Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1718: Distinctive morale (thanks to the book friends)

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The imaginary monk never imagined that on his own side, there were still soldiers who could match the fierce golden feathers.

The two played against each other and were equal.

A move to destroy the powerful existence of Qi Gang was actually blocked by life.

The strange thing is that such a fierce existence, such a powerful warrior, is actually unknown, if not he jumped out, there would be no monk would think of his own team, hiding such a fierce figure.

Moreover, just after these few battles are extremely fast, most of the monks’ attention is on the immortal knight who is rushing, and few people have noticed which monk’s troops are jumping out of the monk’s troops. of.

Is there such a strange thing?

The strongest warrior on his side has appeared, but everyone does not know who he is.

Fortunately, I didn't wait for everyone to doubt for a long time. The one who stood at the edge of the team was neglected by everyone, despised, and somewhat repulsed. It was strange that the little witch who could recruit undead warriors gave the accurate answer.

Only to see, the little witch patted her palms and shouted: "Hill brother, come on, hill brother, come on, shoot this golden retriever dog, shoot this golden retriever dog"

The monks and heroes of Zhongxu looked at the little witch at the same time and understood it a bit. The front is like a majestic hill. A powerful warrior fighting for the sky, fighting with the golden retriever, punching and punching, killing the incomprehensible powerful warrior, this is The tall, smirking and strong man next to the little witch.

Obviously, in this state, the barbaric state of the headless and violent state may be its real combat state.

It’s amazing, I didn’t expect this man to be so powerful.

The shame is that the Zhongxu monk looked around and saw the face of everyone’s face suddenly. The first master on his side was actually not seen by everyone, but he would be rushed to the far side, the least important. The location, irony is simply too strong.

Fortunately, the little witch who has been ignorant has not left it, but it is estimated that this time, the Zhongxu army has completely collapsed.

Goffney looked strangely at Sun Hao, who was fighting in front of the Golden Retriever.

The huge fighting power, the powerful battlefield, the Zhongxu monks did not dare to rely too close, the headless savage and the Golden Retriever each hit, let the earth tremble.

The golden hairs are endless, and the headless and ferocious are still infinite.

The golden retriever is light and flexible, and the headless and savage square shield does not leak.

The golden scorpion is fierce and fierce, and there is no head and fierce infinity.

Between the undead warrior and the Zhongxu monk, it became the absolute war field of the two strong men, and the other monks simply did not dare to approach.

Goffney saw that the Golden King climbed out of the ground cautiously, but with his strength, he did not dare to take it easy. He could only lie on the ground, and the huge body moved to his camp a little bit.

Qiang sees the cautious gold scorpion king, and he can't help but sigh. If he rushes into the battlefield of the two strong players, it is estimated that it will not be much better.

Next to Geffney, Wu Kai said in a low voice: "I understand that the powerful undead hero should have been directly defeated by the hill. The cemetery is not a flaw, but the hill is born from the hero of the undead. Captured it."

Geffney’s face was blushing, and his mouth groaned: “I didn’t expect the guardian knight around Xiaolan to be so fierce.”

Dan Yubai whispered: "I feel that Xiaolan may not have a strange magic weapon to increase morale. The problem may still be on the hills of the hill. I will guide you to pay attention. No, just the headless and fierce squatting, good. Guys, the soldiers on our side, all of them have reached the **** powerful fighting spirit. This is not the general magic weapon can do, it should be his own fighting spirit directly affects the whole army."

Goffney stayed for a while, looked at the front, and fought in a group. The golden light and the phoenix that were inseparable and fierce were fierce. He said in a low voice: "The criminal day is the ancient witch, the strongest war **** of the witch, and the fighting spirit of the criminal day. It is enough to affect the three armed forces. However, it is strange that, according to the truth, if there is no commanding ability, as there is no heroic scarf like Wu Kai and you, his fighting influence should only affect his own troops, but now, even All the friendly forces have a strong morale, but I really don’t understand why?"

Dan Yubai stayed and whispered: "It may be the strange ethnic ability of the descendants of the criminal world."

