Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1687: a lot of admiration

Sun Hao stayed for a while.

Gerland's eyes brightened and said loudly: "The hills, they actually admire my great reputation, aren't they, my reputation has been passed to the semi-dead frost dragon community?"

The warrior in front is still half-squatting on the mound. Behind him, there are no fewer than a hundred strong-spirited gnome fighters. Like him, he holds the bow of war and looks a little nervous to the ground, waiting for Sun Hao and Ge. Erlang's answer.

Sun Hao’s heart is thoughtful, because under Sun’s forehead, a piece of purple gold belt emits a faint purple light, and the reason why Sun Hao and Gellan can understand the native language of the gnome warrior is also a purple gold belt. The role.

Obviously, the reason why these indigenous warriors admire the two, it is estimated that the real admiration is actually a purple gold belt.

Sun Hao is the first time to mirror the lower bounds. The first time I met this situation, the role of Zijin Zijin has some understanding, so I really don't know how to deal with these admirers.

But Gerlan on the back is much simpler and more generous than Sun Hao.

From small to large, she was admired for the first time, and her heart had an unparalleled sense of glory. The vanity was also greatly satisfied. In her eyes, these gnome warriors who knew her power were very pleasing, and the first batch Admirers, how do you have to accept it?

Almost no consideration, Gerland said on Sun Hao’s shoulder, he said aloud: "Welcome, welcome you to join my team in Gelland..."

Sun Hao found that with the welcome of Gerland, the name of the gilt on the forehead of his forehead automatically appeared a number of ant-like names, automatically arranged under the knight contract signed by himself and Gerland. It seems that I really became a warrior of myself and Gerland.

The opposite indigenous warriors seem to have instantly felt this magical change. The 100th warrior, precisely, the 83rd warriors raised their long bows in one hand, kneeling on one knee, cheering out: "Luluni has seen two adults..."

Behind Luluoni, the soldiers squatted on one knee and said: "I have seen two adults."

Gellan opened his eyes and smiled. He said loudly in his mouth: "Get up, everyone will get up, be excused, exempt, and everyone will be comrades in the future. You don't have to be so polite."

Luluoni stood up: "Thank you two adults."

It seems that the purpose of Sun Hao and Gerland is general. After Luluoni led the gnome soldiers to join the two men's team, the soldiers automatically dissipated, quickly in front of the two, as the scouts went to explore the road, only Luluini stayed in The side of Sun Hao and Gerland.

Gerland was interested in it, talking to Luluoni and learning about the details of the semi-dead frost dragon community.

Geerland is purely a curious baby, and it is much more difficult for a confidant who can communicate with each other. He is excited and asks West.

And Sun Hao, slowly began to think about what this is all about.

Undoubtedly, the key is in their own Zijin belt, Luluoni they are willing to join their own team, which is definitely a very important help for them, but Sun Hao has not found such help anywhere.

In addition, Sun Hao found that Luluoni's true cultivation is not weak. As a lower-level shooter, he actually had a pre-repair of the robbery, far beyond the early days of Sun Hao's anticipation.

The fighters who followed Lucunny were not weak, and all of them were senior shooters around the gods.

Such a repair is a battle force. If it is placed on the mainland of the heavens, is it not directly arrogant to the mainland? Looking back carefully, Sun Hao has found the reason for the strength of this group of fighters. There are three types of the witches' records.

One is the ascending world, which is the lower bound that really provides the reserved monk reserve for the middle and the weak. The lower monk is usually suppressed, and it is difficult to go beyond the magical period.

Once mirrored to these ascending boundaries, the imagery power of the monks will be limited to the gods.

The other is the undead world. Although one can enter, but the danger is unknown, I don’t know what the result will be. It has fallen into the lower bound of the undead rule. The most strange thing about Sun Hao is the undead in the virtual world. Remember the spirit. Among the mainland, the ghosts are also able to practice, and still count as a race of the human race, but in the virtual world, this situation is completely different.

Within the virtual world, the undead seems to be completely standing on the opposite side of the Wan people. The lower bounds of the evils captured by the ghost warriors have completely changed into another situation. Those lower bounds, the law collapses, and the monks are no longer restricted. There are many undead warriors with strong strengths, and the difficulty of mirroring is quite large. Once the monks fall on the bottom of the undead, there will be danger of real degeneration.

The third lower bound is between the undead and the ascending world, similar to the semi-dead frost dragon that is now entering.

This lower bound was impacted by undead strength, but the lower bounds of the race progressed very quickly, holding some of their own territory, possessing the ability to fight against the undead, forming a miraculous war, this lower bound, undead and mirrored witch The strength of the descendants of the family will be limited, but this limit has been relaxed a lot compared to the ascendant.

This is the case with the semi-dead frost dragons.

Luluoni has had a period of robbery, and it is estimated that the level of cultivation in this world is not much weaker than the next.

After receiving the group of Luluini gnome shooters, the prairie was unimpeded, the team continued to kill, and there was no interception at all. The dwarf warriors who had been around the two were also disappearing.

I rushed for a few days and nights, and the team rushed into the hills.

Not far away, the front of the shooter team shrank back, Luluoni whispered: "The two adults, the front is the territory of the goblin family, do we need to kill the past?"

Gerland looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao thought about it and said with a smile: "Luluni, you let the brothers follow us behind us, don't use force, and decide the way we act."

Luluoni nodded and said that there was a whistle in his mouth. The soldiers in front of the army retreated backwards in a fan shape. They were distributed behind the two and carefully guarded.

Sun Hao smiled and said to Gellan: "Xiaolan, we continue to move forward, maybe, the goblin family will admire your great reputation."

Gerland’s small face overflowed with excitement and his eyes glowed: “Is it okay, give it a try, Luluoni, don’t try to do it yourself, it’s not good to hurt yourself...”

After a few hours, some brand new race fighters are almost the same size as the gnomes, but they are dressed in green leaves, holding a cane-like cane in their hands and wearing a big grass on their heads. The strange warrior of the green hat appeared in the hills around Sun Hao, hesitant to dare not approach, but did not attack Sun Hao.

After walking for about a day, there was a group of goblin warriors in front of him. The big goblin in the lead had a big hat on the chest. He was slightly stunned, oh wow, and said loudly: "Respect the adults, the hilly goblin family admires your great reputation and wants to join. Your team, can you accept us?"

Gerland excitedly slaps on the back of Sun Hao, and screams in his mouth: "I admired again, and admired again. I didn't expect Xiaolan's reputation to be so loud. It has already spread the half-dead frost giants. Welcome, welcome you to join my team, the sacred witch Laner team..."

The sacred witch Laner team really began to grow and develop in the semi-dead frost dragon community.

After recruiting 76 demon masters, they did not go far. Laner was overjoyed and once again admired. A group of half-horned people waved their hooves, admired and asked to join.


All the way through, admirers continue, less than a moment, Xiaolan's sacred witch Laner team has expanded the team to more than a thousand people, these fighters are still not weak, at least equivalent to the Yuan Ying level Intermediate warrior.

Laner smiled and accepted it without hesitation, and said very proudly to Sun Hao: "My mother told me how dangerous the lower bound is, and how unreasonable the underdogs are. But the hill, you see, how terrible the mother is wrong, I am coming all the way, admirer, no effort, I have already ran far and far in the lower bounds, and I can't live without it." To be continued.)

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