Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1596: Dongji Mountain City

Take off your body.

The silver swordsman, which represents war and blood, tension and discipline, is replaced by a comfortable and elegant sword-sword costume. Sun Hao’s heart has a relaxed feeling.

Under the virtual battlefield, the spirit of tense moments has been relaxed at this moment, and the tense rhythm has gradually eased.

After the grand welcoming ceremony, Sun Hao rested for a few days in the Jianpai. He visited several sword ancestors and visited his former brother Linghua Jianwang.

Seeing Sun Hao again, Linghua Jian Wang is awkward. Once upon a time, his brother has not been addicted, and his head has not yet played enough. His younger brother has already ran far and wide, far away, he can only look up to his back. It is.

It’s really a suffocating brother, envious of the dead brother.

However, Linghua Jianjun still sincerely gave a thank you to Sun Hao.

At that time, after receiving the guidance of Sun Hao, he calmed down and worked hard for 30 years according to Sun Hao's method. He actually realized the sword meaning and flew into the sky and set foot on the throne of the sword sword ten swordsmen.

What made him regret is that when he was crowned the top ten swordsmen and wanted to find Sun Hao again, he defended his brother’s dignity, and the virtual war report passed over. Sun Hao’s series of amazing moves, the Wuhu Terran Warriors Ke Wei, destroy the top ten gold shortages, ranks among the Samsung heroes... let him completely die!

Finally, Sun Hao also went to the teacher to ask for security.

In the small farmyard of the teacher's family, Sun Hao once again saw the young lady Xiaoya.

At this time, the teacher's mother has changed her image in comparison with that year. The little girl has become a beautiful woman, and she looks elegant and elegant.

However, no matter how people change, some things are always difficult to change.

Sun Hao fell in the yard, and Xiaoya, who was scribbling, saw that there was more than one person in the house. He stood up straight and smiled.

After seeing Sun Hao’s almost unchanging face, the graceful and beautiful woman was awkward and said intermittently: "Master, brother, you, you are coming, ah..."

It’s a little bit of a gas bag!

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly felt funny, his face was a board, and his mouth seemed to be not angry. “Why, I can’t come? Ah? You look at you, it’s been years, no progress, no clumsy, Go, give me a cup of tea..."

Xiaoya said quickly: "Okay, okay, let's go, let's go", turned around and shouted loudly inside the house: "Small day, come to the guest, come out to pick up the passengers, you guys who don't understand things, hurry up. I heard no..."

Ling Tianjianzu...

Finally, Xiaoya went in and poured tea.

Ling Tian Jianzu blows his beard to Sun Hao: "Xiao Hao, she is your teacher."

Sun Hao smiled: "Master, it seems that you have been bullied, and the disciple is trying to rectify the bad family style for you."

Ling Tianjian ancestors rolled his eyes.

Xiaoya Duan came out, and Sun Hao glanced at her. Her hand slammed a few drops of tea, and Sun Hao browed: "Awkward, how do you do things?"

Xiaoya wants to cry without tears, look at one side and find that Ling Tianjian is snickering, and the jade face sinks: "Small day, you are not playing for three days, is it not to be unveiled?"

Ling Tianjianzu...

Sun Hao laughed haha.

Scared and scared Xiaoya, and told Master a conversation, Sun Hao went away.

At this time, for example, Xue Xiaoqing and her four women also completed the procedure of visiting friends and friends, and found Sun Hao, and they went back together to see the ancients.

However, it was very unexpected that Ling Tianjian sent a deacon to the governor and told them that the Gusei family had migrated into the inland land of Lingtianjian.

Dongji Mountain City is located in the core hinterland of Lingtianjian.

It is a newly rising city within the Lingtianjian district.

The reason why it is called Dong Ji is because the original Ling Tianjian faction has a surname of Ji, and it is also a big surname. It has always been weak in the status of the sword.

But what I didn't expect was that the ancient sage of the ancient sage was rapidly rising, and although it was a sideline, the position of Lingtianjian was more than the huge family of the original mainstream Jijia, in order to distinguish the mainstream Jijia and the rapidly emerging Xinji. Home, usually, the Jianpai monk called the migration from the side of the wilderness, the local tyrants, the particularly rapid development of the Ji family, is Dong Ji.

The rapid rise of Dongji Mountain City has touched the interests of many people.

