Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1646: Undead Fight (2)

Joe Dan admired the human race boy in front of him.

If the hatred is too deep, he does not want to directly defeat this rare, rare, and the heart is imprisoned to the extreme, and the roots of cultivation are solidified to the ultimate human race.

Above the Penghu, he has repeatedly abused the human race for more than ten days.

Even if it is an iron man, I am afraid that I will not be able to withstand the strong pain that occurs every moment. This feeling of being peeled and peeled meat all the time.

However, the Terran Kid actually stood up firmly.

Although there was a loud roar, there was no even a mourning.

The hands holding the shield are still powerful.

The huge hammer is still waving in vain.

The eyes are still stunned and the legs are still calm.

After a few days of torture, his fighting spirit is still tall and straight, straight into the sky.

The purple gold hero scarf on the top of his head was rushed high by his rushing battle.

The purple gold hero scarf is a symbol of identity, but also has some magical effects. For example, the existence of the purple gold hero scarf makes it difficult for Jordan to directly defeat the defense of Sun Hao's head.

However, in Jordan's view, this does not affect the overall situation. What I have is a way to directly defeat Sun Hao around the beginning.

Unexpectedly, for ten days in a row, the Terran Kid actually stood firm. This is also the monk who has met since the cultivation of Qiao Dan, the most determined willpower and the most stable.

After playing for more than ten days, Jordan has completely cut off Sun Hao’s road to Langein Island.

Qiao Dan also fully grasped Sun Hao's strength and cultivation, as well as the strength characteristics. Now, Sun Hao's tenacious fighting spirit makes him admire, but also stimulates his strong curiosity.

He wants to see how long Sun Hao can last.

In this state of murder, he supported it for two or three years without any problem.

He would like to see if a monk can support it for three years in this inhuman torture.

Anyway, for him, three years, but for a moment.

Over the Shuguang City, the white-haired monk has already flew high, sitting cross-legged in the air, but in his eyes, there is still a melancholy, not shot.

As Tian stood behind him, he whispered: "Is there a variable, is there still no life?"

The white-haired monk slowly shook his head: "The variables are not mature. Joe Dan is fully capable of killing the agarwood in an instant. At this time, it is only futile, and it may make the agarwood fall faster."

Such as the sky and the distance from the sky, almost integrated into the real fighting spirit, the mouth unwillingly asked: "I don't know how long Shenxiang can last."

The white-haired monk shook his head: "I don't know, the agarwood is now a breath, and the spirit is supporting. It is completely unyielding. It is supporting the tenacious battle. I don't know how long it will last. Oh, it's a pity."

If he hesitated for a moment, he whispered: "Can you ask for help from the top ten?"

The white-haired monk shook his head: "Agarwood is for the sake of heaven, and his powerful potential, and now this unparalleled willpower, a firm and unwavering heart, is enough to make a strong race, and they are not bad. Who will help, say, go, or my humanity is not strong, but like the sky, you can rest assured, no matter what, whether it is useless or not, the last moment, this seat will intervene in the battle, Aquilaria’s boundless fighting reminded I, my human race, need this spirit of fighting and fighting."

If the body of the sky is slightly shocked, he whispers: "Thank you for your predecessors."

Under the emptiness of the people, Qi Qi pays attention to the battle on the lake.

In order to shock the imaginary people, and for their own flying people, they were able to survive this difficult time and deliberately opened up the battlefield.

In the virtual battlefield, as long as it is a race fighter who has achieved repairs or has some special skills, he can see the battlefield situation.

A powerful flying monster old monster.

The tough people of the Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

Shocked every power of the battlefield.

Sun Hao's kind of almost condensed into a real and astounding spirit, the kind of unyielding, unyielding fighting spirit, so that the underworld is silent.

Watching the power to replace Sun Hao into the role, but it is horrified to discover that in this state, he is likely to have already collapsed in the boundless sword and wind blade.

A powerful old monster.

Good tough Sun Shenxiang.

I don’t know how long Sun Hao can support, and finally whether there is a chance.

The fierce battle was beyond the accidents of all the monks, and it was also out of Jordan’s accident.

