Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1640: Taikoo Leichi

Twelve robberies, nine purple gold gods, the last one, Ziwei Lei Shen full force shot, the thunder hammer in his hand slammed on his own thunder cone.

Thundercloud trembled fiercely, and the thunder cone seemed to fly out of the hands of Raytheon and drilled down to Sun Hao.

After the attack of Ziwei Lei Shen, it seems that the power of the whole body has been exhausted. In the thundercloud, it has been shaken a few times, turned into a flash of light, and even did not look at the final result of this mine, dissipated.

The last thunder, turned into a purple gold thunder cone, drilled down to Sun Hao.

At this time, Sun Hao suffered a total blow and was knocked down by the eighth thunder on the broken immortal silver city.

The last Ray came.

The speed of the thunder cone is fast and fast.

Fortunately, Sun Hao had been prepared, and the gods had a little movement. Shen Xiangjian appeared in the air. At the same time, more than a thousand powerful swords appeared around the agarwood sword. The huge sword was quickly formed, and a sharp sword was formed. , rushed to the thunder cone.

The unparalleled ridge was first transformed into the shape of the stick, and immediately after the sword, it should go up.

Sun Hao gritted his teeth, resisted the discomfort of the body, slanted and controlled his huge body and flew up.

Tianjian can't stop the thunder cone, just like drilling tofu, the thunder cone quickly penetrated into the sword, and the speed did not slow down to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s heart is worried.

Collected by the Chongtiancheng auction site, a powerful flying sword was driven by Sun Hao, and did not desperately withstand the thunder cone, bursting into the explosion, bursting into the explosion shock wave, constantly resisting the sudden rise of the thunder cone. .

It’s a little bit of time to fight Feizu’s life for Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s huge body, in this explosion, Shen Xiangjian and Tiantianshu are the last barriers, forming a layer of blocking, defending Sun Haofei quickly into the air and not scattered in the thundercloud, began to absorb thunder The free light spot in the cloud absorbs the thundercloud, the origin of the Ziwei Shenlei, and absorbs the special properties of the Ziwei Shenlei that have not dissipated.

The thunder cone is so powerful that it is beyond the imagination of Sun Hao. He always chased Sun Hao. The power of the giants did not show any signs of decay. Even if there was a powerful flying sword explosion, even if it hit the Shenxiang sword and the fighting stick. The power of the behemoth is still not weakened.

Sun Hao can only recover in the thundercloud, while using the agarwood sword and the fighting stick as a weapon, he always firmly guarantees himself, flying from time to time to avoid the thunder cone assault.

If Sun Hao condensed the five attributes of Jianwan into the incense sword, today's World War I, Sun Hao can only rely on his own big ridge, so that it will be passive.

The agarwood sword that condensed the five-property sword pill has the power to resist the purple gold gods and not destroy it. Although it can't stop for a long time, it can work with the fighting sticks to form a ladder behind Sun Hao, constantly blocking the purple gold thunder cone. .

Shen Xiangjian was defeated and was hit back.

There is a stick on the top.

The Stickman was hit back, and Shen Xiangjian recovered his anger and topped it up.

In such a round-trip cycle, the thunder cone has never been able to catch up with the Taikoo beast that has broken his body.

The body of Sun Hao’s Taikoo Beast, finally condensed the residual source of thunderclouds, gradually stabilized and began to rebuild itself.

The swordsmanship collected at the auction site will not be self-destructive, or will be directly defeated by the thunder cone, but the most difficult moment has finally passed, and Sun Hao has stabilized his position.

Sun Hao kept swimming in the thunderclouds, and the broken body was recovering in large areas. Nowadays, the wild and savage shape is beginning because the main cultivation process is started in the purple gold mine, even during the white jade battle, he gave the grandson Hao's body was brought with a sly purple gold gas.

And Sun Hao’s white jade warfare has also fully advanced to the level of great consummation. Again, in this 12 consecutive catastrophes, he has digested the accumulation of swords and made great progress. However, he has achieved great success in the white jade battle. After that, the wild and savvy cultivation once again encountered a bottleneck and no longer moved forward in this place.

The better the recovery, the stronger the ability of Sun Hao to dodge in the air.

The pressure on Shen Xiangjian and Tiantianshu is also lighter.

After the restoration of the body of the Taikoo Leiyin, the instinctual nature made Sun Hao feel the thirst and jealousy of the thunder cone.

This thunder cone has swallowed itself, and it is definitely a great advantage.

But this thunder cone swallowed a certain indigestion.

It is in this strong emotion that the Taikoo Thunder instinct memory conveys a message.

Or the Archaic Thunder beast has absorbed a huge source of lightning after the 12th robbery. It has gained more power while increasing its size.

