Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1585: Physical transaction

Exceeding the auction price of Sun Hao's achievements, and there are still many competitors.

Sun Hao knows that he may have overlooked some hidden attributes of Lei Yuandan. Otherwise, the price of this Lingdan auction cannot be so high.

Thinking about the difficulty of Lei Yuandan's refining system, Sun Hao slowly realized his heart.

It turns out that among the three kinds of spirits, the most valuable spirit is precisely the most difficult spirit of refining!

Sun Hao also has a few Lei Yuan Dan, and two of them are top grades.

I don't know what kind of price can I shoot at Leiyuan Dan?

Sun Hao looked at the tall stone bench, a little restless Bubovini, and he understood it in his heart, or his friend, may be nervous about the auction of Lei Yuandan, and his patriarch may still be Not on the road!

Slowly, Sun Hao’s face showed a smile.

People respect me a foot, I will return a man.

Bubwini helped Sun Hao at a crucial moment, and Sun Hao did not mind helping his friends at critical moments.

Anyway, for Sun Hao, Lei Yuandan's cost is actually not very high.

At that time, Bubwini prepared a few elixir and helped him to refine some.

A Lei Yuan Dan, let Sun Hao completely let go.

Although the spiritual pulse is rare, but for Sun Hao, it may not be too big a problem.

Then, what Sun Hao needs is to refine enough panacea before returning to the Terran camp, in exchange for enough resources, to collect resources as much as possible, and then to enter the next stage of cultivation.

In the end, Lei Yuandan was swayed by a tall man with a high price of five million spirits, but the old monk was photographed.

Nine lines of spirit, that is truly absolute high price.

If Lei Haodan, who is in the hands of Sun Hao, can auction at such a high price, Sun Hao can become a monopoly in an instant.

However, Sun Hao knows that the so-called thing is rare, if he continues to throw Lei Yuandan, it is estimated that the price of several Leiyuan Dan will not be so high.

Ask Bubwini to help, come to the auction, it is really the right way.

Today, Sun Hao can be described as a very rewarding harvest, photographed the branches of his own urgent need, but also a large surplus.

The Ling Dan auctioned out is only a small part of the spirit of Sun Hao's refining.

Alchemy, it really is a promising future! Sun Hao took Xiao Qing’s big hand, full of strength, bright prospects and a good mood.

Chongtiancheng is one of the famous big cities in the world. Many important cities and towns have exchanges.

Sun Hao has a firm foothold in the auction site of Chongtiancheng. Afterwards, he will not really worry about the cultivation resources.

The auction meeting held at the regular auction site is over.

However, the entire auction was not completely completed. Bralayan said: "You, all the friends, the official auction of this auction has been completed, the following stage enters the second stage, free trade, the auction site has prepared 50 bamboo sticks, everyone Interested Taoist friends please sign the lottery, follow the order of the lottery, go to the trading, you friends, please..."

After that, he waved his wrist and threw a bamboo stick into the air and turned slightly.

A monk with a trading intention, and a monk with some strength, began to take a bamboo stick.

There were quite a few monks at the auction, and the races added up to at least 30,000 monks. After the appearance of 50 bamboo sticks, the competition was naturally fierce.

In the sky, all kinds of light flashed, many self-sustaining strengths are not weak, and monks with special trading objects have made great efforts to fight for 50 bamboo sticks.

Sun Hao also wanted to win a bamboo stick, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

The main reason is that Sun Hao does not know what resources he needs and does not have a clear transaction target.

The Miu Ningkong Tower did not give Sun Hao a list of resources that need to be traded. Sun Hao can only passively feel the changes in the demand of the condensate tower and feel the changes of several foreign bodies within the body to determine his intention. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to seize the bamboo stick.

Besides, Sun Hao’s participation in such an auction conference for the first time really didn’t want to be too obvious.

Tea martial arts, fifty bamboo sticks were robbed.

Sun Hao found that the Bubwini family, the wind and fire ran over, and eventually failed to win the old man of Lei Yuandan, and also grabbed a bamboo stick in hand.

After the allocation of the bamboo stick, Brala said with a smile: "Before the free trade, this auction site specially stated that the transaction is a voluntary visit by all the friends. The auction site does not bear any responsibility. The transaction is good or bad. Eyesight, of course, there is a need for the appraisal service of the Taoist friends in the auction site, you can refer to the standard of our Chongtian identification, below, please pick up the first friend of the sign."

