Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1706: Destroy the dead (1)

Nine refinery to the fairy 1706, the first seventy-sixth chapter destroyed the dead (a)-567 Chinese Minuo Hayou finally did not hold back, point their own elite troops, leaving a small semi-defense, other troops from the three gates Zhongqi rushed out and killed in the direction of Angola.

When the ash of the iron hoof rises into the sky, the horn of the choked whisper is like a smoldering sound.

Andervi rushed up from the city and said loudly: "Ha You, your mission is to defend the city, unless it is a signal from Angola, you can't go out easily..."

Minorhaou shouted loudly: "The old lady can't bear it. I want you to control it. You think that the 100,000 army of the old lady is your kind of junk, rolling, don't stop the old lady, or else you cut it together."

Andrei squatted and landed in the city.

Looking at the undead army outside the city, An Dewei’s zombie face showed a strange smile: “The old demon, you finally went out of the city, I have been for so long, finally found the opportunity, the undead cloak ,I'm coming……"

Only the dark and pale white grit gravel on the earth.

On a slightly elevated sand dune, Sun Hao stood up, and Gerland floated on his right shoulder, watching the blue ball in his hand from time to time.

Behind them, far away, more than twenty soldiers arranged a sparse formation in accordance with Sun Hao’s request.

The yin wind blew from the mound, and the whisper of Gerland passed away: "The hill, the guy won't really dare to come out?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I don't know, Xiaolan is suffocating, don't worry."

Gerland nodded and raised his mouth: "Hey, if the old demon doesn't come out, then I will take you back and attack hard."

As soon as the words were finished, the ball lit up, and the spirit of Gellan was so strong that it said: "It’s coming out, the old witch really came out, hahaha, personally led the team and poured out, this is to completely me. Sweeping the rhythm of the undead plains? Hill brother, preparing for the battle."

Sun Hao’s eyes brightened and he turned his head and said a few words in the ear of Gerland.

Gerlan’s little head was connected, and he said, “Well, hill brother, just do what you said.”

Sun Hao glanced at the soldiers behind him and said in a loud voice: "The sacred witch Xiaolan team, the warriors, come out, the famous fight world, starting from this battle."

There was a huge whirlpool in the air, and the dwarves and half-elves came out from the inside, trained and returned quickly.

In less than a moment, more than 20,000 teams stood training behind Sun Hao and Gerland.

Black pressure, spirited, armed with weapons, waiting for it.

Sun Hao’s huge body swayed slightly and ran forward.

The troops were waiting, and no one asked.

After more than two hours, Sun Hao ran on his way, nodded to Xiaolan, and quietly waited for the army of Minuohayou.

One day in a hurry, the scouts came forward: "Hayou adults, there is a valley in front."

Minorha's command: "After careful exploration, special terrain, don't lie in the other's special spells."

After a while, the scouts came back: "There is nothing unusual about the wandering around the valley except for some innocent spirits."

Minorhayou led the team through the valley. Soon, the scouts came and heard: "Adults, now the enemy, about 20,000, more than the plains of the army, it seems to be waiting for ......"

Minuohayou smiled and said: "Do you want to work hard? I am afraid that I think more, I am not a dead soldier, but I never know how tired, brothers, the whole team, preparing for war, today, I have to catch a few **** dwarfs, Frustration."

The sacred witch, the small blue team, quietly formed a military on the desolate plain.

The dwarf held the axe in both hands, and the half-elf opened the bowstring.

The troops of Minorhayou are several times opposite, and the individual strength of the troops is much stronger, and the size of the soldiers is much higher.

Minoha is flying in the air, looking down from the top, and looking at it, it is like an adult bullying a child, the strength contrast is clear at a glance.

This kind of small point, this strength, do not know why Anderville lost so thoroughly, Minorha is simply speechless.

The troops are close to a certain distance, one big and one small, two fans, and they are about to take over.

