Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1678: 1 Qi Chengcheng

Nine refinery returned to the fairy 1678, the first six seven seven chapters in one go - 567 Chinese middle of the witch said in a low voice: "Lan Er, such a monk, must be condemned by the heavens, that is, for the sky, the defects are normal, today, What I want to tell you is that since Xiaolan can choose this barbarian, it means that this barbarian has great help to the rise of my witchcraft. In the future, if there is an opportunity, I can give him some necessary help. There is that..."

Speaking of this, the eyes behind the witch's face towel radiated a burst of light, and the mouth said in a low voice: "Don't have the idea of ​​killing people and crossing the river, so that they will only destroy their roots."

In the room, the witches glimpse together and then said in a low voice: "Adult, we understand."

The witch in the middle slowly and firmly said: "With the words of Nia, the protection of the circuit is open, everyone, etc., should not peep, we only need to know the results, do not need to know the process."

A witch said with a good voice: "Yes, adults."

Above the throne, the light ball in the hands of Vigna was shocked. A piece of information was transmitted, and the brow was slightly wrinkled. He said softly: "Why is this?"

The blue light ball in the hand was shaken, and there was a burst of white light. The mirror image of the area was completely shielded.

Gelman whispered: "Mother, why is this?"

Vignia said: "The bridesmaid blockades the area of ​​the spiritual array, and no one is allowed to peek. It is strange. Is it possible that Gellan may have passed through five spiritual circles and rushed out of the intermediate spiritual array? Otherwise, it should not be so big. It is..."

As soon as the voice fell, a light blue spot appeared on the basketball in the hand, and it blew open gently, like a bright fireworks.

The spirit of Vigna was alive and he said: "Little Lando is so fast that he has broken the second line of spirits."

There was a bitter smile on German's face. He said: "At present, it seems that my best level is the third spiritual array. If my sister used to be in the past, wouldn't it match my record?"

Vignia said with a smile: "Mann, don't compare with your sister, think about your sister now needs someone to help in order to pass the road, and you have already sailed smoothly to the present, what are you dissatisfied with?"

Gelman touched his head: "It's just a little shame. Of course, I am also happy for Xiaolan."

Vignia asked again: "Man, how is the team you formed? If you are strong enough, you can try to enter some special lower bounds to practice. At that time, you can once again usher in the rapid progress of practice."

Gilman’s body was right, and he said: “In my ranks, I recruited two heroes, five quasi-heroes, and several powerful warriors of the barbarian royal family. The team has basically been put in place. Unfortunately, Both of my heroes are just ordinary blue-band heroes, failing to recruit special heroes, not to mention gold heroes."

Vignia said with a smile: "It is very good to be able to recruit heroes. Under the imaginary family, there are fewer than ten people in every hundred years. The chance of a hero in the middle is even smaller. You can have a hero to fight for you. Be content."

Glman nodded: "Well, I am actually curious. What is the hero of the Golden Belt? And, the legend, the strongest hero, should be the purple gold belt. I don’t know which hero will be so powerful. ?"

Vigna's eyes looked at the basketball in his eyes, as if he was thinking back. After half a ring, he whispered: "Golden heroes can lead more soldiers into the lower bounds or secrets, and the legendary purple gold belt is said to have met a certain amount. After the conditions, I can bring some special soldiers from the lower bounds to fight in different scenes, which is amazing..."

Just talking about it, the blue light ball in the hand is a beautiful blue fireworks rises up. The spirit of Viña is alive, and the mouth says loudly: "Well, Laner is really powerful. This is a direct blow." Three Taoist arrays..."

Not long after, Gelman screamed: "In the past, actually passed the fourth, hahaha, I did not expect my sister's rumor to run to the front of me, admire, admire, but she is a little confused, Otherwise, I really want her to exchange experiences and exchanges..."

It didn't take long for Vinya to applaud with both hands and smiled and said: "Well, in the past, the fifth spiritual array, actually passed the fifth spiritual array. Xiaolan is really amazing. I don't know how to face the intermediate spirit. How long can she support..."

