Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1620: Jianhan 9 (2)

The small tornado flew out of the hand and rose in the wind. It instantly became a huge dragon roll. After following the wind feather, it rushed over to Sun Hao.

The tornado passed, and the space seemed to tremble.

On the hill of Zhijia and Zhishan, the flying people flying in the sky looked up at the sky.

Someone said: "The giants of Nito are also very angry. This bloodline warrior of this race is afraid of being torn in an instant and become a powder..."

Linger sat on the branches of a big tree, and looked at the sky with a pair of big eyes: "Grandpa, how did you fight it? The human warrior gave me the feeling that it was not a bad person. He could hold the storm of Nito. Dragon roll?"

An old flying man, sticking out a slightly wrinkled hand, gently stroking her little head, said leisurely: "There is no three-thirds, not Jiazhishan, Linger, let's go in, don't look, No, let's go to the shelter below. Grandpa feels bad today..."

Linger: "No? Grandpa, let's take a look."

Her grandfather shook his head and sighed: "Look at it, or you will never grow up."

Above the sky, Sun Hao did not seem to see the wind feathers coming from the flying dragons and the tornado storm that whizzed.

Sun Hao still sat cross-legged, gently stroking the incense sword in his hand, and said in his mouth: "I just wanted to be single-handed, but I complained. I didn't want to kill, but I don't want to hurt people." You have the ambition to destroy my human race, hey, stop, and if so, then as you wish..."

When Sun Hao said this, it seemed to look up at the sky.

And when this is said, Sun Hao seems to find that above the sky, the feeling of being watched coldly disappears.

Perhaps this is just the illusion of oneself, or perhaps, this is the difficulty that can't be circumvented after it has been condensed into an unparalleled sword.

It’s not a thunder, it’s not a natural disaster, it’s a disaster of foreigners, no traces, but it’s impossible for Sun Hao to avoid it. I don’t know how to avoid it. Is this the strange and unparalleled sword?

Shen Xiangjian gently stood in front of him.

When the two sounds, the wind feathers were stunned by the incense sword, and the sword was splashed in front of Sun Hao's body. The sparkling swords shook, and the incense swords shivered slightly. The two wind feathers could not break through the defense of Shen Xiangjian and dissipated in the air.

The five flying warriors were slightly surprised. The heart said that this Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is still a fame under the fame, a bit of strength, and underestimated the wind feathers.

At this time, the huge tornado storm rolled over to Sun Hao and had already hit the Shenxiang sword.

The huge winds tore the force, the power of the rotation, and the sword rose up.

However, Shen Xiangjian is like a pinnacle of the sea, steady in the air, no matter how the storm blows, no matter how big the strength of the tornado, can not shake the incense sword points, the incense sword silk does not move.

Sun Hao said coldly: "At this time, you are still too late to leave, let me go out alone, I am not embarrassed to you."

A few fighters of the Flying People have a glimpse.

Nito's face was a little red, angry and angry, and screamed: "I thought it was great to stop my tornado storm? Tell you, you are still far away, the moon of wind erosion, give me out..."

In the voice, one hand, one trick, a delicate, white bow, appeared in his hand, screamed: "I don't know how to live and die, today, I want to shoot you a lot of holes..."

The body was slightly vacated, and Tony’s bow was already full. When he was shot, Sun Hao said coldly: "I really don't know how to live..."

Qunying gently on the body of the agarwood sword, a slamming sword.

The sound of the sword is not very big and not very sharp. However, when he heard the voices of five flying warriors, he felt a bitter and chilly killing, which was transmitted through this sword.

Involuntarily, the four unmanned flying warriors retired and looked at the opposite Sun Hao with a look of horror.

Nito, who was flying in the air, held a longbow with one hand and a loose one, and slantedly shot an arrow without deterrence.

De Manro exclaimed: "Nito..."

In the air, the blade flickering, Nito's head flew up, and a hair flew over. Accurately, from his celestial cover, he always entered, and flew backwards, hanging in Sun Hao. After the mind.

Sun Hao’s voice passed coldly: “The eight-star warriors in the district also dared to succumb to self-respect in front of the seat, flying the people, and donating the first blood, you four, if you are not convinced, welcome to die...”

