Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1691: Weird

Nine refinery to the fairy 1691, the first sixty-one chapter is bizarre - 567 Chinese Gellan eyebrows open smile: "attack, some do not admire me, I attacked over, but more of my admirers I stopped it, I couldn’t play it, you didn’t know, brother, those guys, one-on-one, you hugged my neck, I hugged your neck, sucking blood, like a statue standing on the ice sheet, Interesting..."

Gelman once again felt very esoteric.

It’s weird, and the semi-dead frost dragons feel so weird.

Well, to avoid this problem, Gelman continued to ask: "In the end, you see a blue, huge body chilling out, a horrible dragon that has a horrible atmosphere?"

Gellan’s head shook fast: “No, no, I didn’t see any dragons, brother, tell you, I climbed to the top of the hill with me, and I didn’t see any horrible dragons that you said. When I got a big lizard, it was so big, so lazy, squatting on the ground and screaming..."


Gellan continued: "This lizard is a bit blue, and it is a little grayish, blocking my path. I don't see it. I let the hills go down to the top, and I will die directly on the iceberg."

Let the hills go down three and five, and directly shoot on the iceberg.

Gelman felt that if there was something wrong with his own ear, then it must be a problem with his own mind. Today, I always feel that my sister’s words are so profound and profound.

With a squint, Gelman has been speechless for a long time.

For the first time, Gerland was very excited about mirroring the lower bounds. He danced with his brother and compared his observations in the semi-dead frost dragons. In order to prove his point of view, Gellan said: "Dangdang, brother. Look, this is the big horn of the big lizard. I was dug it out and brought it out. I won't give you a physical proof. You still don't believe it..."

Gilman looked at the dragon's horn, felt the pressure on the dragon's horn, and the frosty atmosphere. He was completely enchanted. Look at his sister, and then look at his sister, Sun Hao, who looks like a thick smile. It feels like So unreal.

After a half-sound, German picked up the dragon's horn and hesitatedly asked: "This, the mirrored lower bound can also bring back the lower bounds? I heard it for the first time."

Gellan scanned Sun Hao and said with a big sigh: "You haven't heard of more things. You can know that almost half of the soldiers in the semi-dead frost dragons will admire my sacred witch Xiaolan team, all of them. Ask me to take it in? Bring back a pair of lizard horns, what is it?"

Gölman stayed, and after a long ring, said: "Laner, correct you one thing, you are not a big lizard, but a frosty dragon."

Gerland widened his eyes and smiled back at Sun Hao: "Hill, brother, is he a fault, actually said that the big lizard that was easily killed by you is a frosty dragon."

Sun Hao shrugged and said in his mouth: "I really don't know what the frosty dragon will be. I have never seen it. However, whether it is a big lizard or a big dragon, I dare to sleep in front of my barbarian warriors. Dajue, I was caught by my tail, hahaha, I don’t know if I was a master of snakes? I shake the snake and break the ribs, and the second shakes the snake and breaks the bones. It’s smashing, and it’s easy to shoot...”

Gerland giggled and clap his hands: "Great, the hill is awesome, that big lizard is like this, giggling, actually snoring, really looking for death."

Gelman was a bit confusing. When her sister ran to the snow-capped mountain with her guardian knight, it was just that the frosty dragon was slumbering. As a result, it was unfortunate that the Frost Dragon met a force. The big snake catches the snake, and he shakes a few shots.

What do you say to your sister and barbarian?

What is ignorant or fearless? Actually did not feel Long Wei, actually caught Long Wei, the Frost Dragon has not yet seen them, it is the world's first rare thing.

Also, how did the sister bring back the Longhorn from the lower bound?

I really don’t understand. In these years, the lower boundary of the Gelman mirror is not once or twice. Every time, it is good to practice the distraction, but basically it is empty-handed. In theory, the mirror is actually the disillusionment. How can you bring back something?

