Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1624: Jianhan 9 (6)

Tengeng murderous, with the emergence of Sun Hao, fell on the sky above the immortal silver city.

The Flying Warrior who guarded the transmission line just screamed: "Who is it?" The skull has been cut off by a sword and hung behind Sun Hao's head.

The traffic warning in the transmission area was overwhelming, and the sharp whistling sound spread throughout the city.

The monks stationed in the Silver City flew up and flew in the direction of the transfer area.

Sun Hao strode across, his body vacated, and quickly rose up. After reaching a certain height, his legs sang, sitting cross-legged in the air, and the incense sword was placed across his knees. Coldly said: "The Terran Lingtian Swordsman, the Eight Star Warrior, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, come to visit, single sly, bring your palace corps to come to die"

The cold voice spread throughout the immortal silver city.

As if they were flying, one of the soldiers yelled: "What is the human race? I dare to come to my immortal silver city and give it to me."

With a bang, the words have not been finished, the body has been defeated by the sword of the agarwood sword, the head flies up, and the hair is passed through in an accurate and unmistakable way.

Unexpectedly, the soldier’s head became another trophy for Sun Hao.

The soldiers who came from the crowd were all in a good mood, and the momentum could not help but a slight meal.

Although the warrior who has just been killed is not very strong in control, but the individual strength is not weak, I did not expect it to be killed on the spot.

In the air, Sun Hao’s cold voice resounded again: “This is the grudge between me and Shan Yu. It has now expanded to the head of the flying family. If you fly the people to spread to the whole family, my grandson Sun Shenxiang, today Also received"

The sound is not big, but it has spread throughout the immortal silver city.

The front is fighting against the wild beast, and you can't sneak out with a single scream: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, you are looking for death, this seat is a single, there is a kind of you coming over."

Sun Hao said coldly: "If you are busy now, I can wait for you. If you really can't wait, then I don't mind helping the beasts, opening them a gap and letting them try to break through the immortal silver city. taste"

I haven’t answered the single singer, and there is a voice in the air saying coldly: “Single attention to your area, hand it over to me”

Opposite Sun Hao, within the immortality of Silver City, a tall, white-breasted wing, a flying man with a silky golden pattern flew up.

This monk is a middle-aged, eagle hook nose, sharp eyes, looking at Sun Hao, eyes stunned: "Human warriors, do not know life and death, actually dare to come to my immortal Yincheng trouble, said, how did you transmit it? ”

Sun Hao felt the huge pressure of the flying monk's monk, as if he was pegged by the powerful wild beast, his body shook slightly, his body began to condense automatically, resisting the pressure exerted by the other party, and asked coldly in his mouth. :"and who are you?"

"This seat is a single flying rainbow, quickly and honestly."

Dan Feihong did not expect that a monk who had just robbed could block his own pressure. He felt a little surprised in his heart. He was upset and angry. He said: "We have only a few holy places to reach this transmission array. How are you? Come here?"

Sun Hao slightly swayed his head.

After the brain, a few hairs rose, and a few people who were so vivid, and whose blood had not completely dried up, hung in the air and appeared in front of the single flying rainbow: "I came from the pigeons and the mountains."

Shan Feihong saw his head and his body trembled fiercely.

De Manro, actually saw the unwilling head of De Manro!

De Manro was actually killed, then, that is to say, the pigeon plus Zhishan, completely fell into the hands of the human blood.

Taking a deep breath, Shun Feihong asked: "Dog Jiazhishan, how is it now?"

Sun Hao said coldly: "The difficulty of Ling Tianjian is that the pigeons and Zhishan are ten times repaid, how? Is there any opinion?"

"You have caused a great disaster to the Terran." The hair on the head of the flying rainbow has no wind and dance, and the anger is rushing to the crown: "I will uproot your entire human race and wipe it out from the bottom."

Sun Hao gently shocked his head, and Demanro’s head flew out and hung alone in the sky.

In the tone, there is no slight mood swing. Sun Hao said in general terms: "When I first met, he also said the same thing as you, but in the end he regretted dragging the whole pigeon and Zhishan into hell. Now, I can I would like to advise you, but also advise you to fly the human race, do not just intervene in the grievances of me and the single swearing, listen to persuasion, perhaps your flying people will not fall too badly in the status of the virtual."

