Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 193: Tips and tricks (2)

Wu Xianlang was sad and angry at this time. In the Qingmu City of Jinghua City, the elders and the licenses were also sad. They are not distressed, but are annoying "Tang Dengfeng".

Tang Deng was one of the four shows, and it has been disappeared for more than two months. This is quite unfavorable for Aoki.

The license was approved by the uncle Xu Zongzhu. The reason for the approval was as follows. He said that his intelligence was inaccurate and his ability needed to be strengthened. The last time he was approved, he only let him work hard. This time he was approved, and he has risen to a level where his ability is not strong.

The information that was approved this time was about the missing information of Tang Dengfeng.

The licensed information is written like this: "Tang Dengfeng will be together with Zhu Fangmeng, with Aoki Zongwu, and Sun Hao and other disciples suspected of going out to explore opportunities. After that, Wu Xianlang, Sun Hao returned, others are missing..."

At the end of the information, the license is such a request: "Is it necessary to investigate the whereabouts of Zhu Fangmeng?

The reply of Xu Zongzhu is: "Looking for death, no need."

Then, as soon as he started to criticize the license, he talked about the importance of special information and allowed for more information analysis.

Listening to the uncle's tone, it should be Tang Dengfeng looking for death, no need to investigate, this is the end of the matter.

So, how did the uncle of Aoki Zong analyze this matter? The license is puzzling.

Hong Liang’s sadness is also related to Tang Dengfeng, and the angle and license are slightly different.

Hong Liang wants to build a foundation. If he wants to build a foundation, he needs to build a small base. If he wants to build a base, he will have a large amount of contribution to the Zongmen. He will not refine himself. How is the contribution? There is a good chance to stay in Jinghua City, that is, the royal family is ten years old: "Junshan will hunt."

Especially this time, "Junshan will hunt", especially because the dragon's mystery is open, it is especially important.

One year before the opening of the Dragonfinch mystery, the royal family will certainly hold one time: "Junshan will hunt", and the top five monks will get the chance to enter the Dragon's Wonderland.

Xia Guo has a total of 20 places to enter the Dragon's Wonderland. Four of them belong to the royal family. Each of the five parties can send three people into the Dragon's Wonderland. The remaining places are occupied by the top five of the "Junshan will hunt".

There are a lot of wolves and more flesh. There are still some cultivations in the royal family. There are some cultivations in the royal family. If the conditions are satisfactory, they will try their best to win this place. As long as Qingmu Zong can win one of the places, then the Hongliang of Jinghua City will be able to fish. To the massive contribution of Zongmen.

However, what makes Hong Liang sad is that at this festival, one of the four shows, Tang Dengfeng, actually disappeared.

Speaking of the mountains and hunting, Hong Liang has a headache. The two most powerful disciples of Qing Muzong, the first Yukun Long, and the later Tang Dengfeng, are all disciples who are very hopeful to obtain the qualification of the Dragonfinch. The result is good. Missing disappeared.

Especially Tang Dengfeng, it was Hong Liang who spent a lot of thoughts and cultivated the four shows. The result was like this.

"Junshan will hunt" is held soon, Hong Liang can have no time to cultivate a four show.

"Junshan will hunt", requiring the monk to be under the age of 25, and refining the later stage of the refining. The monk who meets this condition in Qingmu Zong has some, but the competitive monk is unique, very likely, Aoki Zonghui won nothing in this "mountain hunting".

If it is nothing, not only the Hongliang did not contribute to the harvest, the Aoki sect will also face a big loss, criticized, and become one of the four.

Sad and angry, but the situation is big, but Hong Liang and the license are not willing to take the initiative to return to the Zongmen, and also inform the Xu Zongzhu of the embarrassing situation of the Aoki Castle. Let the lord think of a way.

After the month of "Junshan will hunt", all the sects are preparing for war, at least getting a quota. This is the common bottom line of each sect. For many years, the sects have basically achieved this. It is difficult to stand out from the encirclement of Zongmen disciples.

