Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1694: Strong team

Nine refining is 1694, the first sixty-fourth chapter of the team - 567 Chinese one said: "Big sister, your team's name is too sturdy, not at all prestige, you listen, you listen, what sacred Witch Xiaolan, really, I haven’t drunk ale yet, I’m already drunk...”

One said: "Boss, your body type, called the hill is really a talent, I think, you can call the mountain, or the big dog bear is more appropriate."

Sun Hao smiled and did not speak.

Geerlan naturally sat on Sun Hao’s shoulder and discussed it with a stunned look: “Really, my team is sacred, but it lacks a bit of arrogance. This brother said well. Can you give me a better team name?"

The adults actually wanted to listen to their opinions. The dwarves suddenly came to the mood, including the Taiwanese copper, and a hum, more than 20 dwarfs gathered around Gerland and discussed.

However, Sun Hao is still present, and there are ten dwarfs who are already flying fast and flying in all directions.

The dwarf in one direction also made a very clear gesture: "Follow me."

Sun Hao will smile with a heart.

Although the dwarves are rude and speak a lot, there is no doubt that they have a strong fighting literacy and are a group of trusted fighters.

Unhurriedly, Sun Hao carried Gerland and followed the dwarf forward.

And Gerland, who has been sitting on the shoulders of Sun Hao's tall, has been condescending, following the shoulders behind him, and some even the dwarves who marched on the swings discussed the heat.

The core issue is the name of the team.

Dwarves are active in thinking, and a variety of ideas are emerging.

However, the back to them, Sun Hao walked away, but his face appeared a crying expression, Xiaolan let the dwarfs take the idea, really looking for the right person.

Listen to their broken names and listen to their good ideas. Sun Hao feels that he needs to be drunk.

Taiwanese copper is not very reliable. He volunteered to give Gellan three suggestions that he thought were very great.

"Lan's adults, I think, the team can be called the Dragon Slayer, the Dragon Slayer, how domineering and mighty."

This is the first one.

It was ruthlessly denied by Gerland, and the small head shook like a rattle: "Isn't it good, what is the great lizard? The hills are smashing one by one, and the dragons are not powerful, not domineering..."

"Then come to a strong point, simply called the 'Tu Dalong Legion', and the big dragons are all slaughtered, enough."

Gerland thought for a moment and shook his head: "It's not good, the dragon is still a dragon."

Taiwanese copper: "Then I made a trick, the last one, absolutely domineering and majestic, ‘Tu Julong Legion’, this is fierce enough...”

Gellan simply turned to other dwarf warriors and said in his mouth: "You big brother is not level, you can't leave a dragon, and ignore him. You continue to cheer, and strive to be stronger than him..."

The little dwarves suddenly became motivated, but the team’s name was taken out, and Sun Hao was really speechless.

This road: "The Hill Legion, can't? Then the Dashan Legion, still not? I have made a move, the alpine army, this time there is no problem?"

That way: "The Hammer Legion, God, is it strong enough? No? Then the ‘sturdy Hammer Legion’ is not working, well, I’m going to make a strong, strong and powerful hammer...”


After Sun Hao is behind, oh wow, the dwarfs are absolutely serious and serious about the discussion.

However, for a long time, Sun Hao’s ears were noisy, and still did not hear a reliable one. Thanks to Gerlan’s simple thoughts, plus the first time I could understand so many dwarves, I was happy for the first time. The ground is not obscured by these mouths, and the big dwarfs communicate with each other. They are not bored with emotions. Instead, they listen carefully to their opinions.

The dwarfs are digging into their minds, and they are limited by their vision and personality. They really can't count on these guys to pick out the better domineering names.

In the bustling, noisy atmosphere, Sun Hao and his party, under the leadership of the dwarves in front, gradually approached a mountain.

Far away, Sun Hao has already appeared. Although there is thick vegetation outside this mountain, the interior of the mountain has been completely hollowed out. Many caves stretch out from the mountains, and many dwarves enter and leave.

