Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1693: Magical use

Nine refinery to immortal 1693, the first sixty-three chapter magical magical use -567 Chinese dwarf tribe found Sun Hao and Gerland, but did not launch the attack in the first time, there is no warning, just monitor the two nearby The big guy who wandered around.

Sun Hao knows that his own purple gold belt is amazing.

However, Sun Hao does not know how his own Zijin belt has an effect. Sun Hao suspects that the lower-level ethnic warriors, especially those who have reached a certain height, should have the magic to perceive their own purple gold belt. And want to get their own leadership or blessing.

I don't know if this effect is as effective in today's fighting world.

Gerland also cherished his heart and sat in the back of Sun Hao. While looking around, he whispered: "Hill, do you say that the local fighters here have never heard of my great reputation?"

Sun Hao comforted her: "There will be a great reputation. It will take a certain amount of time to spread. If it is not able to spread to such a remote place, it is nothing."

I didn't finish talking. On the big tree in front, there were a few red noses, white snow and long beards, timid and stout limbs, and a dwarf holding a small blue axe in his right hand.

The dwarf axe headed up on the chest, his body slightly squatting down, oh wow, shouting: "The copper hammer Taiwanese copper admires the great reputation of two adults, wants to follow the footsteps of adults, and to the world, Also ask the adults to accept."

A product of Zijin belt ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ , , , , , , , , , w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

Really admirer, Gerland is elated and shouted: "Welcome, welcome to join the hammer."

Taiwan's copper strength is not weak, Sun Hao feels that he has become an elite warrior, equivalent to three robbers around the Terran monks, Bigerland is slightly better.

After receiving the permission of Gerland, Taiwan’s copper was relieved with a sigh of relief, and a sincere smile appeared on his face. He continued to swear with Sun Hao and Gellan with axe: "Thank you for the two adults, my copper hammer, There are more than a thousand middle-level warriors. Do the two adults need them to be on call at any time? Or are they waiting for the call of adults in the tribe?"

The meaning is very clear, very clear, but Gerland did not understand it. Looking at Sun Hao, he said in his mouth: "Is the hill, the soldiers are not all followed? How to transmit?"

Sun Hao’s heart moved and said: “Taiwan’s copper, you mean, can I call them to fight at any time?”

Taier Copper glanced at Sun Hao with a little doubt. Then, as if he had thought of something, he said respectfully in his mouth: "If there is no mistake in the ancient scriptures, the adults really only need to take me one, and then when there is a need. I will be able to summon the warriors I have commanded through me. This should be one of the abilities of adults."

Gellan's interest has increased greatly: "Is it ah? So magical, that, Taiwanese copper is right, you have joined the sacred witch Xiaolan team now, I want to recruit a few copper hammer warriors to come to serve as a team scout, you said Say what do I need to do now?"

Taier copper looks to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled and nodded: "Well, you have become a sacred witch Xiaolan team, you talk about how to summon, let Xiaolan try it."

Taiwan’s copper looked at Xiaolan, which was obviously not quite normal. He glanced at the main son, Sun Hao, and slowly said: “This is simple, you just sink your heart, feel my presence, then drive the drive, call it When you come out, you can recruit some dwarf warriors according to your mind."

Gellan closed his eyes and felt the copper in the table. He shouted: "Come out, warriors!"

After a shout, Gellan looked forward with hope and regretted that there was no movement.

Gerland looked at Taiwanese copper.

Taier copper looks to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Xiao Lan, how can you summon it alone? The sacred witch Xiaolan team was developed by our two people and must be summoned together to have an effect."

Taier Copper said loudly: "Yes, it should be like this."

Gerland touched his little head: "Sorry, I forgot this crucial thing, come on the hill, let us summon together..."

Sun Hao sank into a purple gold belt, and found out that Taier copper has reduced the image of countless times. When the heart moves, the gods know the shape of the copper in the mouth, and in the mouth, follow the rhythm of Gellan, and scream: Come out, warriors."

Behind the body, in the woods, it seems to be raining, hey, more than 30 dances, panicked dwarfs, wow, and made a big film.

Gellan patted his little hand and shouted excitedly: "Come out, really came out, yeah, I will also have the legendary big summoning technique, and, summoned, it’s still a big living, it’s so interesting, it’s too It’s interesting.”

Taiwan’s copper stood on the branch, and the axe in the hand was shaken. “Quiet, what is the system, and it’s quiet to me...”

The dwarfs who fell in the middle of the woods and looked at the copper in the woods, quieted a bit, but immediately revived again, one of them said awkwardly: "Hey, summoning too late, I am drinking Well, my beautiful ale..."

Another one found out: "Taiwan Copper, you are fierce, there are three hundred rounds of war."

Another one said: "What stuff, what stuff, actually broke the **** of Laozi..."

Taiwanese copper hand held a small axe, his face rose red, this guy, in front of the adults is really shameful, it is really shameful.

Sun Hao’s face is smiling and he has not spoken. He has read a lot of information and has a little understanding of the personality of each race. The dwarfs are considered to be one of the ethnic groups with a large population and a large population. The genius of the powerful race, these guys have a more significant feature, that is, rude, no honour, not when fighting, basically everyone is equal.

Now, this is exactly the state. Of course, Sun Hao also knows that once the dwarf warriors enter the fighting state, it is a different matter. It is not only a fierce battle, but also a fear of death, and the organization is extremely disciplined.

Geerland had just used the big summoning technique, and he was in a good mood. Moreover, after the appearance of these dwarfs, he was very happy. He heard the little people talking nonsense, feeling very novel, and giggling in his mouth.

Taiwanese copper blushes red face, as if his snow white beard is also blushing, looking at Gerlan's smile, I thought it was laughing at his miscellaneous army, and holding a small axe in his hand, "a fight... ”

The scene slammed quietly.

Noisy dwarves quickly, Sun Hao did not see how they gathered together More than 30 dwarves have been neatly divided into three rows, with a small axe in the color, standing on his body On the right side, the stand is straight, the spirit is full, and the fighting spirit is high.

Taiwan’s copper majesticly took a small axe and said aloud: “Today, our copper hammer platform has joined the team of two adults for the first time. The first group of summons is you, oh, haha, what is the system, recruit you, yes Let you be a scout, can you understand?"

The dwarves have high morale and they shouted out loudly: "I understand."

Taier Copper nodded with satisfaction: "I haven't seen two adults yet?"

The dwarf warriors raised their little axe as high as their brows and said loudly in their mouths: "I have seen two adults."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "You can call me the hill man, this is the captain of our sacred witch Xiaolan team, the witch Geerland."

The three rows of dwarfs shouted loudly: "I have seen the big man of the hill, Xiaolan."

Sun Hao chuckled: "You brothers are excused, and everyone is the comrades of the same team in the future."

Gellan said with a smile: "Brothers, you can lift this state of battle. We are meeting now, not fighting. Usually, we should not be too serious. Well, the wise Xiaolan is not a brutal commander. We need to be close to each other. Don't be too nervous..."

Sun Hao stunned and his face smiled.

Taier copper licked his forehead and his heart was finished.

Sure enough, the words of Gerland were not finished, the dwarves were loose, and the formation was scattered without any image. Some ran to the branches, some hid in the grass, and others, simply and happily Surrounded by Gerland and Sun Hao.

And in their mouths, they talked about it.

Suddenly, the jungle is very lively. (To be continued.)

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