Sun Hao fled while trying to figure out the information, and gradually, his face showed a thoughtful expression.

Taikoo Leiyin likes to swim among the thunders. However, in the void, there are no thunders in many places. It is impossible for the Taikoo beast to stay in one place for a lifetime, not tired, and tired, and will go around.

So, isn't it necessary to leave the land of Thunder? Isn't the fish going to leave the water?

Therefore, in order to solve this embarrassing situation, the Taikoo Thunder beast will often open a thunder pool in the body during its cultivation and growth.

Of course, it is only necessary for the child to go to a certain age to learn to walk, to learn to speak in general, the Taikoo Lei beast to open the thunder pool, but also must grow to a certain extent.

This "Thunder Pool" is also an instinctive powerful thunder attribute spell of the Archaic Thunder.

The main purpose of Thunderpool is to store the Thunder, so that the Archaic Thunder beast can be accompanied by Thunder at any time. At the same time, it can also greatly enhance the power of the Thunder in the area where there is no Thunder.

This is equivalent to a secondary spell.

There are three main conditions for the construction of the Leichi. The physical strength, the intensity of the soul and the intensity of the lightning source can be built.

After Sun Hao carefully tried to figure it out, he understood that with his own wild and sturdy cultivation, with the massive thunder source he had absorbed this time, and his incomparably powerful soul that he had been forged for a long time, he was incarnate in Taikoo. The Thunder beast really has the basic conditions for opening up the thunder pool in the sea of ​​knowledge.

The instinct of the Taikoo Lei beast is to quickly open the thunder pool, and then find a way to put the thunder cone into the thunder pool, so that the ancient thunder beast can slowly digest the thunder cone.

This thunder cone is made by Zijin Ziwei Shenlei. If it can be collected, let the Taikoo beasts digest, then it will make a big profit.

Not to mention, such a bold idea, even if it is the real Taikoo beast itself, can often only think about it, but it is difficult to do it.

The reason is that the thunder cone itself is very difficult to appear. If it is not Sun Hao’s catastrophe, it is really not necessary to have a thunder cone.

The purpose of the thunder cone is also specific, that is, destroying Sun Hao who dares to challenge the heavens.

As soon as this goal is achieved, the thunder cone will automatically dissipate in the air. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible at all, and there is no chance to be taken into the body.

However, Sun Haoqiang's fighting stick, the powerful agarwood sword, can actually provide opportunities for Sun Hao to escape. Although the thunder cone is powerful, although he can perseverely pursue Sun Hao, but can not find a chance to kill.

This gave Sun Hao plenty of time.

While escaping while comprehending its own Thunder Pool, Sun Hao began to build a thunder pool in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Knowing the sea rolling, and bursting into the thunder, Sun Hao used secret techniques to understand the sea and opened up a large open space.

This is the most basic, the conditions for the generation of the thunder pool, the sea is not strong enough, the sea is not wide enough, and there is no possibility to generate a thunder pool.

The Archaic Thunder Instinct instinct was launched by the Thunderbolt, and Sun Hao chose the origin of Zijin Shenlei and began to build the Leichi.

The stronger the source of the construction of the Leichi is, the better. At present, the strongest source of absorption by Sun Hao is the Zijin Shen Lei Lei source. Moreover, this kind of lightning source is very similar to the thunder cone. It should have strong capacity, otherwise The construction of the Leichi is really not necessarily able to accommodate the thunder cone.

After three days of escape, Sun Hao slowly got his wish, and in his own knowledge of the sea, according to the mystery of the Taikoo beast inherits, it constitutes Lei Chi.

Next, what Sun Hao needs to do is how to introduce the thunder cone into the thunder pool.

Under normal circumstances, the Archaic Thunderbolt is more simple to mine into the thunder pool. Royal Thunder or Power Thunder is directly handled, but it can only be applied to ordinary Thunder, and the Thunder cone is not listed here.

After thinking for a long time, Sun Hao screamed first, his wings flicked, and his mouth opened.

A radius of eight gray strikes strengthens the force of the thunderbolt and rushes to the thunder cone to attack the past, the unparalleled big ridge flashes, shrinks back, and defends itself.

The sound of Shen Xiangjian’s screams, the five-color ray flashing, and the ground, under the full power of Sun Hao’s five attributes, a sword, stabbed the thunder cone.

The thunder cone suffered a lightning strike and a scented sword, but it didn't have much impact. It was only a slight change in direction. Immediately, it did not rely on it, and quickly pursued it with Sun Hao.

After the outbreak, the thunder cone accidentally discovered that there was no **** interception in front, and he could finally hit the target. (To be continued.)

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