For more than two years, Jordan has been numb, and the golden fighting spirit in the air has really turned into a cloud of fighting spirit, condensed in the air and covered in the battlefield.

Sun Hao is still persevering and fighting hard.

On the top of Lei Peng Xianshan, the Yinpeng warriors wore the silver armor of Sun Hao. They were mad at day and night, and the sorrowful and sturdy atmosphere filled the entire Xianshan, and the Chongtian City felt the vibration.

In the city of Shuguang, the warriors of the ethnic group could not afford to squat for half a year, and their eyes were full of tears.

Life is not limited, fighting is endless.

It is this undead fighting spirit that has already made the entire imaginary family amazed.

For almost three years, the Sun Quan, Sun Yat-sen, is a scar, almost every moment is full of scars. Almost every moment is not complete. The blood splashed on his body has dyed the square shield in his hand and the giant hammer in his hand. Dark red color.

The purple gold hero scarf on his head, even if it is a symbol of the virtual list, does not know when, splashed with blood.

In the battlefield, only agarwood.

Qiao Dan did not think that Sun Hao could actually support it for more than two years. He couldn’t help himself. If the Flying People and Sun Hao were too sorrowful, such a cultivation seed, Jordan also wanted to see how far he could go.

However, this child is too tough, the foundation is too strong, and it is not extinguished.

In the next three years, Sun Hao will be able to persevere, and fighting spirit is fundamental, but there is no steady stream of strong and powerful real yuan support, which can not be done.

The more fierce the battle, the heavier the jealousy of Sun Hao to Sun Hao, this son does not divide, as a enemy of the flying people.

The killing machine is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, for practical action, as soon as three years, Jodan stopped fanning the wind blade, and laughed happily: "Well, your Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang can persist until now, it is not bad, but the abuse ends, now, You give me to die! Break your arm first, oh"

Sun Hao, standing with a shield and waiting for it, has not yet reacted.

I only felt strong swords passing by my left shoulder.

The unparalleled sword bone is incomparably strong, but there is no weak link, the joint is.

Sword gas crossed, Sun Hao felt a pain in his left shoulder.

The left hand with his own punishment, the dry shield, has been cut off from the body and fell to the bottom.

The imaginary sigh of the imaginary people of the imaginary war, the old monsters are really moving, and the time of agarwood is not much.

The white-haired monk has a word in his mouth, and the right-handed finger is fast and screaming. The forehead has a big sweaty Hao slams a giant shiver in the air, his mouth A violent voice: "Criminal days, come back"

The criminal squadron was the magic weapon after refining and refining. Under the driving of Sun Hao’s knowledge, he flew back with his left arm, and his left arm slammed on his shoulder and quickly recovered.

Actually, you can directly connect with the broken arm, a powerful and unparalleled sword body.

Jodan once again noticed an accident, and his heart moved: "Then break one or two more legs."

Sun Hao was prepared, but the horror was that there was no warning, no attack, two swords had cut off his knee joints, and the two calves were cut off and dropped.

Sun Hao’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the air shook his body and screamed: “Come back.”

At the broken leg, the blue light flickered, like a silk thread, connected with two calves, and a slamming sound began to recover again.

Qiao Dan took a look: "It turned out that it is connected by the sea sword. It doesn't seem to break your sword. If you cut the adult stick, you can't. If that's the case, then I will explode you and give me a burst."

The right hand stretched out and made a gripping action.

A huge palm came across the sky and grasped to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao fights against the sky, violently screams, dances and shields, but regrets that he can't escape the palm of his hand anyway.

Huge power is squeezed from all directions.

The flesh and blood of Sun Hao's body, except for the flesh and blood on his head, remained relatively intact. The flesh and blood on the surface of the body was pinched into meat and was squeezed out of the body by tremendous force.

The huge squeezing force exerted on Sun Hao's skeleton, trying to squeeze out the five internal organs as if they were small fish.

The criminal squad can't stand the squeeze and get out.

The giant broken army hammer was thrown into the air in accordance with a certain trajectory. To be continued.

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