Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1648: Hold back

Sun Hao knows that he is not an opponent of Joe Dan.

Sun Hao also knows that as long as he is in a complete state, he may not be able to escape from Jordan. Even if he is a desert snake at dusk, he can guarantee his own safety.

Sun Hao also felt that the purple gold hero scarf on his head had a magical protective effect on his head. Then, he might be able to use this magical hero towel, and there are some special means to let his head recover slowly. I can hold back without dying.

As for his own body, Sun Hao does not know whether he can escape the catastrophe.

Sun Hao also gives the body many protection and defense measures.

There is a shield in the left hand and a hammer in the right hand. There are no big ridges and five foreign bodies in the body. Even the condensed air tower is left in the body. Moreover, Sun Hao is also forced to promote himself after being distracted. The extremely weak and distracting force is also attached to the flesh.

Sun Hao hopes that his body can be preserved, but the body can not escape the robbery, Sun Hao really does not know.

Even if the head can escape the robbery, can you hide in Langein Island, so that Jordan can not find himself, it is really difficult to say.

Sun Hao has closed his own knowledge, entrusted his life and death to the sky, and expects that he will wake up one day, and before that, Sun Hao himself has to be with the tough Duz lungfish, tenaciously Live, hold back and die.

Above the battlefield, the sky flashed, and the human white hair monk appeared.

Without saying anything, he flew up and kicked Sun Hao’s body, and then his body swayed, disappeared, and appeared again. He had stood by the sky if nothing had happened.

Under the bottom of the lake, Jordan’s heart was full of anger and boundless anger.

That hammer couldn't hurt him. Even if he was not prepared enough, he still couldn't make much harm to him, but this hammer had an inexplicable restraint. This hammer actually used him as a gemstone. On the earth, the power of a strange law of mosaic was on him.

Depressed is that with his ability, he has not been able to get out of trouble.

In the vain, it was made by a monk who had just been distracted. In the heart of Jordan, this kind of anger and embarrassment is enough to destroy the earth.

There are three hours.

Joe Dan jumped from the lake.

Looking around, Sun Hao has disappeared, the head that has fallen by himself, and the headless body have disappeared.

Gently gnashing his teeth, Joe Dan shouted: "Don't want to escape from my hands, even if you hide in the gods, I will pick you up and smash the corpse."

The right hand and the sword pointed out that the forehead was pulled open, and Jordan saw the direction of Sun Hao’s head escape.

However, after half a ring, Qiao Dan confided his head in this direction. In this direction, there was no breath of Sun Hao, and he could not see his half-point movement, even if it was the eye-opening, it had no effect at all.

This state, much like Sun Hao has fallen, has disappeared into the virtual.

The heart is unwilling, the mouth is filled with words, the body rises up, the higher the flying, the higher the fly, the third eye, sweeping in the other direction.

Soon after, in this direction, I really saw that Sun Hao had no physical body in his head. He did not breathe in the black ground. Even if there was no sign of life, the body was still tightly held. The square shield in the hand and the sledgehammer in the hand.

Raise your hand and prepare to sway to the flesh. When you completely annihilate it, your brows are not wrinkled and deep, and you sigh in your mouth: "It’s actually in the ancient cemetery, strange, how did this flesh run into that? Where? Who is messing up?"

In the hands of Ziweidou, the number of pendulums, counted a few times, no way to lead, the way of chaos is not under them.

However, looking at the invisible flesh, Jodan thought in his heart, what kind of use can such a flesh be?

Can you still find your head? Can't you survive?

What happened to the boy’s head?

Broken? Was swallowed? Still hiding somewhere?

It is reasonable to say that if you don't completely lose your vitality, your own Violet fight number should be able to calculate the general situation, but why is this happening?

Jodan’s unbelief in his heart always felt that the last one was the deliberate act of the Terran boy. The purpose was to determine the motive. Since the Terran kid can bear two years, he should count on himself and he should have a backhand.

Joe Dan, who is in a bad mood, will not give up.

The body of the Terran kid in the ancient cemetery should not be afraid. The chance of standing up again should be equal to zero. Then, now, you only need to find his head, break the defense of the hero scarf, and forcibly destroy it. I have a big heart.

As I thought, Joe Dan flew in the direction of Langley Island.

Although it is completely impossible to calculate the position of Sun Hao, but Jordan generally knows that the purpose of the Terran Kid is to fight against Him with the help of God.

Yes, if the gods are too old, they are not willing to provoke them easily. But nowadays, they all hit this part. Even if they are doing a lot with God, they have to dig three thousand feet to make the human race. The head is given to find out when the ball is kicked.

The smell of God's wilderness is getting stronger and stronger. The strange thing is that with his approaching, although the gods are so powerful that they can deter themselves, they are still calm and do not attack themselves.

In this world, there is a lot of gods that are so suffocating.

Joe Dan released his knowledge and explored it. After half a ring, his face showed a dumbfounded expression. It was actually a twilight desert snake. The virtual world was the laziest, and there was no one at dusk. It was known as it, but it was completely unnecessary. Consider so much, just search in the past.

Four-winged fans, Joe Dan flew to the desert at dusk, and soon after, he saw Langein Island and saw the Terran camp on Langein Island.

Released the knowledge, Joe Dan began to search carefully on the island.

The forehead's vertical eyes also opened, letting out the light, and glanced back and forth on Langeland.

This is a large island of dust that has fallen on the body of the desert snake at dusk. It has been transformed by billions of years. The island is on the back of the desert snake at dusk. Under the island, there are many twilight desert snakes curled up. The small gap in the formation of many sea holes.

These landscapes are all reflected in the knowledge of Jordan.

The forehead is also focused on the Terran resident.

It’s just that the whole of Langeland is normal and I haven’t found anything.

If it is not your own ability to go to the problem then it is very likely that there are two kinds of results, one of which is that Sun Hao’s head has indeed disappeared, that is, Sun Hao’s head ran to another place, to himself I can't hide it easily.

Qiao Dan was puzzled. On the Langinger Island, which was the body of the twilight desert snake, I found it for a long time. I didn’t find it. I raised my palm several times, but I let it go again.

The dusk snake is indeed lazy, famous lazy, but if it is not strong, then it is not qualified to be so lazy, if the strength is not strong and dare to be so lazy, then it will die very quickly.

Once this big guy has attacked, it is not so good. If he confirms where Sun Hao is in his body, how can he do it, but if he is not sure, he will not be able to pay for it. The big guys really swallowed themselves.

In the end, Joe Dan still did not provoke a desert snake at dusk.

Flying high in the sky, huge faces appeared in the sky above the virtual battlefield, the low voice sounded down the virtual battlefield: "The lower imaginary people understand, although the flying people have suffered heavy losses, but build another immortal silver city. It’s not too difficult. If you dare to rob you, you have to be careful about the wrath of this seat."

After the naked deterrence, Joe Dan’s huge face continued: “The human race boy, who dared to offend the human race kid, has been decapitated on the spot, but his head may still be hidden somewhere, lingering, and imagining Once the family has discovered it, it can be reported to the Flying People in time. Once the news is true, I have a lot of rewards."

After all, the huge face slowly disappeared on the battlefield.

Joe Dan glanced at the virtual battlefield with a glance, pulling his hands and pulling a huge crack in the air, striding across and walking in. To be continued

... (Battlefield Literature)

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