Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 10: More, continue to work hard

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Sun Hao made a long dream. {随}{梦}小说щ{mеng][ā}

I dreamed that Xiaoqing was holding herself happily, humming a cheerful song and slumbering herself to sleep.

In the dream, bursts of pear blossoms, tenderness, and people can't bear to wake up, let Sun Hao deeply linger.

At this time, Sun Hao hated that he had practiced Bai Gong’s dreams. He hated that he knew that this was a dream, and if not, how good it would be.

Like dreaming, like watching a movie, Sun Hao sinks into a dream.

I don't know how long it has been.

Sun Hao suddenly felt that the dream was broken like a mirror, and once again, he found himself floating under the fairy tree, and the flowers and rain that surround him were forming a squatting figure, waving his arms and disappearing into the fairy. On the pear tree.

Sun Hao’s eyes flashed, and his knowledge spread out. He suddenly discovered that outside Langeland, many wild animals began to besiege the island.

On the island of Langley, there is a desert snake at the end of the night. The powerful wild beast can sense its existence and never take the initiative to attack, but some low-level wild animals who are fearless and do not know the fear are not so much.

Therefore, every time the wilderness, there will still be fighting in Langein Island, but it is much safer than other Terran camps.

Sun Hao instantly understood.

Unconsciously, has the once-in-a-century wilderness erupted?

It is speculated that I am afraid that my next hundred years of robbery will not be far away.

Flying down and holding the pear tree tightly, Sun Hao said softly: "Xiaoqing, take care, if I can return safely, come see you..."

When the tide is coming, the time to wait for it will come.

Then, it is time for you to pay back your blood debts.

Standing up and passing through the rain, Sun Hao flew in the direction of the transmission array of Langein Island.

Behind it, the heads of the eyes are still wide, and now they are completely dry, like the head of a corpse, horrible and embarrassing. With the movement of Sun Hao, like a bell, it is swaying and squeaking.

Sun Hao’s figure once again alerted the defenders of Langein Island. He was shocked and watched Sun Hao enter the transmission array. He was secretly relieved in the hearts of the soldiers.

This killing of God is even more terrible than the wild beasts outside.

Twilight City's tall wall, killing the sound.

In the siege of hundreds of millions of wild animals, fierce battles continued to break out, and the guards of the peak of the golden age were lost. The defense power of the city was greatly reduced. After the outbreak of the wild tide, every day was very difficult.

Every day, I am willing to die.

The wild tide has been erupting for more than a month, and the powerful wild beasts are gradually gathering in the foreign exchange of Shuguang City.

The battle has been heated up, representing how long the city of human dawn can last, no one knows.

On this day, the battlefield ahead is on the verge of forgetting to kill.

In the city of Shuguang, there is a murderous murder.

The transmission array flashed white, killing the gods Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang head dragging thousands of heads behind, once again appeared in the city of Shuguang.

The fierceness of the sky, let the warrior of the guardian transmission line be scared.

Sun Hao’s eyes swept away, and his mouth said coldly: “Opening the Lei Peng Xianshan transmission, I want to pass.”

The guardian’s forehead sweated and fell on one knee, stuttering and stuttering: “During the period of the wilderness, the ancestors had orders and sent them outside, so he had to allow him personally.”

Sun Hao will not be embarrassed by such a small pawn, his body floats, and the cold voice spreads throughout the city of Twilight: "Open the transmission array, this seat is going to Lei Peng Xianshan, I hope you don't let this seat worry again..."

In Shuguang City, even if it was in front of the battlefield, it was a little calmer. Many of the monks couldn’t help but look up into the air and saw Sun Hao, who was dragging a row of people behind him, and took a breath of cold in his heart. This killing God came back.

At this time, Shuguang City can never provoke him to be mad, or else, killing sex, to the two cities of Shuguang City, without the wild tide, Shuguang City also broke.

In Shuguang City, a white gown and a monk with a crown on the top of the book floated up. Yushu was in the wind, and his face smiled and said: "The incense is a little bit safe, this seat is like the sky, it is the guardian of the next virtual human race. It’s the purpose of this block, the purpose is to prevent Aquilaria from doing stupid things...”

"Human guardian?" Sun Hao said coldly in the air: "What are you guarding?"

If the sky is a true color: "I am guarding the future of the Terran, the dawn of the Terran, Aquilaria, you listen to me, even if the Twilight City is destroyed, even if the entire human race on the battlefield is completely buried, as long as you Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang has nothing to do, then everything is worth it."

