Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1668: Selection begins

As the selection day approached, the atmosphere grew stronger in the ancient city.

And some legendary barbarians have gradually appeared in the ancient city.

"Kwafu" **** chasing the mountain, the "Thunderbird" **** sitting wind and so on, the king of the blood appeared in the ancient city, every time a large, huge city has caused a huge sensation.

In the tavern of the shackles, there was a scream of ghosts and sorrows, and the wrists were turned into winds, and the sky was turned over.

Actually, it is a pub. It is almost a large slate that covers some stone tables. There are some tall stone pillars in the middle of the exposed stone building. The view is wide, and it is no different from the bustling streets outside.

Sun Hao waited for about ten days, and the election day finally began.

Above the ancient city, there is a red light.

In the center of the city, within the huge slate square, a huge banner was erected.

Blood warfare flag.

The barbarian flag is inserted on a huge stone pillar. It looks like a rectangular vertical wall hanging from the top. The flag is made of white and has a golden and red color. It is vertical in the middle of the slate square.

Within the city, any place can clearly see the towering flag.

Seeing this moment of the battle flag, even if it is Sun Hao, there is an inexplicable excitement in the heart, and there is a feeling of blood and blood.

There is a sigh of screaming and venting, and it is quite ridiculous that Tian Hao’s control is not automatically controlled by Sun Hao. Sun Hao rushed to know what he was doing.

At this time, Sun Hao discovered that the barbarian warriors within the pub had already beaten their own, and they were screaming at the sky, and the whole city was screaming.

Bloody, the blood of the real barbarian, was inspired by the **** battle banner, Sun Hao can see, wherever the eyes are, every barbarian warrior is full of blood and high spirits.

Whether it is a male barbarian or a female warrior, an expression, gearing up, eager to try.

Sun Hao also went to the country to follow the customs, and screamed a few times.

In the roar of the warriors, the ancient city rang the sound of the horn, as if from the ancient times, the long horn of the vicissitudes of life, resounding over the city, overshadowing the roar of all barbarian warriors, the whole city is clear Into the ear.

Around the **** battle banner, on the wide square, a thick stream of blood is rushing, and the air is filled in the horn, and the airflow is stirred up, and the coverage is wider and wider.

The **** fog shrouded the entire square, and the blood of the tumbling was like a wild animal roaring.

The golden fence on one side rises and rises to the position of the battle flag. It is gradually fixed. Around the fence, the blood flow is divided into ten pieces.

Less than a scent of fragrant, the **** air flow condensed into ten blood-colored floors in the air, floating and floating, connected to the blood war ban flag, around the **** battle banner, there are ten tall air platforms.

Each piece of the platform has a hundred miles, enough for barbarian warriors to test in the aspect ratio.

The downfall is generated and the change continues.

In the sound of the boom, the center square of the ancient city was gradually down, sinking into a lot, until the **** platform was almost flush with the ground of the city, only to stop.

The buildings in the ancient city, where Sun Hao is located, have begun to make a big change. The pub seems to be tilted as a whole. The barbarian soldiers sitting on the stone table suddenly find themselves sitting on a huge slope. Above, just overlook the **** battle below.

However, the **** battle flag is still high and erected, beyond the height of all the sloping ancient city buildings, standing in the middle.

In the core area of ​​the ancient city, at this time in the huge wild city, it seems to have become a huge main grandstand, but also stands tall in front of the **** battle banner, which is slightly shorter than the blood war banner. And a lot higher than other pretty cities.

A burly body with arms, a dragon-horned helmet, a barbarian warrior with a huge axe, and a large knives in the rocky area of ​​the core area, Hong Zhong-like voice spread across the scene: "Millennium event, now At the beginning, the barbarian warriors, the unparalleled glory, the peerless opportunity, waiting for you in front of you, still hesitating? Let's go, heroic and fearless, let me see your style..."

The huge axe in the air pointed out: "A pretty selection, a warfare..."

