Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1684: 5 lines

Nine refineries return to Xian 1684, the first six eight four chapters and five elements turn - 567 Chinese five-wheeled wood, is the last Lingen rotation completed by Sun Hao.

After the completion of the rotation, Sun Hao truly became a refining genius of cultivation. The five attributes of Linggen are all the best quality, and they are cultivated with half the effort.

The five elements of the Qi Lun, in any case, can be regarded as the anti-sky move. The moment that Sun Hao completed, in the endless wilderness, once again showed different visions.

If there is no one in this place, it will be shocking.

On the top of Sun Hao’s head, there is a huge towering giant tree. There is a flame on the top like a phoenix taking off in the wings. Under the big tree, there is endless yellow soil, a hot and cold lake, a gold One gray and two high mountains.

Above the big trees, the four seasons rotate, the flames are raging, the heat and the summer are mixed, the earth spreads...

When Sun Hao saw these visions, he suddenly had some enlightenment in his heart, or, with his own cultivation, the spiritual roots in his own body and the foreign bodies in his own body will eventually become a state in vision.

The aerial vision stayed for more than two days, and it slowly dispersed.

Did not alarm anyone, nor attracted the attention of the heavens, Sun Haoping safely completed his own leap-forward transformation, laid a solid foundation for the progress of his practice.

After returning quietly to the Kelman Dragon Field, Sun Hao began to turn around in the Dragon Field and his subordinates to find a five-property exercise that suits his cultivation.

At the same time, he quietly prepared for his own condensed line.

In order to conceal his actual intentions, and to find a suitable reason for his own condensed squad, Sun Hao deliberately entered the inheritance of the male sorcerer, borrowed from the highest level of cultivation that he could learn. A metalwork, King Kong is invincible and cultivated.

Moreover, sincerely, I have entered and sold all the auction sites in the Dragon Field, and I have sought the best of the practice.

A barbaric man who actually chose to practice the male and female sects and tried to buy the pill in a big way was really a big surprise.

This barbarian is too much to be able to complete.

It took decades to practice pharmacy.

It’s not long before I stopped, and I came to practice the male and female martial arts. This barbaric is very interesting.

Pharmacy is also a semi-public practice. Even if it is a foreign monk, as long as you are willing to practice, you can practice at six levels and meet certain conditions. Seven levels are also possible.

However, the refining technique of the array of pills is the secret of the true witch and witches. In the dragon domain, Sun Hao did not find any method of refining the pellets.

Of course, since the male witches took their own exercises for the warriors who depended on the race to choose to practice, naturally, within the dragon domain, they were able to find the finished pills.

Like the sword pill, there are also the top, bottom and bottom three products. The higher the grade, the better the effect.

However, in the ordinary places, the top-of-the-line pillings are just the middle-class products. However, the official auctions of the male sorcerers of the Dragon Fields occasionally have the top-quality squads, and every one of them appears to be robbed.

Have had the experience of condensing swords, Sun Hao guessed, perhaps the top line is not the most powerful, the most powerful array of pills.

I am afraid that there may be more powerful shots on top of the top grade.

Just do not know the law of refining, Sun Hao can only hope to sigh, sometimes, have to say that this kind of secrecy system of race is really annoying.

Bianmu was really mixed in the dragon field. The three religions and nine streams contacted many people. The road was relatively wild and quietly. Through the border animal husbandry, Sun Hao collected a lot of the next product, and carefully studied it.

Preliminary conclusions have been drawn, and the basic structure and basic array of refining are also known. However, the core refining technology, or the core refining secret, has never been found in the pill. answer.

To this end, Sun Hao participated in the auction and tried to take the next Shangpin Pill. At the same time, combined with his own experience, combined with his own experience of condensing swords, he tried to make his own understanding of the range of pills.

The function and purpose of the array is very clear, that is to strengthen the power of the heritage.

