Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1594: Advance into the sword

The mountain demon king is really the mountain demon king.

Looking at the air, I still smiled, but the actual murder was not blinking, and the tens of thousands of monks were pinched, and the young monks of Yushui City were photographed. The fears of the Ji family soldiers rushed into the bones at the same time, and they looked at each other. I can't help but think of the fear and awe of the elders who talk about the mountain demon.

Indeed, the same feelings of the present, they are in the heart.

Fear and awe.

But in fact, right away, the soldiers know that this is just the beginning.

Jiang family, family, family... five families, usually high, always looking for Ji family trouble, the family who did not put the Ji family warriors in the eyes, suffered the same fate as the Lang family.

When Ji Lao Taijun points out a family, the giant palm will change direction.

The family who occupied the stronghold in Dongji Mountain City, the soldiers in the strongholds were sucked into the sky by the giant palms, and the blood was thrown into the Linji River.

The family pools of these families, without exception, were wiped from the ground by the giant palms descending from the sky.

Even if there are two or three old gods in the city, they will not help.

The giant palms are falling, the power is unparalleled, and the palms are shot down, and the dogs are not left.

Really erased.

Above the sky, Lao Taijun’s eyes are a bit straight.

After a bad breath in my heart, I couldn’t bear it. I said in my mouth: "Hill, is this too embarrassing!"

Sun Hao smiled and did not speak.

Ji Yuliu is on the side, cold and cold said: "Taijun, don't be soft, you should kill, one can't stay."

Ji Yuzui said: "Well, Taijun, you should not be embarrassed. Above the battlefield, a sword on the hill, destroying the enemy, how many people, nothing, the hills are cut hard and effortless..."

The voices of several monks in the Ji family are not small. The whole Dongji Mountain City is clear in the ears. A large number of Ji family warriors have been slamming in the air. They are always respectful to the Sun Hao in the air, even Ji Jihe. The new generation of the Ji family he taught is no exception.

And those families or forces that oppose the Ji family have already been frightened in an instant. Many places have also flew up monks, and they are screaming at the old lady of Ji, and shouted in his mouth: "Old Taijun, we are not Interested in the account, we are only being held hostage, do not dare to pay the fees with the Ji family, but also please Taijun to see ..."

They can understand it. It is better to ask for the **** than to seek the king.

As long as the monarch does not name, killing God will not kill, if Taijun accidentally ordered the name of his family, it would be miserable.

Ji Laotai sighed and whispered to Sun Hao: "Well, hill, this is enough for them to remember deeply, just like this."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Well, then according to the old lady's meaning, but, Laotaijun, you have not pointed out to me who the mastermind is, others can be bypassed, and the mastermind must be severely punished."

The old Taijun hesitated and said: "That is the main family of the Ji family. Although they are not righteous, we can't be too much. After all, it is a blood."

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, the hill understands, but even if he is the master of the family, he must bear the corresponding consequences."

After talking to the old Taijun, Sun Hao’s cold voice spread throughout the city of Dongji Mountain and the surrounding land: “Within three days, a thousand miles, all the families, the highest elders, the family patriarchs Come to the East Jishan City to hear the fall, the home of the Ji family, repaired to the highest, self-discrimination, if not, erase it..."

The fierce killing spirit is shrouded in the land of thousands of miles. The monks and mortals are all shaking with their legs, and their hearts are full of fear, just like the end of the day.

Although the Linji River did not appear as the kind of corpse that the 绗 绗 绗 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮 浮

The peerless **** is the world's east Jishan City.

The first reaction of the family involved was to quickly ask for help from Ling Tianjian. Unfortunately, their backstage swordsman listened to the situation and asked the monks to look like they were stunned. They gave them only one sentence: Hey, wait and see, or you can't save you!"

However, Ling Tianjian, who has two family members, quickly rushed back through the transmission array.

After returning, I said nothing, took the owner, and ran directly to Dongji Mountain City. Like other family monks, I waited for them to fall and see their expressions. They were even more tremble than the ancestors of other families.