Huge, around the central square, within a layer of layers of stone city, axe, big sticks and other weapons waving, barbarian warriors are full of blood, roaring.

Ten huge wild animals were caught up in the ring.

This is a ten-headed, extremely powerful golden wilderness beast. It has become an appetizer for the war of the wild, and it is also the stage for the blood of the king to show themselves.

Ten gold shortages were bound by the golden fence on the platform, and they could not escape. They could only roar in them and fight the beasts.

Before the collapse of the **** battle banner, a brutal warrior with a slight bow on his back, his arms over his knees, and no weapons in his hand, stepped on the footsteps and walked up to the savage.

Sun Hao’s eyes could not help but shrink slightly. The strength of the gold shortage in this ring was very strong, reaching the peak level. Sun Hao could not take advantage of the five-element real yuan, but he would not take this golden peak. I am afraid that it will not Very good.

I don’t know the one who went up, Sun Hao has seen, and the barbarian warriors who have the blood of "Bimon" can get it.

The war broke out at the same time as the barbarian warriors stepped onto the ring. This was a peak lion, slamming the **** mouth and fiercely rushing to the barbarian warriors.

As soon as the barbarian warrior put his hands on his chest.

The bite of the lion at the peak of the lion was completely blocked.

There was a huge roar in the mouth: "Oh oh..." The barbarian warriors did not wait for the lions to leave, and they slammed forward in the roaring voice, sticking out a pair of sharp claws on their hands, and Thunder usually buckled the lions. Legs.

The lion's powerful body and powerful strength can not earn the hands of the barbarian warriors.

Powerful and incomparable, it seems that the power of gold emerged from the upper body of the barbarian warrior, hands raised, violently torn, the powerful gold shortage was torn apart, and a **** rain fell on the head of the barbarian warrior.

The head was drenched with blood, and half of the wild animal body was held in one hand. The barbarian warrior stood on the barbaric, and walked along the fence of the ring.

There was a burst of warm cheers from the audience.

Beginning with the blood of the peak of the golden age, it ignited the prelude of the brutal war.

After the killing of the lions and lions, the **** barbarian, Nick, did not continue to guard, but was directly recruited by the upper layers of the ancient city in the core area.

In the middle of the virtual witch, German signed a contract with Nick. The two sides appeared together and their expressions were very happy. It seems that both parties are satisfied with this employment.

The size of the male sorcerer is longer than that of the barbarian, and the size of the sorcerer is much shorter. The Germanman standing on the side of Nickel looks like a little bit, but the male sorcerer is much taller than the human race.

The biggest characteristic of the male sorcerer is that he always holds a glowing ball in his hand, which looks mysterious and blue.

There is no male witch in the virtual, but in the middle of the virtual, the male witch is a famous name. Together with the witches, it is one of the virtual and ethnic groups and an important cornerstone of the ancient witches.

The male and the female witches are mixed in the middle and complement each other. However, the two groups have their own governing bodies. Even if they are members of a family, they also have commanders. Therefore, they are divided into two. Race, but in reality, is two-in-one.

Sun Hao from the information of the Jiuxing Li Department can also be vaguely guessed, in fact, strictly speaking, the ancient sorcerer has two major foundations, namely the imaginary savage and the imaginary The male and female witches are slightly different from the human race.

The Terran is a race in the upper middle, lower, and lower, and there is no vassal race.

I don’t know if there is a vassal around the Terran after the Zhongxu.

All are happy, Nick joined the barbarians who are most desired by the barbarians.

Then, six kings and blood vessels appeared one after another, killing the wild beasts in their respective platforms, and successfully formed employment contracts with the imaginary race.

Among them, only the barbarian warriors who only praised the blood of the father were once again recognized by the other monk monks, while the other few were hired by the more powerful ethnic monks such as Huo Feng, Lei Man and others.

These racial strengths are not weak, but they are worse than the males.

The blood of the king was finished, but there were three wild animals on the platform that were not destroyed. Sun Hao saw these three wild animals, and his heart could not help but move. (To be continued.)

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