The huge mountain city, the huge resources possessed, also made many people secretly blush.

The state of the upstarts in Dongji Mountain City is even more perceptible, and the foundation of Dong Ji is really insufficient.

Only one old woman is a god-level monk, and there are less than ten sword-level monks. Why does such a family occupy such a good position in the inland land and occupy so many resources?

When Dong Ji had just migrated, many families had tried the attitude of Ling Tianjian, and the result was ruthlessly suppressed by the sword.

Anything that would harm the interests of Dong Ji was sent by Ling Tianjian for no reason to suppress.

Knowing that there are people on the upper side of Dongji, the families are all Anan points, so that Dongji has developed steadily for decades, and the location of Dongjishan City has become more and more important with the development of their upstart-style profits. .

The family of the red eyes, especially the family of the Ji family, can't sit still, and secretly begins to make bad, squatting, squatting interests, and small movements.

The good news is that perhaps it’s been too long in the past, and Dong Ji’s time to be sheltered; perhaps Dong Ji’s fall in the big back of the Lingtianjian school. In recent years, the families have faced the small movement of Dong Ji, Ling Tianjian Actually turned a blind eye and ignored.

Many families have been greatly encouraged, and they have begun to work together to squeeze Dongji’s interests and occupy Dongji’s territory. Dongji’s days are not good.

Mountain City Ji family, burnt head.

When Ji Laotai was frowning, Sun Hao came to Dongji Mountain City with four women through the transmission array.

It’s been a hundred years since I left my family.

For Sun Hao and the four women, a hundred years is just a moment of life, but for the ordinary soldiers of the Ji family, for a hundred years, it is something that is wrong.

Sun Hao and the four women appeared on the transmission array.

None of the surrounding Jijia guards were former acquaintances.

The Ji family changed a place, and the scale of the station was not the same. The former Jijiapu, now a majestic mountain city, has been a crisis in the ancient city of Gusei, and now it has become a land of inland transportation and logistics.

A large river flows from the foot of the mountain, and the large and small ships come and go, and the bustling and unusual.

On the tall green hills, various kinds of buildings have been built. People come and go, and there are monks and swords. It is also a bustling scene.

The first impression of Dong Jishan City for Sun Hao and the four women is a thriving and emerging large-scale city. Ji Jia can have such development, and it really makes them feel happy.

However, the look is a bit nervous, respectful and guarded Jijia guardian soldiers, but let Sun Hao feel that the atmosphere of the mountain city may not be as good as imagined.

Without honing the guards, Sun Hao took a big step with the four women and disappeared into the air.

When it reappeared, it was already in the core area of ​​Dongji Mountain City.

The Ji family warriors are sipping martial arts here. Suddenly several young men and women suddenly became scared, and many soldiers began to guard.

Fortunately, in the core area, there are acquaintances of Sun Hao and others. The singer who was repatriated in the past has become the head of the Ji family. He has recognized Sun Hao and others who are almost unchanged, and shouted loudly. ""Hill, Miss, Xiaoqing, you are back, it’s very good, Ji family is saved, God has eyes, Ji family is saved."

Sun Hao smiled at him.

Xiaoqing screamed: "Uncle Shu", the tiger looked at his face and asked: "Is there anything wrong with my family? Who dares to make me Isn't it afraid of the hills?"

Ji Yan said with a bitter face: "Hey, it’s hard to see at a glance, and the reputation of the hill is just a good use in Gusai. On the mountain side, there are really few people who know the hills."

Sun Hao smiled and looked at the tallest Jijia architecture. The white-haired Ji Jitai Taijun held the faucet crutches, and the surprise looked inexplicably. He said loudly in his mouth: "Hill, you are finally back, Cher, You are back, I want to die grandmother..."

Ji Ruxue flew away and hugged the old lady: "Grandma."

Lao Taijun’s old tears: “It’s good to come back, just come back...”

Sun Hao smiled at Ji Yun, his body was shocked, and he stood by Lao Taijun.

Xiaoqing followed Sun Hao and walked over. His face was murderous and said: "Old lady, who is in trouble, and let the hill destroy his whole family..."

Below, Sun Hao, a soldier looking at the air, whispered: "Hey grandfather, who are the few boys and girls on the top? It seems very powerful." (To be continued.)

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