All the families, instantly understand that they have provoked people who should not be provoked, committed the mistakes that should not be made, the only way, may be to hope that the peerless **** can be merciful.

Sun Hao did not intend to stay in Dongji Mountain City for a long time, so the shot is Thunder.

A family that is cheaper than Dong Ji, it is automatically doubled back.

The two family leaders who were slightly dissenting were directly killed on the spot.

The family of the family of Ji’s family took the body of the elders of the family, and came to the battle to come and go. Sun Hao’s big hand picked up the ancestors of Ji’s family, together with the ancestral mountain, and announced that Dong Ji was the main home. The other Ji family must come to worship the Ji family ancestors every ten years. Finally, the old Taijun will be given a high price compensation condition, so that the original Ji family can pay for it.

The original Ji Jiaben’s family had a lot of troubles. Although there were complaints, it was not as good as people, and they could only choke the bitter fruit.

After returning to his home, the corpse of Jijia’s elders died and resurrected. When the head of the family gnawed his teeth and said that he would report this **** sea vengeance, the elders of the elders directly paid for his family’s position and organized the important figures of the family to choose the trusting family, and frankly: "I can live, thanks to the apathy of the adults. In the future, I will be the master of the family.

There is a veteran Nono said that it is a bit unreasonable to give up the banner of this family. The elders are too embarrassed to say: "Ji Jiazu, I am also the old man I snatched back, I can’t beat it now, you have the ability to grab it, then say However, my Daji family has such a big backing, you don’t know how to rely on it, but you’re still stupid and guilty. I’m really convinced, how to raise your idiots...”

The master of Jijia suddenly realized that he nodded and admitted that the elders were too far-sighted and high-rise.

After the boss for a while, the elders of the elders wiped the cold sweat on their heads and sat down in their chairs. They said a little out of disdain: "Mother's, but you know each other, just the **** of killing is always staring at us, if you are The point of view has never changed, and now it has become like him..."

Following the fingers of the elders of the elders, everyone saw that the original owner who had just been dismissed, who had not been convinced, had been unknowingly crushed by the celestial cover and fell on the spot.

The scene was dead.

After processing the Ji family, he stayed in the Ji family for a few days, leaving some special resources and inheritance. Sun Hao took the four women to step into the transmission array and returned to Ling Tianjian.

After finding Ling Tianjian, talking about his own cultivation progress, and soliciting the opinions of Ling Tianjian, Sun Hao said his own cultivation plan: "Master, my unparalleled sword bone cultivation, has reached the final step, but because of three The speciality of the big sword, I have to complete the sword bone casting may be quite difficult, rummaging through all the classics, and finally, the disciple found a method of cultivation, that is to enter the sword..."

Enter the sword?

The first reaction of Ling Tianjian’s ancestors was to frown deeply: “Agarwood, swordsmanship is the ancestral dynasty of the dynasties, and my Lingtianjian school’s funeral swords, where the suffocating resentment, and The sharp swords are so arrogant that any monk can't wait for long. Even if you can hold on, the strong negative emotions will have a huge impact on you. If you can, don't go in."

Sun Hao’s face is a bitter smile: “Master, the sword of the sea, the swordsman’s sword and the killing sword are three talents within my bones. They are stable and abnormal, even if I don’t condense the peerless sword bone. To be able to continue to practice, to tell the truth, the disciple does not know what other places besides Jian Jian can complete the third stage of the disciple's unparalleled sword bone."

Ling Tian Jianzu stayed in his mouth and said in his mouth: "So powerful? The three swords are condensing the sword, creating the peerless swordsmanship is really the world, this is the opportunity to not complete the condensing!"

Sun Hao said: "In the sword, the sword has not been scattered for thousands of years, especially the fierce anger and resentment, and it is extremely powerful. The disciples have calculated, but it may help me to complete the condensing."

Ling Tianjian is still frowning: "But the sword can not be opened easily. You must know that the sword is the tomb of the sword, the shackles of the sword, the symbol, and the end of my Lingtian sword..." (to be continued. )

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