Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1665: Zhongxu Road

Therefore, Sun Hao feels that such a race has absolutely a way to enter the imaginary, the 勥he tribe has not been recorded before, but because the 勥he tribe is too low-level, too remote, too barbaric.

If Sun Hao wants to enter Zhongxu, then he has to go out from the Hehe tribe to conquer a more powerful barbarian tribe and find the correct way for the barbarian to lead to the emptiness, while the Terran side is not really strong before its own strength. Sun Hao does not intend to have any contact.

After more than a hundred years of separation, Sun Hao began to lead the tribes of the Hehe tribe.

If we say that the former holy king is aimless and thinks where to hit, then now, Sun Hao’s subjective consciousness returns, and the fighting effect is completely different.

Moreover, there is one biggest difference between Sun Hao’s subjective consciousness and distraction. That is, the subjective consciousness has a powerful and powerful commanding ability. Sun Hao is one stop in the barbarian ranks, without any action, in an instant, the barbarian warriors Morale, when it reaches its apex, it shows a **** state and its strength is greatly increased.

In addition, Sun Hao has almost won the real strength of the virtual, and there is really no tribe around the Wohe Department to withstand the iron hoofs of Sun Hao.

Among the six wildernesses, the sacred barbarian army led by Sun Hao, strong, like a powerful sword, directly inserted the heart of Liu Man from the border of Liu Man, the barbarian tribe encountered, or is it attached, or It is a strong massacre.

The power of the tribes of the Hehe tribe is in the middle of the six savage.

Savage to the ultimate fighting style, barbaric to the ultimate customs, barbarism to the ultimate state of combat, this is the Hehe tribe.

After more than one hundred years, Sun Hao led the tribes to advance forward, and finally encountered the six strong, the most powerful, with the legendary account of the existence of a huge savage, Jiu Xing Li, also known as Jiuxing Man, or nine Li Man.

At this time, the fierceness of the barbaric sacred regiment has already spread to the Jixing Li headquarters.

The proud and powerful Jiu Xing Li nationality headquarters set a decisive battle posture.

The duel between Sun Hao and the Jiu Xing Li national first warrior, the Yangtze River, opened the curtain of the war.

There is no self-confidence for the barbarian warriors who have surrendered Sun Hao. The Communist Party does not feel that a savage savage that is savage in a wilderness will be its own rival. Especially this savage still loses its head, can the brain be so good? ?

However, the result of the decisive battle has made the Jixing Li people horrified.

Just three strokes.

The powerful tribal warriors joined the river and were shot by the fierce headless king.

Not waiting for the station to stand up, the headless and fierce hands grabbed the feet of the Gongjiang River, and the air was torn apart. Once it was in the square, the strength of the river was enough to tear the sky, and it was torn into two halves by the headless and fierce.

The shield sweeps one piece and hammers one side.

No head and fierce, invincible.

The powerful fighting will of the Sacred Barbarian Legion also made the nine-star Li nationality soldiers feel the fear. This is a group of barbaric warriors with high morale and bloodyness. The real barbarian, the true barbaric race, is this.

The huge and proud Jiuxing Libu was like a mountain torrent, and it was instantly defeated and out of control.

No head and fierce power, let Liu Man be shocked.

The mortal murderer was born and unstoppable.

The war has continued, and it has been killed to the holy mountain of Jiuxingli.

On the 10th of the war, the holy mountain was forcibly broken, and the saint was smashed by the headless and fierce, and the savage was brutally murdered by the headless, and the nine-star Libe was completely surrendered.

The saint was occupied by the headless and fierce, and the holy mountain became the base camp of the Wohe Department.

It took more than a hundred years, and the powerful headless and savage ruthlessly smashed the rebellious forces within the Jiuxing Li Department and passed on its own flamboyant flames in all directions.

It has laid down a large number of wild areas, and the vastness of the six savage, the headless and fierce reputation spread far and wide.

Next, it is the cultivation and living of the Yihe family. The headless and savage will make the barbaric customs of the 勥he family, especially the barbarians and the flower dog festival, forcibly pushed to the entire tribe.

In the wilderness, the unique wildness is always shrouded in the endless wasteland. In addition to the tribal camps that are actually built by the barbarians, there are powerful wild animals born at every moment in the wilderness, deeper wilderness. There are even many original wastelands that have not been reclaimed.

After the headless and fierce defeat of the Jiuxing Libu, there were many wildernesses that had not been fully developed in the vast wilderness of the rule. While stabilizing the interior, the barbaric elites of the Hehe tribe began to focus on the development and attack of the wilderness. The pace of outward expansion is automatically slowed down.

