Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1611: Mourning 2 circles (2)

If you can't let it go, it's a real robbery.

Sun Hao slammed the cup and forgot to drink tea. In front of him, the four women flew by.

Especially in the snow and Xiaoqing, these years, all the way through, almost became a part of Sun Hao's life.

Even in the darkness of the bottom of the sword, the unconventional sword bones, Sun Hao heart, always have a kind of success, so that the two women were shocked, greatly surprised, and warmly welcome the return of their own pictures.

There is also Ji Wei, the little girl of the past, that's it, saying no, no.

Closed his eyes, Sun Hao remembered the scene of the past.

Beauty is like jade, and the cold and cold like Ji Ruxue, behind the cold, has deep feelings and long-term thoughts for himself. Even, Sun Hao can feel it. If she is willing, she can already accept her. And she has been waiting for herself silently and calmly.

Waiting softly and naturally.

No scale sword heart, pure and no scale, I knew that I should have collected her without scale, otherwise, what would it look like now?

Think of Ji Ruxue, a tear, can not help but gently drip down.

Above the Lingtian Jianfeng, with this tear, the moment is full of sadness, deep thoughts, thick reluctance to the heart, thick anger hidden in it.

The lively wave is cute and light, like Yan's Xiaoqing, born for himself, because of his own emotions, if not for his own deep feelings, how can he understand the sword of love because of himself, the soft body seems to fall still I am pregnant, I can’t weather the storm.

Xiaoqing, after he has ascended, the real savior, when he is still not walking, the lover who shelters himself from the wind and rain, does not know what kind of generosity he died when he took the lead.

Another drop of tears dribbled quietly.

The entire Lingtianjian faction, with this tears, fell into a deep sorrow, Ling Tian swordsmen, Qi Qi heart sorrow, as if remembered the comrades who died in battle, the brothers who passed away.

Thousands of flying swords, bursting into a low-pitched sound like a softly crying sword.

After a long time, within the yard, Xiaoya whispered: "Senior brother, Shen Xiang, before the snow and Xiaoqing leave, I will give you these two things, saying that you are back, seeing things like people. ”

After that, the small hand throws, two jade bottles fly to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's eyes were closed, but very accurately, his hands extended, one left and one right, and they accurately grasped a jade bottle.

The gods know the jade bottle, and Sun Hao’s heart can’t help.

Each jade bottle was filled with a drop of red blood.

Sun Hao’s knowledge was swept away, and there was a burst of familiar and warm feelings. It seemed that Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing stood in front of themselves.

This is their heart is not dead.

The undead blood that can be condensed on Langein Island, but with the fall of two blood masters, now, Sun Hao’s hands, the two drops of blood in the jade bottle can only be done. It is the record of the deep, longing for Sun Hao's thoughts and dependence.

Sun Hao’s eyes opened again, and he fixedly looked at the jade bottle in his hand. The blood in his hand gently touched the palm of his hand as if he was touching the hair of two people.

The jade bottle seems to be touched and brightened, and Sun Hao sighs and screams, and the sound is nine days.

Two jade bottles smashed and shattered, and two drops of blood fell on Sun Hao's palm, quickly immersed in Sun Hao's palm and drilled into the heart of Sun Hao.

In Sun Hao’s mouth, he murmured: “Although I can’t save you, but I can give you a home, I hope that your blood of immortality will be with me forever.”

However, Sun Hao’s words have not been finished yet.

The two drops of undead blood that entered the body suddenly changed.

Such as the undead blood of the snow, actually not controlled by Sun Hao, quickly into the Sun Hao's Dan Tian drilled into it, Sun Hao did not stop, just silently watching it quickly rushed to the top of the Sumi A slamming sound hit the top of the tower of the sap, and quickly turned into a small dot that disappeared above the tower.

After the ascent, there was no Sun Hao who had any influence on the condensate tower. At this time, he suddenly saw the small huts in the Sumiyag tower and saw the two tombs beside the small huts.

Sun Hao’s heart is a glimpse, I don’t know when this represents something.

