Sun Hao guessed that it was correct. Although he ate for two consecutive days, the small fire was still hungry. See you. ⊙

Xiaohuo himself can't figure out why, but she only feels instinct. After she wakes up, it is very important to eat for the first time. It is best to eat enough. Therefore, even though my heart is a little embarrassed, I can only harden it. Eat scalp.

Fortunately, there are only Sun Hao around, not an outsider, or else, I am so embarrassed that I am so rude.

Fortunately, the beasts are killed by Sun Hao. In the small fire, they are connected with Sun Hao’s life, and they are not happy with Sun Hao.

Once again, a Lenna manatee rushed out of the cave.

The green wood was wrapped up, like ordinary seaweed, entangled in the tail of the manatee.

Lenner manatee earned a few times, and the accident did not break free, turned around and prepared to open his mouth.

Sun Hao knows what to do and is preparing to kill the manatee.

Suddenly, the manatee was in a sudden position.

In that place, it seems that suddenly everything disappeared, and the sea water, along with the manatee and even the seaweed vines wrapped in Sun Haoqing, disappeared instantly.

Sun Hao took a brief glimpse, and the sea water immediately rushed over and filled the hole.

Sun Hao looked at the sea in an unbelievable way, and then looked at the small fire on his shoulder. Now the small fire is squinting with small eyes and looking at himself innocently.

Sun Hao was speechless and then asked with concern: "Is there any discomfort?"

The small fire shook his small head on his shoulder and then said in his consciousness: "I am fine, my brother."

After that, the small fire whispered: "Brother, are you collecting that crystal?"

Sun Hao nodded.

A small fire mouth, a piece of Haibao Niuhuang sprayed out and flew to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao raised his hand to catch Haibao Niuhuang, and he could not help but think: "The efficiency of killing manatee by small fire seems to be very high."

After a while, another Lenna manatee rushed out.

Throwing out a green tree, Sun Hao said in his consciousness: "Small fire, up."

The sea water in front is suddenly empty again.

The Lenna Manatee disappeared without a trace.

Sun Hao looked at the small fire on his shoulder.

The small fire posed a small head and said a little anxiously: "Brother. How is it all?"

Sun Hao nodded with a smile: "Well, don't worry, some manatees don't crystallize."

A small fire shot, accurately said after the mouth. Silently killing the Lenna manatee is easy and quick, and there is no **** smell.

As long as Sun Hao slightly restrained the Lenna manatee, let the Lenna manatee stay for a while, and the small fire opened his mouth and solved the problem.

Feeding a small belly from a small fire, as well as the ability to swallow.

Sun Hao has a very basic judgment in his heart. The blood of the big mouse for the small fire should be the blood of the swallowing squirrel in the ancient times.

The day of the dog whistle, the mouse can swallow the sky.

Legend has it that it is precisely because of the name of the squirrel, when the ancient heavenly book was enshrined in the zodiac, the rats ranked first.

If it is really the blood of the squirrels, the exhibition and achievements of the small fire will not be limited in the future. After the life of the human and the mouse is shared, it is not known who is cheaper at the end.

and. The blood of the swallow is really strong, and the strength of the small fire will definitely be quite scary.

Now, the small fire has already begun to show up.

The small fire woke up, but the real repair was not in the middle of the foundation. However, it was blocked in the manatee cave, even if it was the Lenna manatee that was perfected, the small fire was swallowed up, and it was effortless.

For two consecutive days, there was no return to the Lenner manatee that went out for food.

The head of the manatee is a bit annoyed. The little manatee is waiting to be fed, waiting for food.

Another batch of manatees got orders, and 6 continued to be sent out for food.

The manatee head is not thinking about whether the manatee that is going out is in danger.

The Lenna manatee is a sound wave exchange, according to the truth. Before the death, it was very easy and simple to slam. There were dozens of manatees without echoes. It was not like being destroyed. It was like a big fish, and it was going to chase.

Lead the words. The number and density of outgoing Lennon manatees began to increase.

In Sun Hao’s knowledge, the two big cows almost rushed toward the hole.

Sun Hao looks at the small fire: "Two, is there a problem?"

Standing on the shoulders of Sun Hao, the small face of the small fire showed a sense of excitement, and the small head continued to move, indicating no problem.

Two Lenna manatees rushed out, and Sun Hao’s greenwood wrapped around with an accurate and unmistakable entanglement. The two manatees struggled for a few times and then, along with the seawater around them, were swallowed by a small fire. in stomach.

One mouth, a small fire spit out a piece of Haibao Niuhuang.

Two are not a problem, and the three are not a problem.

The small fire is more and more exciting, exuberant and full of energy.

At this time, Sun Hao fully felt that the fire was almost the same, and it was too much.

The reason why the small fire is so motivated so high is that it is finally delicious.

The blood of a small fire is difficult to understand. So many sea beef don't know where to eat. Anyway, the body shape does not increase, the weight does not increase, and the repair is not long.

