Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1605: Peerless Sword (2)

Fallen, cultivation; on the iron sword, jumped into the void, attracted fierce swords, quickly retreat, aloes fell, ingested a sword, and began to practice...

I don't know how deep the ground is.

In the silence, only the fierce sword, there are no friends, no flowers, and some are just hard practice.

Some, just a little bit forward, a little strength to strengthen their own strength, a little bit to adapt to the fierce momentum of the peerless sword.

Slowly progress.

Time does not know how long it has passed.

Absolutely more than one year and two years.

While Sun Hao sank into cultivation, his heart was also uneasy.

Will he be in the middle of the sword, did not wait for the completion of the unparalleled sword bones to ushered in the fourth soaring robbery.

If it is coming.

What should I do?

If it comes, it is beyond the limit of nine robberies. According to the illusory convention, it is bound to break out.

What is the robbery in the special environment of the sword?

Can you only pull the first three robbers, or one pull, and the nine robbers move together?

There is no information about Sun Hao's situation, what will happen in the end, Sun Hao is not known.

Although the heart is in a hurry, Sun Hao is still firmly following his own steps, constantly practicing and constantly making progress.

Of course, every time, Sun Hao is taking his true limits and working hard. Every time, Sun Hao has done his best to withstand the test of the most powerful fierce sword.

Strengthening itself with maximum intensity and advancing at the fastest speed is the only method that Sun Hao can do at present.

How long does this cultivation take? Will it be the fourth hundred years of catastrophe? Sun Hao can't manage that much.

Time passes by day by day.

Sun Hao came to the place where the iron sword broke, and once again stood in the position directly facing the peerless sword.

Over the years, Sun Hao has adapted to the intensity of the fierceness of the savage sword in the frontal void, but Sun Hao also knows that the real test is now beginning.

The iron sword is the product of the sword scorpion itself, and it is also the sword air that has been condensed for hundreds of millions of years. The peerless savage sword has become accustomed to the existence of the iron sword, and instinctively does not launch a malicious attack on the iron sword.

This is also the root cause of Sun Hao in the middle of the iron sword in these years, able to resist the savage sword.

But now, Sun Hao needs to continue to cultivate, and then he must move on.

And moving forward, it completely left the area of ​​the Iron Sword. At that time, once the sinister sword of the peerless world was provoked, the fierce atmosphere of the eruption, but the iron sword would be drowned by life.

Standing at the broken sword, Sun Hao thought for a long time, combined with the experience of these years, repeatedly rethinking his own way of action.

Compared with the first time here, Sun Hao is not Wu Amon. The cultivation of these years has made great progress. The biggest change is the wild and sturdy. This practice has three layers. Sun Hao has cultivated these. In the year, the first layer has been successfully cultivated. The sign is that Sun Hao’s refining practice has officially entered the white jade period from the bronze period.

Into the sword for more than 100 years, Sun Hao got the first great change, that is, the refining of the body is not only to catch up with its own refining realm, but also leap forward a big step, the achievement is equivalent to the beginning of distraction Enter the white jade battle body.

The wild and savage is really a wonderful work that people will forget. Although the difficulty of cultivation is large, the cultivation process is painful, but once it is practiced, the effect is extraordinary.

The first layer of the wild and sturdy, the "shape" is practiced, Sun Hao is promoted to white jade, and the later cultivation level also appears in Sun Hao's mind, after the shape is the shape, and finally the shape of the sky, this It is the overall wildness and enthusiasm.

According to the practice method, after the completion of the practice, the monks can stand on the ground, fight the battlefield, and have a lot of power and enthusiasm.

The effect of the first layer is the white jade of the body, and the achievement is unbeaten.

This is the key and sufficiency of Sun Hao's ability to intercept the fierce sword and intercept the jump on the iron rope.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Xiangjian appeared on the top of his head, and Sun Hao strode over and rushed over to the iron rope.

The giant blinked and roared.

The fierce air swayed, and the dark swords and scorpions burst into a thunderous thunder, and Sun Hao’s body instantly became the target of hundreds of millions of fierce swords.

Sun Hao is still a short distance from the chain. His front, back, left and right, and his ups and downs have been shrouded in peerless swords, and they will be drowned by billions of fierce swords.