Sudden changes, fast and strange results, so that the entire pigeon plus the flying people on the Zhishan soldiers suddenly sluggish.

How could this be?

Shouldn’t Nitto heroically kill the opponent? How could it be reversed in an instant, and the Nito adults who were just very brave, suddenly fell into the air and turned into a headless body and fell.

And Nito's great head, but became the spoils of the opposite blood armor, was hung behind the head.

Seeing the row of life-like heads behind the blood armor, the flying people warriors couldn’t help but know which heads, no doubt they were all Nito adults, robbed the soldiers in the hands of the opposite blood armor, and sent the spoils. .

Linger Zhang had a big mouth and looked at Sun Hao in the air with disbelief.

Her grandfather said leisurely: "The blood armor represents the bad news. This Terran warrior will be the nightmare of my flying people. Linger, this human warrior that you think is not bad, will be the demon of my flying people, Linger, you still have to Look? Let's go to the refuge."

Linger clenched his teeth and shook his head reluctantly. His eyes still looked at the sky, as if he had to re-recognize Sun Hao.

At this time, the pigeons on the Zhishan Mountain, the flying people warriors finally recovered from the horror, and there was a burst of sorrow, some people shouted loudly: "Revenge, revenge for the Nito adults."

Above the sky, the relationship with Nito is the best. The self-sustaining and powerful Hubble has reacted first and screamed: "I want you to die, **** bugs, ah,..."

A long shot appeared in the hand, and Hubbrot shook the tip of the gun. The white gunshot appeared in the air, and Sun Hao was firmly covered.

Hubrot rushed out violently, and a gun came over.

This gun, the speed is extremely fast, the power of the gun tip locks the surrounding space, a huge gunshot, and stabbed.

Immediately after these gunshots, Hubblet was as fast as a wind, a gun like a dragon, a gun and a gun, and slammed down against Sun Hao.

Hubble's gun, as soon as Sun Hao couldn't reach the point of dodging, the blossoming gun shadow had already drowned Sun Hao, and the last blow of Habrot was even worse, with a bang. , hit the sound of the object.

De Manro also had two flying warriors who couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang were just like this. Habrot made a shot and hit Sun Hao. It is estimated that this is not a serious injury.

Habrot was shot on Sun Hao, and his heart was slightly loose. This human warrior was finally pierced by himself and laughed in his mouth: "Give me a burst..."

When the arm trembled, the huge force rushed out with the gun body, and it was necessary to burst into the Sun Hao who was tied by himself.

On the pigeon hill and on the hill, many flying warriors witnessed this scene.

I saw Habrot’s shot in the blood of the Terran Warrior, the morale of the various fighters raised their weapons and cheered.

Other fighters who did not know the situation also cheered.

Linger’s eyes were slightly stunned, but his heart was slightly worried for the human race. His mouth said: “Grandpa, the devil you said may have to be defeated...”

If the words are not finished, the air battle situation has unexpectedly changed.

The huge power of Hubble's whole body rushed out, and if the mud cows entered the sea, there was no reaction.

Habrot glimpsed a little, his arm was in one fell swoop, and he wanted to pick Sun Hao, but in a moment he felt that his gun tip was actually a majestic mountain. The tremendous pressure made him unable to shake the Sun Hao. The heart suddenly stunned, and Hubbrot slammed his own air gun, but he suddenly found out that his air gun seemed to be caught by the steel plate and could not move.

The heart of the dark road was not good, and he refused to pull the gun. Habrot got up and wanted to throw the gun back, but he was provoked by the tremendous power of the guns.

Involuntarily, dancing in the air, flying over to Sun Hao’s head.

Sun Hao’s “哼”, Hubble’s good head slammed into the edge of Sun Hao’s blade, ignited a **** water, dyed Sun’s silver armor, and Sun Hao’s head was swayed and hung behind Got a trophy.

The battle between the two is fast and fast.

The warriors haven't recovered, the battle is over, and the nine-star warrior, Hubbrot.

Was killed on the spot.

Ironically, at this time, there are still many flying people's warriors who are screaming and shouting, as if they are celebrating the killing of their own Habrot adults on the spot, for a long time.

Until they found that the air situation was wrong, the adult’s headless body actually fell with the wind, and the cheers stopped... (to be continued).

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