Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1651: No head and no death (2)

A huge monster, opened a big mouth, pointed at the small point in front of him, and bite it down.

A huge square shield, standing forward.

With a bang, the monster bit the square shield and the teeth were broken down a large row.

Can't bite, waving his paws and going forward to grab the attack.

A big hammer, with the sound of the wind blowing, slammed on its head, compared to its head, the hammer is not very big, but hammered it down, still knocking it dizzy .

Swing your head and want to loosen the shield.

As soon as the second hammer smashed down.

Then, a series of crit sounds fell down one after another, and the sound of the slamming sound was endless. Only when the monster slammed into the ground, the head blossomed, the blood and the brain overflowed, the hammer stopped waving.

Sun Hao, a headless person, slowly came out of the huge head of the monster.

Hold the shield and hold the hammer.

The body is straight and straight, and the fighting spirit is high.

Standing next to the body where the behemoth fell to the ground, Sun Hao raised the hammer, took the square shield and patted his own, squeaking and celebrating his victory in his own unique way.

Still can't hear, can't see.

What I can have, I can only feel the airflow around the body, but I don’t know how long I have been walking in this nameless place, and I am fascinated by the instinct.

Instinctively knew the enemy and knew the counterattack.

This is also his ignorance and fearlessness. In this unknown fierce land, the killing does not know how many opponents.

Only this time, the savage beast, accidentally, dripped a drop of blood and brain, dripping on his broken neck, a warm airflow, a sense of comfort that he instinctively felt. The airflow flows into the body.

The small flames inside the heart produce a strong desire for instinct.

Sun Hao knows, hesitated a little, stopped tapping his own, and stretched out his neck.

Like drinking water, in the pool of blood, a whistling sound, a lot of blood and the brain of the monster is like watering, poured into the body of Sun Hao, the body has a feeling of comfort, steaming and bursting sweat.

Sun Hao simply walked forward with his feet, his body squatting, lying comfortably in the pool of blood, letting blood invade himself.

The wild shape is driving, and the dark golden light is shining on the body.

I don't know how long it took, and the blood was so dry, Sun Hao couldn't feel any useful breath, stood up, stood on the head of the monster, raised the hammer and the square shield, and swelled in the belly of the bulging belly, bursting with thunder. The sound of the sound.

Instinctively driven, Sun Hao instinctively knows that in the endless roaming, some things may be beneficial to themselves. For the first time, under the instinctive drive, Sun Hao, who lost his head, felt * for the first time.

move on.

Continue to meet the monsters who blocked the road, but after that, every time after defeating the opponent, Sun Hao will break the opponent's head and bubble into the opponent's blood and brain.

The doubt is that sometimes, it feels good, but sometimes, there is no feeling.

Moreover, different enemies feel differently to themselves, with warmth, chilly, piercing, burning, etc., all kinds of.

Sometimes, although it is very uncomfortable, it is helpful to yourself.

If there is help, then there is a need, and if necessary, continue.

The headless Sun Hao has no purpose, only knows how to roam, and slowly becomes a monster that consciously kills all kinds of obstacles and gives himself a bath.

Unconsciously, in this soaking, Sun Hao’s body became more and more abnormal, and the higher and higher, the stronger and stronger, and some muscles were formed into pieces, a phenomenon of indigestion, and the whole On the body, there is also a thick blood gamma, one layer after another, all kinds of monsters have blood.

The square shield and the hammer also lost their own color, and they completely turned into a dark red blood color. A strong and fierce temperament came out from the body of Sun Hao, slowly, with the fierceness in the sky. The breath is getting more and more similar.

Instinctively, the breath of the ignorant and fearless headless Sun Hao is more and more similar to the ancient cemetery, and gradually adapts to the environment.

No head and no death, fighting spirits exist.

The ignorant Sun Hao, at this time, is as ignorant as a baby, but also like a baby, excited for each harvest of his own, under the support of the sky, every harvest, will stand against the sky, take a chest to celebrate .

I don't know how long it has been.

The ignorant Sun Hao has his second very obvious instinct and needs. The sapphire tower in Dantian has a strong * in one direction.

This kind of * affects Sun Hao's instinct.

It was not very clear that distraction dominated his body and swayed in place. After a few days, he finally understood the signal of demand in the body, and began to have a vision, plan, and direction for the first time.

The walk ahead is instinct, wherever it goes.

But this time, Sun Hao has his own direction. In accordance with the area where the condensed air tower is felt, Sun Hao has a hand-held shield and a portable hammer.

After less than two days, I met a cliff.

The headless body is unconscious, and one foot is empty.

In the middle of the wind, like a huge stone, Sun Hao screamed and fell.

In a loud bang, the ground crashed into a huge deep pit, and the ignorant distraction was slammed and slumbered.

The whole body bone, even the unparalleled sword bone, also appeared in the impact of the silk fissure.

Wu Nei also suffered a serious injury.

In this way, motionless, squatting on the bottom of the cliff, I don’t know how many years have passed, the broken bones slowly healed slowly, and the wildness slowly began to flow.

In the small flame, a drop of undead blood was dropped again. The function of Sun Hao gradually recovered, and the distraction slowly awakened, and the body began to rise again.

As long as you wake up, the spine must be straight, this is the instinct, and the only instruction that Sun Hao's ontological consciousness gives to the distraction. As long as the person is still there, the spine must be straight.

At the bottom of the cliff, Sun Hao gradually recovered. For this time, Sun Hao said that no matter how long the ground sleeps, it is only a moment.

Therefore, his stated goal, that is, the position to be felt by the empty tower, remains unchanged.

In accordance with the direction of feeling, unswervingly, waving the square shield and hammer in your hand and moving on.

When I met the mountain that blocked the road, I waved the hammer and smashed it all the way, directly leveling it.

When you meet the cliff, just jump Anyway, you will wake up and just sleep.

When you meet the monster that blocks the road, kill it directly, break the brain, and take a shower.

Straight direction, a straight line, Sun Hao unswervingly, do not know how long it took, finally found his first goal, but there is a powerful unknown monster guard near this target, stopped Sun Hao, ignorant and fearless.

I swallowed Sun Hao into the stomach.

I don't know how long it has been, curled into a ball, only the bones and bones that protect the body of a few foreign objects, Sun Hao, was pulled out by the monster as a feces.

It is gradually recovering.

Tenaciously fighting again, then swallowing; coming out, fighting again, then swallowing... I don’t know how many times to cycle, Sun Hao’s body adapts to the environment of the monster, and fights hard in the monster body.

In the end, the skull of the monster was broken, and the first thing that was needed was harvested. It was still in the head of the monster and soaked for a long time.

The first self-goal goal was found.

Sun Hao’s behavior has changed again.

Sun Hao instinctively knows that within his body, those components may have different cravings for different things, and the things found this time, especially the last bath, are very helpful to themselves, fighting The process also greatly helped my progress.

Therefore, the distraction instinctively began to feel, try to promote the feelings of several foreign bodies in their bodies.

With this promotion, Sun Hao discovered that he had to work harder, and the foreign objects inside the body had information for many directions and many things.

No matter how much, no matter how important, Sun Hao chose the nearest direction, took a big step, took a shield, and held the hammer with one hand and walked over. (To be continued.)

... (Battlefield Literature)

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