A series of questions, so that the more people think about the bigger the head, do not understand, simply do not think too much, too esoteric, learn to put the sister on the side, the dragon in the hand handed to Gerland, Galman whispered Said: "Sister, after mirroring, you need to finish it for about a month, until the mirror image disappears, the strength of Yuan Ying is no longer growing, remember not to run around this time, well, what, wait for us to come again in the future. Discussion, we have won a lot of mirrors in the lower bounds, and it may take a lot of time to digest. As a matter of urgency, we will go back and immediately digest the mirror image..."

Gerland said: "Halo, I almost forgot this embarrassment, went, hill, went back to practice, this time you and me are under the border, the harvest should not be small, go to practice together."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Well, this is nature, go, practice."

With a full of doubts, Gellan was excited with a burst of excitement. Sun Hao’s heart was secretly funny, and each went back to practice and digested the image of the lower bound.

Mirroring the lower bounds, according to the experience after the lower bound today, especially the victory and defeat of the battle, the understanding of the various races in the lower bounds, the understanding of the lower bounds, and so on, and the integration of the subject, this integration process will be enhanced The spirit of the monk is also the strength of the soul, according to the Yuan Ying, let Yuan Ying gradually grow into the Yuanshen.

Sun Hao and Gerland went to the lower bounds of the semi-dead frost dragons, and they were very rich. They not only accepted the warriors of different races in the lower bounds, but also learned about their fighting styles. They also recruited a large number of fighters and participated in many battles. In the end, even the Frost Dragon was destroyed.

This kind of experience, in the judgment of the lower boundary of the mirror, belongs to the type of completely conquering the lower bound, which is equivalent to breaking through. The reason why Sun Hao and Gellan can bring back the dragon horn is precisely because the frost dragon is that one. The existence of the top of the world, as long as there is something to pull is enough to appear in the middle of the virtual.

In this regard, Sun Hao read the records of the witches' classics.

Under the magical use of the Zijin belt, Sun Hao found the way to bring out the top baby with his own memory, which is also the result of the accumulation of knowledge.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao quietly realized the income of the lower bounds, and the sorcerer's secrets were extraordinary. Sun Hao's heart, the lower bounds of what he saw and heard seemed to be a turbulent flow, flowing into Sun Hao's knowledge of the gods. In the midst of Sun Hao’s knowledge of the island, the body of the Yuan Ying, sitting cross-legged, is more and more tall, the facial features are getting clearer, and some strange abilities above the body of Yuan Ying~www.wuxiaspot. Com~, for example, the power of this life is also gradually increasing.

The income of Sun Hao and Gerland is far from German.

A month later, Gelman woke up from the retreat.

After waiting for four or five days, Sun Hao and Gerland did not move at all.

Gelman ran to find his mother and asked questions that he had never understood during these days.

The great witch king, Viña is also inexplicable, can only ask for more informed women.

With a spangle on her head and a woman's ritual hidden behind the gauze, she also heard the screaming, what is the admiration of the great reputation, why the soldiers of the lower bounds should join the sacred witch Xiaolan team of Gellan, which is really strange. Very inexplicable.

The role of a piece of purple gold belt has never been recorded in history.

The bridesmaid also did not think that a purple gold belt would appear in the lower bounds of the witches. If this thing is not to be a bodhisattva for any race, how can it make the witches a big bargain?

Therefore, after hearing the words of German, the female rite was silent for a while, and said: "Isn't that eight?"

Vigna shook his head: "False."

Gelman also said: "Grandma, it does not contradict, those undead blood-sucking soldiers, if not killing each other, guilty, I really can't think of what the sister killed, and the sister actually brought back the Frost Dragon. Longhorn, grandma, the lower bound, can the mirror be brought back?"

The bridesmaid said with a low voice: "Who said that the mirror can't bring things back? Of course, the premise is that you have to conquer the lower bounds, then the rules will allow you to bring back some gains. Of course, these gains have to meet certain conditions, such as The level is high enough, for example, you must hold it by yourself, and you can't bring back too much, etc."

German groaned and touched his head: "So, it’s a frosty dragon that smashes the hills..." (To be continued.) 8

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