The method of refining is not currently mastered by Sun Hao, but the structure after refining can not escape Sun Hao’s perception. In general, Sun Hao knows that the main role of the pill is to let the water cube The white rabbit is more flexible, stronger, and has a better effect of cultivation and can quickly improve a strange secret that he has cultivated.

Although I don't know how the refining needs to be made, Sun Hao can use the method of reverse pushing, combined with what he has learned, to speculate, or to develop his own new method of refining the pill.

Since the male and female witches can create a technique of making a pill out of nothing, why can't Sun Hao launch the refining technique of the pill according to the effect of the pill?

Perhaps this is not impossible.

Not rushing, sneaky, Sun Hao began to speculate on the method of refining the pill by using his experience of condensing swords.

The secret of the male and female witches is not the average person can speculate.

Sun Hao fumbled for a few years before and after, and slowly learned some of the characteristics and embarrassment according to the hand of the team.

The refining of the pill is so difficult that it is not many times out of the sword.

Sword pill refining mainly involves two major technologies. Alchemy and casting are not weak.

The refining of the pill, you need to apply the three powerful skills of pharmacy, refining, and martial arts. If you want to refine a top grade, all three skills must be strong and indispensable.

Among the three skills, Sun Hao's pharmacy is relatively weak, and originally did not have the condensedness of the rifle above the finished product.

However, the particularity of Sun Hao makes the impossibility a necessity.

Sun Hao's pharmacy is not enough, but the alchemy is so powerful that the pharmacy can't solve the problem, Sun Hao is supplemented with alchemy.

After spending five years, Sun Hao finally quietly completed his own refining.

A little different from other pills, this time the pill is much smaller, and the shape looks even more golden.

This is a small array of pills that Sun Hao can form after replacing the agent with Ling Dan.

I deeply feel that my efforts in these years have not been in vain. Sun Haoqiang endured the inner excitement and continued to move forward.

After a few more years, Sun Hao was finally able to refine the top grades and even the sneak peeks of the top grades. Because alchemy replaced the pharmacy, the difficulty of Sun Hao’s refining became larger, because solid alchemy was better than Liquid pharmacy is harder to master.

The focus of refining the array of pills is gradually appearing in front of Sun Hao. There are two major items in determining the quality of the pill. One is the effect of the formation method, which is the key; the second is the energy implied by the pill.

Sun Hao’s actual array of tactics has broken through to the high-level spiritual array, and Sun Hao’s collection also has many powerful wild animal crystals that are sufficient to provide energy.

After a full decade, the barbarian barbarian, the barbarian who likes to innovate, finally couldn’t end it to end his own practice of the witches, because he did not shoot the top pill.

But in fact, Sun Hao has refining the effect of the top-grade pill, and the self-made pill has entered the water cube and upgraded his cultivation.

勥 勥 从来 从来 从来 从来 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥 勥The practice of the dwarf.

Once again, some monks could not smile.

The level of the skill is very high, the nature of the soil, the big subway hammer **** forge.

The typical dwarf family practice of the top soil attribute method is very heavy. After cultivation, the skill is very mellow and the shortcomings are also there. That is, it is necessary to stay in the ground for years to feel the earth atmosphere and enhance the cultivation effect. Often forged...

A barbarian who only knows the battle, I don’t know where to find a big hammer, and I’m in the secret of the witch’s special practice of earthwork, smashing, knocking and playing, and starting to practice dwarves. The practice of the family.

This is really a wonderful barbarian.

It’s not just that, but in the years that followed, this barbarian also took the Elf’s “Mu Ling’s Divine Aikido” and the “Fighting Death” of the Wind Man, and practiced it before and after the men’s practice. The secret environment, diligent training, but the effect of cultivation, it is only God knows.

In the incomprehensible examination of other people, Sun Hao gradually found his own five attributes of cultivation practice, and began to follow his five elements of the five elements of the spirit and the combination of the yin and yang, and the five elements were repaired.

No one knows that this big man who makes jokes is a feat that neither male and female witches dare to dare. (To be continued.) 8

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