Sun Hao’s eyes flashed and his mouth sighed lightly: “Agarwood, the five elements are in one, the three forces are moving together, and the Tianjian is shaped, giving me a turn.”

On the top of Sun Hao’s head, Shen Xiangjian bloomed with five colors of light. The five elements of Jian Yuan began to flow on the sword body. The sea swords, the swordsman’s swords and the killing swords were all launched together. The Shenxiang sword was like the Lei Pengtian sword. The movement of the sword, by the sword, on the body, produced a burst of attraction.

The swordsmanship of the peerless fierce sword was violently pulled by the agarwood sword. Involuntarily, as the sword was broken, the sword was reorganized. Shen Xiangjian absorbed these fierce swords as his own tonic.

Sun Hao’s front is empty.

The peerless fierce sword has been slightly stunned. In this world, there are flying swords that can absorb and dare to absorb their own swordsmanship?

This is a thing that surprised the peerless sword.

Just in the process of being surprised by the peerless sword.

In the laughter of Sun Hao, he flew up and stepped on one foot and stood on the huge chain.

The peerless sword trembled fiercely.

Under the pull of the peerless sword, the chain of iron ropes kept swinging and violently flying. Sun Hao seemed to see the giant roaring in the sky, his limbs working hard, constantly shaking the chain of iron cables, trying to shake Sun Hao down. Come.

The feet are sinking, and they are as steady as a rock. Sun Hao is firmly nailed to the chain of the iron chain, letting the chain dance, and Sun Hao does not move.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the peerless sword has gradually settled down.

The giant closed his eyes coldly, as if he was sitting down and no longer taking care of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao finally got a firm foothold on the chain.

Sitting cross-legged, facing the peerless sword, Sun Hao began a new process of cultivation.

The iron chain is very different from the iron sword.

The sword on the iron sword is very soft, slow and rational, and subtly changes Sun Hao's physique with the practice of Sun Hao, but above the chain, but from all directions, there is a fierce rush of buzz, constantly slamming Sun Hao.

Like the big waves and waves, Sun Hao is constantly being attacked by the fierce momentum every moment.

The cultivation method of the wild and unparalleled sword bones is in this environment and is motivated.

On the iron chain, the moving direction of Sun Hao's cultivation process also changed slightly.

On top of the iron sword, Sun Hao only needs to explore forward. However, above the iron chain, Sun Hao needs to keep moving closer to the peerless sword.

The chain does not know where to stretch, but the farther away from the peerless sword, the weaker the fierce sword, the more the Sun Hao enters the sword is to practice, naturally can not run to a weak place, Sun Hao standing on the chain, A little practice, a little closer to the body of the peerless sword.

The wild and sturdy cultivation should reach a peculiar realm. Although Sun Hao can feel that his refining strength is gradually improving, the cultivation realm of the refining body has fallen into a pause and has always remained in the white jade battle. Initial.

It may also be that after this stage, the time required to accumulate is getting longer and longer, even if there is pressure from a peerless sword, it is difficult to wait for the progress of the realm in a short time.

The cultivation of the unparalleled sword bone, after the site of the peerless sword, really entered the stage of high-speed progress, sternum, ribs... Most of the bones of the body gradually progressed with Sun Hao, and quickly completed the ~ Until the beginning of the condensed bones, spine and skull bones in the last two key parts, the speed of this condensing slowed down again, but still can continue to progress as Sun Hao approaches the peerless sword.

Stepping on the iron chain, Sun Hao is holding a powerful and fierce sword, with great pressure, a little bit forward, and the bones of key parts of the body are gradually consolidating.

Time is in this slow approach, passing by.

Not waiting for Sun Hao to be completely close to the peerless sword, what Sun Hao has been worried about has happened.

Unconsciously, in the fourth century, Sun Hao’s flying and looting came again as scheduled.

Sun Hao can perceive it, above his head, as if the sky has opened his eyes, as if a huge disaster began to brew.

The peerless swordsmanship is still quite a lot. What should I do?

The plan can't keep up with the changes, flying and robbing, coming too fast, or saying that Sun Hao underestimated the difficulty of concealing the peerless sword. (To be continued.)

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