Hong Liang and the license are very nervous and very anxious.

However, Xu Zongzhu was not in a hurry. The news was passed back to Zongmen. On the first ten days, Xu Zongzhu did not have a little bit of news and seemed to have forgotten it.

Hong Liang had no way to urgently communicate his own disciple Liu Zhiyuan, let him come to Jinghua City to participate in the "Junshan will hunt", compared to other Qingmu sects, although his age is too large, but the strength is still reliable.

Sun Hao did not know, because he had destroyed Yu Kunlong and Tang Dengfeng, which brought a lot of trouble to the license and Hong Liang.

After the reintegration of the child's broken arm, Sun Hao put a big stone in his heart, and it was a lot easier. The dragon bird secret has been open for more than a year. In this year, Sun Hao needs to be fully prepared, and all aspects of the ability need to be upgraded in order to improve the dragon. There are gains in the mystery of the birds.

As for the secret of being able to enter the dragon, Sun Hao is not worried at all. It is necessary to make arrangements for the sovereign.

Improving combat effectiveness is the top priority within this year.

It is said that both sides of the demon will have the upper monk into the dragon's mystery. The upper monk, the combat power is not comparable to the attached sect. The grandson has a sense of urgency and pressure, and the improvement of combat effectiveness is the most important.

Sun Hao didn't want to show off the limelight. He only wanted to safely complete the task of Zongmen's two-year dowry of Jinghua City. Therefore, although the news of "Junshan will hunt" has been rumored in the streets, Sun Hao is still unmoved. There is no plan to sign up. As for the number of places in the Dragon's Secret, Sun Hao fully believes in Xu Zongzhu.

It’s only ten days before the “Junshan will hunt”. Xia Guoxiu’s higher-level excavations all bring together Jinghua, especially the good monks. The whole Jinghua, a lively scene of the grand event. Streets and alleys, pennant flying, large and small inns, have risen in price, there are wine cellars, there are storytellers, there are singers, painted and painted, telling the wonderful story of "double king, four shows, five little madness", no doubt, these people are " "Junshan will hunt" to win the top five popular candidates, as to who will be expected by the tens of thousands of people: "hunting the first hunting", the controversy is quite large, there are many different opinions.

Undoubtedly, the mountain will be hunting, it is the ten-year grand event of Jinghua City, which coincides with the opening of the Dragonfly in 50 years. It is also the year of Daqing, and there are still ten days in the distance. It has come up It can be said that it is expected.

Liu Zhiyuan came to Jinghua with his teacher's life and signed up for this mountain to hunt. However, looking at the sorrowful and frowning master, Liu Zhiyuan was talking about it and he didn't know whether he should wake up with Master. .

At this time, the license side, and finally received a reply from Xu Zong.

Originally thought that Xu Zongzhu had been disheartened to give up the mountain to hunt, did not expect the key moment, Xu Zongzhu came to the instructions.

The license is overjoyed.

However, after receiving the singer's accent, a face appeared on his face, and the attention to the melody of the melody was also the second monk's head and brain.

Xu Zongzhu’s phonogram has only two words: “Jin sac”.

Hong Liang was stunned at the time. There is no disciple named Jingbao in the middle city of Jinghua City! What does it mean?

After half a day of permission, I finally recovered, and I slammed my head and finally remembered it. Last time, the uncle and the gods did not give myself a kit. Said to let yourself open after encountering difficulties.

Isn't this a difficult encounter? At this time, the neurotic uncle was instantly elevated in the mind of the license. I did not expect that the Japanese uncle would have thought of the predicament of Aoki Castle in the city today. It was already arranged, and it was far-sighted and powerful.

Fortunately, the license did not throw away the kit, and immediately opened the kit carefully, inside is the handwriting of Xu Zongzhu, a poem of the book: "The big hidden in the city, Xiaoyue into Qiu Fan; Qiu Fan too cold, toward the city too Hey; life is a life, the road is difficult to do both; the heart is difficult to solve, Sun Hao恣 said..."

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