Minoha blessed in the air: "Iron warrior, vertical shield..."

The biggest difference between Minorha and the civilian heroes of Andvi is that the types of troops are much higher.

Andervi’s troops are low-level arms that serve as meat shields, cannon fodder, and rushing to the front, mainly shackles and zombies.

The troops of Minoha are completely different.

The undead warrior, the armored iron shield, the achilles and zombies are two concepts, and they have a strong defense against long-range strikes.

Coupled with the undead warrior's incomprehensible attributes, Minorhayou feels that he can slap each other with his own armored warrior.

The armored samurai rushed forward with a solid step.

Behind them, rows of tall, crowned with crowns, undead lichs holding scepters, trained to float up, hands in the forehead, grayish flashes, a death spell, death The cloud rushed over to the opposite army.

A dark cloud, like a thundercloud, covered the team, and Gerland sighed low: "Come well, give me a break..."

In the hands of the blue light flashing, blooming, forming a huge beam of light, a bang, shot the cloud of death.

The cloud of death was shot by the beam, and it was scattered, but it still had spirituality and rushed to the sacred witch Xiaolan.

Gerland is a little glimpse.

Sun Hao whispered: "Nothing."

Minoha yelled and laughed: "Fell, give me, even my cloud of death dare to pick it up, give it to me..."

Screaming a few times, the troops facing the opposite side still stood firm on the ground, without the slightest look.

How is this going?

Minorha was shocked by the heart, and the strong erosion of the cloud of death was ineffective. What kind of breed is the other's dwarf?

A little dissatisfied, Minoha screamed: "Give me another shot, shoot..."

The undead lichs raised their scepters in their hands, condensed white light, and pulled forward a large cloud of dark clouds.

Gerland said: "The broken thing is stinky, and the little brother, is there a way for him not to drift over?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "This is not a cloud group, but a unique real element of the undead world. It is impossible to blow it off, but it is ok to block it."

Between the words, the left hand whirls, and the slamming in the hand raises the banter.

On the square shield arm, he circled and danced for two laps. Sun Hao waved his hand and Fang Fang flew away.

The huge square shield grew bigger and bigger in the air, and it seemed to turn into a cloud of black clouds. It banged into the cloud of immortality.

The cloud of immortality was blown away by a blow, turning into a black rain, falling down, the square shield is like a huge rain gear, blocked in the sky, the cloud of immortality shook on the square shield ~www. Hao stretched his left hand in the air, and the huge arm flew away. He took his own shield and shook his hand. The black rain of the undead cloud was shaken down and fell. Before the undead armor that was approaching forward, the ground was splashed with sour smoke.

The step of undead armor can't help but make a slight meal.

Minoha stayed for a while, and he accidentally swept Sun Hao. The shield was able to stop his undead cloud. The power of the barbarian can also resist the invasion of the undead cloud. It looks like These guys can beat Andreville, but there are also some real skills.

Since this trick can't work, then change it.

Let the progress of the undead armor drop slightly, Minorha blessed his wrist, and there was a carved white bone dragon in his hand. There were four or five small hoes on his head, and his mouth whispered: The curse from the dead spirit makes you fearful, the nightmare from hell, so that you can't live..."

The undead lichs drifting under her followed her sings, and the swords were cast, the scepter was lifted, and the white light was rushed out and gathered in five little gimmicks.

Minorha screamed violently: "Go, it means the undead of fear..."

In the sky, the yin whistling, as if there were hundreds of ghosts choked.

The five gimmicks flew from the staff, and turned into five huge sly heads in the air. They screamed in their mouths and rushed to the sacred witch Xiaolan team from the five directions.

Gerland was shocked and said: "The undead hero's stuff is really disgusting, hill brother, come on."

Sun Hao said with a smile on his side: "These are just some of the spirit's attacking spells. Once the ordinary soldiers are recruited, they will have nausea, vomiting, weakness and so on." (To be continued.) 8

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