Ingestion should be the instinct ability of the small fire to obtain the blood. The small fire also told Sun Hao that it is important to swallow the first time. It is best to eat.

The current situation is that Sun Hao suspects that the entire manatee is not enough to swallow.

The scale of the manatee coming out for food is getting bigger and bigger.

At the beginning, one came out, and two were exhibited. The three came out together, and then they came out together in groups of three or five, but no matter how many came out at once, as long as Sun Hao could hold them for a while, the small fires were swallowed up.

Sun Hao is now, the limit of small fires is not to use the number theory, but to use space theory, the small space that can be swallowed by the small fire is not much smaller than the hole in the sea hole. Therefore, as long as it is the manatee that is flushed out at the same time, the volume Without a certain amount of space, they can't escape the small fire.

"Small fire, this time more than a dozen", Sun Hao's knowledge, more than a dozen Lenna manatees lined up and swam out of the cave, Sun Hao quickly said: "Is there a problem? No Just put them in the past."

The small fire stood on Sun Hao’s shoulders, and the clever little eyes slammed a few times. He was a little excited and said a little embarrassed: "Brother, I will try."

After that, in the water array, the two feet squatted on Sun Hao’s shoulder, stood up, two front paws, made a chest expansion, and then the body leaned forward slightly, the head extended forward, aligned The mouth of the sea cave opened a small mouth.

The sea water at the mouth of the sea cave seems to have a strange sputum, and the dark water actually gives Sun Hao a transparent and strange feeling.

More than a dozen Lenna manatees rushed out of the cave and rushed into the sea, then disappeared.

All the manatees disappeared, and the two front paws of the small fire were collected. They squatted on Sun Hao’s shoulders, and they breathed a sigh of relief in their mouths. The face showed a very cool and cool expression, and swallowed more than a dozen blue cows. Finally, they found it. The feeling of being happy.

Sun Hao looked at the sea in front of him, and then looked at a small fire that was still in his face.

In the past, Sun Hao had not had a very intuitive feeling about the blood of the so-called ancient gods, but now, the feeling is very deep.

The mouse can swallow the sky, it really is not talking about playing.

This small fire is very fierce.

Looking at the small fire on the shoulders and eager to sample, Sun Hao slammed in his heart and asked: "Small fire, just the state, how long can you last?"

"Just the state?"

Xiaohu thought about it in his head, and gave Sun Hao the answer in his consciousness: "It’s almost a musk."

A musk, time is enough, Sun Hao touched his chin, then lowered his head, whispered with a small fire, and finally asked: "Small fire, do you think this is feasible?"

The small fire on the small face showed an excited expression. The two small claws seemed to be slap in the face, and the small head slammed, agreeing with Sun Hao’s plan.

Sun Hao smiled slightly, and the small fire jumped into the storage bag of Sun Hao's waist.

Sun Hao stood on the wall of the cave of the sea, his body slowly disappeared, and the bandits moved into the cave wall.

Along the cave wall, Sun Hao cooked the road and touched the manatee nest.

After a while, Sun Hao has already passed through the cave passage of more than ten nautical miles, and once again saw a manate nest like a hive.

At the end of the passage, Sun Hao carefully drilled out from behind a large stone.

According to the terrain near the stone, Sun Hao quickly arranged a small array of water, and then shot the poetry bag.

The small fire came out from the spirit beast bag and landed on Sun Hao’s shoulder.

In the consciousness of Sun Hao, he slammed a few small fires. He ignited a small head with a small fire, and with a thin layer of pure fire **** of Sun Hao, he jumped lightly and stood on the stone of the water. Sun Hao indicated that he was ready and could start acting.

Sun Hao nodded and slowly sank into the sea.

The bandit technique was displayed, and Sun Haoxun touched the past on the beach.

On the beach, Sun Hao slammed out and grabbed a small manatee playing on the beach, grabbed the small manatee, and slammed into the sea tunnel.

In the consciousness, I quickly passed a message to Xiaohuo: "Small fire, I am coming."

The small manatee in the hands of Sun Hao struggled fiercely, and the sound waves in his mouth kept coming, asking for help from the big cows in the nest.

The manatee nest bursts open instantly.

Actually, a personal monk rushed in, and also took a small No need to give orders to the head, in the nest, all the big cows rioted together, roaring, chasing Sun Hao .

Sun Hao had a five-inch **** on the top, and there was a fire shield outside. He was afraid that the Lenna manatee couldn’t be his own. He ran a few laps on the beach before he flew into the cave of the cave and fled to the trench.

Passing the big stone, Sun Hao made a gesture with his right hand, smiled and whizzed.

Not far behind Sun Hao, the rage of the Lenner manatee rushed.

After the servant, a head of the manatee did not hesitate to kill.

Hula la, hula la, the big cows did not feel the anomaly ahead, one after another rushed into a piece of water that seemed to be a bit transparent in the sea and then disappeared instantly.

It looks like it is rushing into a black hole without a bottom. (To be continued.)


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