Ji Ruxue’s undead blood descended from the sky and fell on the smoke. The road was like a mist of smoke rising up. In the smoke, the figures of Yun Ziyan and Ji Ruxue appeared at the same time. They laughed and acted the same. It’s like saying goodbye to Sun Hao’s slightness.

The farther and farther the body, in the smog, slowly overlaps together, and finally turns into a bright moon in the sky. Under the bright moon, it is the high mountain of the beautiful mountain, and there, Sun Hao sees When I arrived, I held the purple smoke that I snuggled on myself, and looked up at the moon in a fascinating way. A tear fell silently from my face.

The boundless sorrow, the endless pain, from this tear, dripped into the heart of Sun Hao.

In the endless grief, Sun Hao instantly understood that snow is the reincarnation of purple smoke.

Sun Hao instantly understood why he was the first stop after the ascent, and it would be a ruin, because there was purple smoke waiting for himself.

However, why did you understand it now?

Why, like the character of snow and purple smoke, I have forgotten to think about reincarnation?

why? I remember that I felt like the snow is very different, but why didn't I think about it?

Purple smoke, like snow.

Such as snow, purple smoke.

Two cold faces gradually merged in Sun Hao’s mind.

Under the bright moon, Sun Hao, who embraced the purple smoke, dropped a tear, while above the Lingtian Jianfeng, Sun Hao’s eyes also rolled a tear.

However, after the tears fell, it seemed to drop into the void in an instant, disappearing into the air without leaving any traces.

Sun Hao was unaware of it, and his mouth gently called: "Ziyan, such as snow as snow, purple smoke"

Just in the moment when Sun Hao shed tears and entered the void.

On the top of the Xianshan, the white and holy peaks of the fairy, it seems that there is a white light flashing.

A drop of tears suddenly loomed over the top of Xianshan.

After a soft glow, it disappeared instantly.

However, within one of the mountains, there are hundreds of thousands of monks. In a moment, a thick sorrow is shrouded in his own heart. He can't help but think of the lost relatives, the fallen friends, and tears involuntarily.

Above the entire fairy mountain, the sound of mourning, sounded into a piece.

The monk was shocked when he wiped away the tears on his face.

Soon, many monks discovered the change of the top of the reunification, and remembered a past, which has been a long time, legendary past, many monks can not help but bow down.

The tears of the fragrance of aloes Sadness did not stop there.

In a way that is hard to detect by the monks in the heavens, in the next three months, grief spread to every corner of the mainland. Above the mainland, no matter the monks and mortals, all of them are sad, as if they were in the air. Even the sky is mourning and weeping.

Ten years.

For a whole ten years, the tears of the fragrance of Aloes have always exuded a deep sorrow that affects the entire continent.

Later generations called it the "Ten Years of Sorrow."

Throughout the Tianling continent, I once again remembered the people of the world many years ago. The mainland was shocked, the more powerful people, and the sorrow of one's own sorrow, which can make the mainland sorrowful. For a whole ten years, Shenxiang adults did not know what kind of cultivation has been reached.

What makes the mainland even more shocked is how sad it is to make the sorrow of adults reach such a level and mourn the two worlds.

Within the Lingtianjian faction, all the monks can feel the sorrow of the incense.

One kind of grief that I can't see Jun, the yin and yang are separated. At the same time, all Ling Tian swordsmen can clearly perceive the deep anger that Shen Xiang adults suppress in their hearts.

A strong anger, in grief, skyrocketed.

Sad and angry, angry and war.

Ling Tianjianzu said leisurely: "If you can't put it down, this is a terrible robbery."

Sun Hao himself can also perceive it. Under the heavens, it seems that he has eyes coldly watching himself, waiting for himself to go down according to the established model, waiting for himself to be robbed.

Sun Hao took a deep breath and took the tea cup on the stone table. Gently, sip a cup of tea in the teacup. The teacup was put together and said: "This hatred is not reported, the heart is damaged, and the tube is damaged. He was shocked, I spontaneously rushed to the crown."

The sword is rising into the sky, and Sun Hao is like a wounded beast, roaring with the sword: "This hatred is not reported, and the oath is not for people." To be continued.

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