Goffney nodded and said: "It can only be explained this way. Right, Xiaobai, look at the status of the soldiers in the opposite city of Angola, and see if it is also affected by the fighting spirit of the hill. If it is, maybe we will fight this. There is much to be done."

Dan Yubai nodded, his eyes sparkling and he looked at Angola.

Into the eyes, in the city of Angola, the milky white brilliance, above the head of each individual warrior, actually rose up a small red-colored red cover, like a small umbrella on the head, very beautiful.

what is this?

Dan Yu Bai Yan eyes, blue light Sheng, once again, found that the entire Terran Angola City, there is a huge **** canopy, which seems to have Jinlong swimming around.

Involuntarily, Dan Yubai exclaimed with a loud voice: "Impossible, this is impossible, fighting with the ambitions, all the people will become the dragons, how can the Terran warriors appear such a spectacle"

Many soldiers heard the scream of Dan Yubai and looked at her.

Goffney whispered: "Little white, calm, what's going on, don't make a fuss, slowly say, good or bad?"

Dan Yubai took a few deep breaths and looked around. He lowered his voice and said: "The current Terran warriors show the fighting status and can increase their various abilities ten times, whether it is attack or defense, whether it is speed. It’s still ten times of the spell’s blow and the real yuan’s recovery. It’s ten times, it’s only ten times. It’s only in the legend. It’s said that only the use of racial sacred objects can be used in the battle of extinction. status"

Goffney was shocked and whispered: "Is it ah, so powerful, Xiaobai, look at the team of Baihe, is it the same?"

Dan Yubai glanced at him and said quickly: "Well, exactly the same, Baihe adults have now fallen into a highly excited state of blind worship. At any time, there may be a handsome team rushing to fight, no, if it is not a big man and an opponent. The battlefield is too strong, and Baihe adults have already rushed up."

Goffney couldn't understand it a bit, and said: "Weird, why is the state of the human race so outrageous? Is it difficult to become a prisoner of the hills, and the blessing of the Terran is the biggest failure?"

Dan Yubai looked a little admiringly at Sun Hao, who was in front of the war. He said, "I don't know what is going on."

In front, Sun Hao battles Golden Retriever, can be described as chess opponents, played hearty.

The fists and feet are all added, all are hard-hitting The powerful and ruthless body of the heavenly body is on the body of the golden scorpion, the strength of the body, the strength of the body and the resistance of the body are almost the same.

Overwhelming, flying sand and stone.

The war made the sun and the moon bleak.

The huge crash, the roar of the two strong men, made the spectators frightened.

The high-intensity battle lasted for half an hour, and the two were still difficult to win. At this time, the morale of the Terran Warrior has been raised, and the blood has been boiling, and it has already been eager to try.

Within the top of Sun Hao’s head, the hidden purple gold belt has quietly turned into a purple aperture, which is wrapped around the neck of Sun Hao’s head. If you don’t observe it carefully, you can’t find it.

During the fierce battle, Sun Hao also discovered that his own product, Zijin, had a faint glow, and he went to see it seriously. The halo seemed to be composed of a multi-ethnic warrior, holding all kinds of hands in his hands. The weapon is eager to fight.

In the midst of a move, in the fierce battle, Sun Hao consciously began to move in the direction of Gerland. A few moves moved forward, and gradually removed the Golden Retriever from the battlefields in the middle of the two sides, which opened the way for the war between the two sides.

The Golden Retriever is also full of confidence in his troops, and he has a good fight against his opponents. It is a match, and he is closely following Sun Hao.

Sun Hao and Jiang Zi have not yet won the game. The Golden King found himself able to circumvent the two strong men. In the hands of the Golden Sword, the roaring team took the team to the Central Defence Force to kill.

At this time, Angola City suddenly opened four doors, a team of Terran knights like a long dragon, quickly rushed out, behind him, is a neat swordsman, flying monks and archers.

At the same time that the two sides will fight, Angola City has set foot in the nest and started a decisive battle with the cemetery. To be continued.


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