Speaking of this, Sun Hao’s voice is slightly elevated, and the tone is full of icy cold: “Or else, I don’t mind breaking your so-called immortal silver city, letting your flying people fall directly to the top 100.”

Single Feihong looked up and laughed: "Is it by you? A robbery monk? Hahaha, a robbery monk, actually dare to say so much, really laugh at me, hahaha, come on, I want to see How do you destroy my immortal silver city, how come I will kill the top 100 in my immortal silver city, come, you come, I am so scared"

At this time, within the immortal silver city, flying two high-flying flying monks, one of them, the wings on the back are not only the flow of gold, but has been turned into a faint gold.

This is a kind of kindness, holding a scepter, wearing a golden crown, and the flying man on the head like a golden halo.

Shan Feihong suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "The high priest."

The high priest nodded to the single flying rainbow, his eyes looked at the blood of the tractor, and Sun Hao, sitting cross-legged in the air, slowly said: "In your heart, your anger is too heavy, behind you, a thousand people's head, three hundred Flying elite, there is a lot of grievances, there are too many blood in your hands, I am on your body, I saw the blood of the corpse, I saw the flying people of hundreds of millions of people crying, you really ruined the pigeon Jiazhishan. ”

Sun Hao said very simply: "Yes, I just came over there."

The high priest sighed: "On that day, when I went to the Terran Lingtian Swords, I felt very wrong. I just never imagined that there would be such a big cause and effect. Just annihilate you, you are ten times more. It's very good."

Sun Hao said coldly: "Don't think that the flying people are the top ten races, you can unscrupulously fish other people, smothering me to the head of Yin Peng, and cutting off my Ling Tianjian faction, so hateful, how can I not repay? For the sake of the high priest, if it is really a person, let me and Shan Yu break it off, and don't mistake the entire flying family."

"Wronged the entire flying family?"

The high priest smiled slightly: "Call you a grandson, Sun Xiangxiang, that is, you are an eight-star hero, but it is really commendable, but your ability, I really can't think of any way you can do it. I am immortal. Silver City, really, I really want to see, Feihong, go up, go all out, fight with him, rest assured, there is me, the wild beast can't find your breath."

Sun Hao is sighing.

Although I know that there will be this moment, but when this moment really comes, Sun Hao really realizes the cool eyes of the air. Step by step, there is no room for it, Sun Hao embarked on the whole The path of the flying people.

Perhaps this is the real big disaster after the formation of the sword.

Not finished, I don’t know what it’s going to be.

Since you can't hide, come on.

In the hands of Shan Feihong, a huge light sword was put on the hand, and a pair of wings, disappeared into the air, appeared again, and was already hung on the head of Sun Hao, holding a lightsaber in both hands and blasting Sun Hao Sword, falling down.

The huge beam of light, like a waterfall falling for nine days, with the lightsaber rushed down.

Bright and glaring, hot and hot.

Far away, the lightsaber has not yet fallen, and Sun Hao has felt the lock from space. He has already felt the great power from the lightsaber over his body.

Yang Tian whispered, and Sun Hao’s body sitting on his knees was slightly shocked.

The arrogant gas of the peerless swordsman rushed out of the unparalleled ridge.

The sound of Shen Xiangjian’s sighs, and then rushed up, sharp and sharp, straight, and rushed to the sky without showing weakness.

With a bang, the lightsaber falls on the incense sword.

The agarwood sword pointed upward, and the sword screamed, and a hood with a semi-circular eggshell was put up, and it continued to rush forward.

The colorful swordsmanship of the lightsaber was broken by the incense sword, and the light rain, from the sides of Sun Hao's body, flew down, but did not hurt Sun Hao, who was protected by the agarwood sword, a little bit.

As soon as it sounds.

The lightsaber fell on the incense sword.

A single flying rainbow shocked, and it flew high and bounced.

Shen Xiangjian sank, Jianming sound, fell down, and again crossed before Sun Hao's knees.

The first one, no one is not cheap, not the same. To be continued.

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