Among the blood-stained silver armor, Sun Hao asked coldly: "I knew why today, why should I be at the beginning? Don't tell me, Jiang's plan, you don't know."

As the sky said a bit stunned: "This seat was retreating at the time, and I did not think that Shen Xiang was actually condensing the peerless sword. Oh, all this is God's will..."

Sun Hao looked up at the sky, as if he saw a pair of cold eyes in the sky watching himself.

The eyes looked at the sky again, and the tone in his mouth was slightly relieved, but still unquestionable, Sun Hao said with a deep voice: "Don't stop me, you can't stop me, let me go, I don't want to start this time for Shuguangcheng." ”

As the sky is low, he said: "Divided monks can guard the Terran, but they can't easily shoot in the virtual battlefield. Otherwise, it will lead to unnecessary trouble. You can really pass the agarwood. You can shoot me, as long as you can hurt me, I can't stop you naturally, or else, please stay in the city of Twilight."

Under the blood-stained silver arm, Sun Hao said with a low voice: "Are you sure you want to block me?"

Such as the face of the face is a bitter smile: "Come on."

At this time, outside the city of Shuguang, the sharp squeaking sounds, hundreds of millions of airborne beasts rushed over to the city of Shuguang, huge screams, intertwined into one.

Sun Hao’s head was swaying, and the head of the man was flying. He glanced coldly at the empty land that hundreds of millions of people flew, and Sun Hao screamed: “Noisy.”

The incense sword rose and the five colors of the sky flashed.

In Shuguang City, all the swordsmen involuntarily raised the sword in their hands and were cited by the agarwood sword, instantly turning into a huge sword in the air.

In the scream of Sun Hao, Tianjian slammed forward and slammed into the empty land of hundreds of millions of sharp screams.

In the sound of the crash, on the city of Shuguang, there was no time to dodge, and the screams were screaming, the wings were flying, and the blood was full of sky.

Among them, more than a dozen body bodies are huge, three heads of Chimera, four or five heads of the level of Chimera, one is extremely strong, the siege of the three peaks of the Shuguang City, Chimera is also shrouded in the scope of the attack.

Under the leadership of the peak Chimera, these wild animals propped up a huge mask on the top of the head, trying to resist the powerful power of the Tianjian.

However, the Tianjian fell, and it was unstoppable.

Like cutting tofu, the mask was broken by a sword.

Within the mask, the golden wilderness and the golden wilderness led the heads to rush to the top, trying to resist the sword with flesh and blood, trying to win the chance to escape for the peak of the golden geishing. no help, all The rebellion, all sacrifices, did not help in the fall of the sword.

In the scream of the huge peak of the golden age, the beautiful sorrow, the Tianjian directly fell three heads, and then was directly broken open, turned into blood rain, falling into the air.

The sword is temporary and invincible.

In the past, Lei Peng’s power of Tianjian reappeared in front of Shuguang City.

In the past, most of the Terran warriors have only heard of it, but they have no great power to see and see the world.

The huge, no-female swordsmanship passed, and the sky above the city was slammed.

Hundreds of thousands of wild animals were instantly degraded on the spot.

The huge, sharp tweet was quiet in an instant.

The beasts that attacked the city lost their command of the golden age, and the offensive could not help.

Sun Hao turned his head faintly and looked at the sky: "Do you really want to pick me up?"

Such as the face of a bitter smile: "No, I will open the transmission array, Aquilaria, you go, but aloes, listen to me, everything is appropriate, not too much, otherwise, the disaster can not escape ..."

While talking, while playing the transmission of the stone in the hand.

The transmission array of Lei Peng Xianshan was once again lit up.

Sun Hao was a flash, and he fell on the transmission line, with the head behind his head disappearing.

Cars, Alda led the newly formed Yinpeng team, flying in the air, kneeling on one knee and shouting loudly: "Gongxiang to the incense adults..."

As the old ancestors said in a deep voice: "Agarwood kills the golden age of the peak, leaving the heart of the golden waste, not going to pick it up..."

In the city of Shuguang, a large number of monks reacted violently, and the morale was greatly boosted. The wild animals outside the city violently launched an attack. The Twilight City Lord led the elite team and killed them.

Go and grab the golden sorrow that Shen Xiang adults deliberately left behind.

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