In the middle of the forest, a dwarf squats up. The dwarf's long beard, a big rosacea nose, standing in front of the high-profiled Brah, is a small little can't be small, but looks at his body limbs seriously. However, it can be found that although the dwarf is short, but the muscles are developed, the hair must be flying, and it seems that Kong Wu is powerful.

The body rises, the dwarf is short, but the sound is very bright: "This black iron Stade, there are three refiners, want to exchange for more than six grades, all kinds of rare refining materials, interested people."

On the one hand, he had an axe floating in front of him: "This is a strong mountain axe, there are thousands of squats, an axe can be broken mountains, a six-level magic weapon, there are suitable refiners, you can exchange..."

The level of the virtual refiner is distinct, from the instrument to the spirit, to the magic weapon, but when the magic weapon appears, it is automatically three levels, and the corresponding is also the Golden Dan period.

Therefore, in theory, the six-level magic weapon, the most suitable is the use of monks during the robbery period.

Black Iron Stade was able to take out the six-level magic weapon used by the monks in the robbery period. It can be seen that his level of refining is real.

So far, this is also the highest grade refiner master that Sun Hao met.

The strong mountain axe is not suitable for Sun Hao, and it is easy to wait and see.

The biggest characteristic of the Terran Swordsman is that the life-threatening treasure is mostly Feijian, and it is the flying sword that the sword pill has been cultivated since the low-level period. Therefore, there is little demand for the magic weapon.

Since Black Iron Stade has come up with this magic weapon, it is natural to study the auction. The axe throws away in the air and rises in the wind. It instantly turns into a cold light, murderous, huge huge axe with no friends, black iron. Stoudeme waved, the axe fell into the palm of his hand, and turned into a small axe that fits extremely well with his body: "The strong axe can be based on the shape of the monk, the shape of the change, absolutely sincere, but the strength is not enough, the strength is not Strong, use with caution."

This axe can actually become bigger and smaller. Suddenly, many monks are excited, especially those big men of the Taihu giants, who have heard of Black Tistad and sought exchange.

In the end, a giant threw a storage bag and replaced the first magical axe of the black iron Stade.

The second auction item, a big hammer: "The giant spirit breaks the hammer, it is also a six-level magic weapon. The seabed is a mysterious iron. It is made with my black iron secrets. The biggest feature is that it can be Within the limits, according to the strength of the monk, the right weight is reflected..."

The second transaction auction of Stoudeme made Sun Hao shine.

With the growth of Sun Haoxiu, the power is getting bigger and bigger. For a long time, there is not a suitable hammer in the hand. If you can exchange this big hammer, there is no doubt that your thirty-six road cold forging. Hammer, perhaps better able to exert its power.

However, Sun Hao regretted to find that he did not really have the right six-grade refining materials in exchange for this large hammer.

Sun Hao’s flight time is still short, but for more than a hundred years.

Moreover, the main area of ​​the activity is the Zhangzhou and the Lower Virtual Battlefield. There is no place to look for resources. Apart from the battlefield, there are not many things worthwhile at hand.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao still said in the past: "Master Stadt, if you want to take Lingbao or Lingmai to buy this magic How is the price?"

Stoudem really came back: "Get the four spirits and the hammer is yours."

Four spirits! This price is really dark enough.

Sun Hao passed the past: "How about three?"

Stade did not hear back.

Sun Hao touched his nose, very speechless. He really wanted to refine himself in the future, but after thinking about it, he really couldn’t necessarily refine the hammer that was so useful. Moreover, if he refining himself, he still needs to In a short time, the giants broke the army hammer. For Sun Hao, accurate positioning is a rare refining tool. It is used well, and later it is a big hammer to make money.

Although the price is a bit black, the necessary investment is still necessary. Sun Hao made up his mind and sent a message to Hechlar: "Sister Lar, can you give four incense to the agarwood first, I want to take this hammer."

Hehrar conveyed: "The needs of the guests are the needs of my auction house. Agarwood is relieved. I will replace this hammer and deduct your four spirits. After the auction is completed, I will deliver it together..." Continued.)

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