Before the arrival of Dashan, Taier Copper said loudly: "The two adults, this is the Tungsten Iron Hill in our Taiwan Department. The two adults can rest here and take a rest. It is best to practice our strong. Warrior, then continue to explore the Tioman Big 6."

Sun Hao turned around and said softly to Gerland, who was trying to change his team's name. "Xiaolan, I suddenly remembered one thing. I think the team's name should not be easily changed."

Gerland was shocked and said: "The hill, why is this?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Xiaolan, you think, the sacred witch Xiaolan team has many reputable reputations. In a few lower bounds, there are warriors admiring your greatness. If you really change this, others will not recognize it. Out of you, I would have admired you, actually handing your paws to you, Dashui to the Dragon Temple, isn’t it bad?”

Xiaolan listened, and she felt very reasonable. She let go of this problem that made her headache, and turned to discuss the Teoman Big 6 with the dwarfs and discuss the Tungstenberg Mountain they are proud of.

The pride of the dwarves is a little shameful under Sun Hao’s tall body.

The tallest and most spacious passage in the Tungsten Iron Hill is the kind of passage into and out of the large war refiner. In front of Sun Hao, it is slightly short.

Sun Hao had to walk down into the Tungsten Iron Hill.

The dwarves sighed and felt that their mountains seemed to be in front of the real giants, not how to look at them.

After entering the mountains, there is no good house to entertain Sun Hao.

The best place for Sun Hao is to sit on the square in the mountains.

Where is the tall body, so that many dwarves have worshipped the civilians, this adult is simply a god.

When Taiwan’s copper began to entertain Sun Hao, it was once again dumbfounded, the dwarfs were proud of the big glasses, and Sun Hao’s thumb was not big, the barrels were barely able to be used as Sun Hao’s cups, and a bucket of ale was moved over. Sun Hao took a bucket and let the Taiwanese children appear in a slap in the face, and their dwarfs could really not afford the master.

The grand welcoming ceremony ended in ruins. Sun Hao was trained in the Dwarf Warrior Camp, how to familiarize himself with the summoning of the Dwarf Warrior, and then re-entered the journey of exploring the Teoman Grand 6 in the heart of the Taiwanese heart.

On this road, Taier Copper specially visited several large dwarf tribes in the vicinity according to Sun Hao’s intentions. As a result, Sun Hao was behind him and several more dwarfs accompanied him.

Their names are also very distinctive. Sun Hao remembers respectively, "Pinger Copper, Mountain Copper, Linger Copper..."

The heights of several dwarfs are similar. At first glance, there is no difference. Even the beard and nose are all white and red noses. It is really easy to mix.

At this time, Gerland showed his sharp discernment ability, and he talked smoothly with a few dwarfs and never confused.

Walking along the way, Sun Hao took a total of seven dwarf tribes and accepted seven dwarfs.

Of course, with the magical use of a piece of Zijin belt, Sun Hao can quickly recruit nearly a thousand dwarf warriors through these seven dwarfs, and it is also a true foothold in Teoman.

As the number of tribes that have passed has gradually increased, Sun Hao and Gerland have gradually learned about the situation of Teoman.

The area where Sun Hao and Gerland are now active is called the Great Forest of the Gods, the vast forest is very vast, and the beard is living in the dwarf era. The understanding of the outside world is relatively small. However, the forces of the undead have been The big forest is close, and the undead squad that wanders from time to time will rush into the jungle and be expelled from the heroic dwarves.

Occasionally, there will also be powerful undead heroes or powerful troops led by monks, attacking the big forests. Every time they appear, the dwarf warriors will pay a very heavy price.

In the big forest, there is more than one dwarf race. The dwarfs have documented that in this large forest, they still live with their allies, half-elf, and are said to be the darlings of the forest.

Consciously, Sun Hao took the team and broke into the elegant and proud semi-elf power range of the dwarfs.

Sure enough, as Sun Hao expected, Gellan once again got the admiration of the half-elfs. Behind Sun Hao, there were several more half-elf warriors with tattoos on their faces and back bows. (To be continued.) 8

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