The witches wearing the face towel, at this time, a little face-to-face, plus the itch in their hearts, I really want to know what happened in the area where the spiritual array was born. Xiaolan’s girl’s head seems to be only a god-repair, which has broken the five-line array. How did it happen if it broke into the middle-level spiritual array?

If you don't say anything else, you can say that this kind of powerful mental power consumption is not something that the monks can support.

In the middle of the witch, that is, the female giftor gently turned the blue light ball, but did not peep into the status quo of the spiritual array, but in the mouth, it was said leisurely: "The ball of the spirit in my hand seems to let me see, This is just beginning. Perhaps, at the intermediate level, Xiaolan will still break..."

Witches, look at me, I look at you, one of them said: "But adults, to the middle of the spiritual array area, the spiritual array will be shaped and attacked, Xiaolan's repair, can support a musk time, not bad Is it too late?"

The bridesmaid whispered: "Beside Xiaolan, there is a barbaric."

A witch said: "He doesn't seem to have any brute force in the hills. Is it estimated that he can't help?"

After the woman’s face towel, the unpredictable smile: “Look at it and you will know.”

Sun Hao took Gerland from the fifth line of the spirit, and his eyes suddenly opened up, and there was a completely different change from the previous five spirits.

Gerland whispered on the back of Sun Hao: "After the five primary spirits, it is the intermediate level, the hills are careful, and the intermediate spirit array can transform the attack..."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge golden eagle flew down from the sky, and the huge golden claws screamed with the wind and shook the two.

Sun Hao’s left hand jerked up, and the squadron slammed into the hand, and when it blocked the claws of the golden eagle, the mouth said: “Xiaolan, I blocked it, you broke.”

The strength of the Golden Eagle is not weak, but the attack can not break Sun Hao's square shield. Gerland started to be a little nervous, but when Sun Hao started to fight and began to break, Gellan stabilized and the two joined forces and quickly found a break. The method of the array, under the chase of the golden eagle, did not slow down, and quickly passed through the labyrinth of passage, killing it.

The first level of the intermediate spirit array, over.

The most important cultivation of the witches is the rumor, the good guy, Xiaolan, this is the middle of the gods, has broken the intermediate spirit array, this kind of talent is too enchanting.

However, the surprise is far more than that.

As a result, Sun Hao led Gellan to move forward aggressively, and broke the five intermediate spirits in one fell swoop. The way to cross the border was The second way, met a little rabbit, Sun Hao did not attack and defend. Gerland happily hugged the bunny. The blue ball of light in his hand turned into a carrot and was fed to the bunny to eat and pass.

The third way, met a clumsy big bear, the two calculated more than the chasing of the big bear, pass.


The five middle-level spirits arrays gave Sun Hao an eye-opening at the same time, and also deeply sighed at the deep esoteric of the martial arts. The study of the witches on the road can be regarded as the peak, and these methods of breaking the test not only test the monks. The level of calculation of the circuit, and the ingenuity of the test of the use of the monks.

For example, using the light ball to morphize the carrot, Sun Hao, who has no condensed blast, can't learn it anyway.

Actually rushed through the intermediate spiritual inheritance area.

This is not only the horror of Viña.

Even the masked bridesmaid has revealed the feeling that she is unbelievable. Will Xiaolan’s talent be so good? This can no longer be described by talent. Such qualifications are simply born witches, born clerks.

After killing five intermediate spirits, Xiaolan’s spirit is still excited, and his interest is greatly increased. His mouth is straight: “Continue, hill, we continue, I will see, what can resist my progress.”

Sun Hao’s head is surrounded by hidden mysterious purple gold belts. For a long time, Sun Hao did not know much about his use, but this time, Sun Hao is now, Zijin has a strong communication function, if not himself The spirit of the soul is strong and unparalleled, Sun Hao is sure, Xiaolan is now, must have been unable to hold on.

But with myself, with the purple gold belt, and the magical liquid nourishment of the source barrel in the sea, it seems that this consumption, and can not block their own pace.

Go ahead and move on. (To be continued.) 8

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