Six wild, finally calmed down.

To be honest, the barbarians are constantly facing the pressure of the surrounding wild animals in the midst of the crisis, and there are very few gangs that are so aggressive as the 勥.

Even if it is a nine-star squad, after reaching a certain level, it will no longer expand. Even the wild beasts around the battle will not be able to cope, but there is really no interest in attacking other barbarians.

This is really a very small number.

Fortunately, after the annexation of the Jiu Xing Li Department, even the headless and fierce, this energetic and over-powerful guy began to stop, and the wild and wild beasts in all directions allowed the belligerent and savage to take care of themselves. And finally settled down.

After conquering the Jiuxing Li Department, Sun Hao found a way for the barbarian to enter the imaginary after conquering the sacred woman. Naturally, he would stop and expand, and instead digest the results of the battle and promote his barbaric policy. The balance between yin and yang in the body was restored, and preparations for entering the virtual were begun.

Different from Wuhe, which has no data transmission, Jiuxing Li has its own record officer, has a lot of savage information, and has built a long-distance transmission array that Sun Hao is also overjoyed.

According to the data, the long-distance transmission array is opened once every millennium. At that time, the various parts of the savage caves can enter the ancient city and participate in the selection of the warriors. The real barbarian warriors will stand out in the selection, or may enter the imaginary.

The data shows that the conditions for entering the virtual state are not the more powerful the barbarians have more opportunities. Many times, some barbaric warriors who are not very powerful have been successfully selected, and some of the more powerful fighters have no chance.

Although the Jiuxing Li Department has a transmission array, although it is also one of the tribes that can enter the ancient city, the position of the Jiuxing Li Department in the barbarian is really unspeakable. No matter the strength or influence, it is not enough. The story of the saints is recorded. The Li Ministry has not known how many years the Warriors can enter the emptiness.

In the past 10,000 years, simply, the Jiuxing Li Department did not send people to participate in the selection of the Warriors. It was also a no-brainer, that is, it was able to watch a lively event, but the resources consumed were quite powerful.

Once a millennium, opening the transmission array is not without cost. It is enough to make a savage squad with a lack of strength.

However, this is the purpose of Sun Hao and the road to cultivation that Sun Hao must pursue.

Therefore, after conquering the Jiuxing Manchu, Sun Hao began to develop the strength of the Hehe tribe, led his own barbarian corps to fight around, killed a large number of wild animals within the scope of the tribe's rule, and began to accumulate resources for entering the ancient city.

Sun Hao’s all calculations are quiet and quiet.

The Hehe tribe did not see any abnormalities at all.

The plan of the headless king and the sense of fighting itself are unconstrained. The ordinary barbarian warriors have become accustomed to it, but they have no feelings.

The only thing that perceives Sun Hao’s purpose is the nine-star Libe.

After being conquered by Sun Hao and ruled for hundreds of years, the new generation of barbarians was completely integrated into the tribe. Sun Hao did not treat the Jiuxing Li Department. Even the barbarians and the Flower Dog Festival were treated equally. Slowly, the saints began. Actively cooperate with Sun Hao, and began to plan for the grandmaster of the ancient city.

The barbarian ministry has a common understanding, that is, once a warrior can enter the imaginary, that is the most important achievement of each ministry, each ministry not only has glory, but also a major reward for the ancient city. Tribes can also develop faster and better.

When the millennium is getting closer and closer, Sun Hao has consciously reduced his appearance, reduced his battles, and allowed the soldiers of the Hehe fighters to fight on their own, and the management of the tribal warriors was put down, and the preparations for leaving the barbarian were completed. .

Although the saint was conquered by Sun Hao for a long time, but after a few hundred years, it also produced emotions, a bit reluctant, and the two mothers brought out by Sun Hao from the Department of Hehe also noticed abnormalities and produced silk. disturbed.

Sun Hao was unmoved, but the sorcerer distracted, but it produced a lot of mourning. In the end, Sun Hao was still not obsessed with the dedication of the gods, called the saints and two pretty mothers, and carried out the things of the shackles. The detailed division will re-integrate the command of the war department, which will allow the witches to calm down and really prepare for leaving.

On this day, on the holy mountain of the Hehe Department, white brilliance bloomed.

The saint and the savage mother led the 勥he tribal warriors to kneel down under the holy mountain, and sent the invincible sacred king to participate in the selection of the warriors. To be continued.

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