crystallization energy of the silver wild beast, it can increase the strength, and it can be condensed and cultivated. Although it is only silver and dan, but the value is also very high, the second sister, this sect, we will pick up..."

Hehrar smiled and said: "I have already registered."

Bone bone?

Can it be simultaneously converted into transverse bone and clavicle? Zhongpin Lingdan?

The appraisal master stared blankly at the mark of Ling Dan. After half a ring, he reacted. Is this medicinal drug actually there? Isn't this more precious than Kai Ling Dan and Qi Yu Dan?

Hehrar waited for a long time, and when he didn't see his brother, he couldn't help but ask: "How about the second panacea?"

The appraisal master instinctively said his thoughts: "Human bones are not suitable for auction today..."

Hehrar hand stretched out: " Then you give it to me, return it is, the unqualified auction item..."

When I didn’t finish it, the appraisal master’s eyes said: “What is not qualified, this Lingdan is too qualified. Today’s auction is not enough, it’s a bit hasty. This kind of spirit needs to inform the old guys in advance to shoot. Better price."

Hehrar smashed, picked up a booklet and flipped it a few times. He said in his mouth: "Today's Yaozu seems to have come a few, and the strength is not weak. It should be considered good."

The appraisal master Hehmani opened the jade bottle and said in his mouth: "Well, I will first identify and identify..."

After half a ring, Hehmani’s face was very weird and said: “Second sister, who is still a Terran guest? Who brought it?”

"It was brought by Bubwini." Hehrar waved a hand on the table and appeared a huge crystal ball. After a few rotations, he found Bubwini. At one point, Sun Hao’s face began to zoom in quickly.

Hehmanihaha laughed: "Second sister, second sister, you don't often say that you are the most admired warrior, is Sun Haosun agarwood? Hahaha, today, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is standing in front of you, you actually have not I can recognize it, hahaha, I didn’t expect it, Sun Haosun Shen Xiang is still a rare alchemy master, rare rare..."

Hehrar slammed his eyes sharply, and a pair of beautiful big eyes looked straight at Sun Hao on the crystal, showing a look of admiration: "I said this little is why it looks so handsome, looks so tall, it turns out that he It’s my idol, yeah, it’s really amazing, brother, how do you see that he is the master of alchemy?”

In the hands of the jade bottle, Hehmani said with a smile: "This extraordinary value of the bones is made in a week, and the fire has not faded yet..." (To be continued.)

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