Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1722: Xuanyuan Kun bow

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Within the tall and elegant sanctuary, Gerlan and Sun Hao sit in the middle, and the monks of all ethnic groups are seated one by one, introducing each other and re-recognizing.

After chilling, enter the topic.

Gaeling Lang said: "The undead army of Golden Retriever has suffered a great injury and the strength of the cemetery has lost most of it. In a short period of time, there is no threat to my city in Angola. However, the cemetery has a ghost road, and the undead army mobilizes. It is not difficult to get up. As long as the cemetery exists, Angola City cannot always say that it is safe."

Baihe went on to say: "The cemetery can greatly enhance the strength of the Golden Retriever. It is the strongest weapon of the undead army. It is not suitable for the storm. Now, everyone has to work together to find a way to break the cemetery. Otherwise, the time will be long and the advantage will cease to exist."

Qiang asked: "How long does it take to replenish the cemetery?"

Gail Ridge confronted the undead warriors for many years and knew each other very deeply. He quickly replied: "With such a large loss of troops, Golden Retriever wants to fully replenish the soldiers, at least for more than five years. However, in one year, the cemetery will Basic recovery, it will be more difficult to break."

In other words, the cemetery is now the weakest time. If you miss this time, it will be more difficult to break the cemetery again.

Everyone began to understand the situation gradually, collect the situation, and discuss ways to break the cemetery.

The strength of the cemetery lies in its own magic weapon. It has a magical magical effect. If it is not prepared enough, once it rushes into it, it will probably be destroyed by the whole army.

The cemetery has a strong undead increase, and the strength of the undead army inside can be doubled. At the same time, any non-dead arms entering the cemetery will be strongly suppressed, morale will drop, the real yuan is not smooth, and the cemetery is powerful. The various negative attribute spells will also leave the strength of the non-dead arms into it.

Moreover, in the legend, there is still an undead cloud in the cemetery. If it is trapped in it for a long time, it will naturally not die, and will eventually be assimilated into a member of the undead.

According to legend, the cemetery was the first in the world, and was broken by the fighting monk to break the gate of the cemetery. 200,000 elite soldiers entered it. As a result, the living was trapped and clouded. After one year, it became 200,000 elite. .

After that, the monks knew that the cemetery was not broken if the city gate was broken. To really break the cemetery, you must find a way to destroy its tombstone, break its ghost road, and destroy a large number of cemeteries. Undead building.

Within the cemetery, large arrays are connected, and various buildings are condensed into one. It is a very magic weapon. Moreover, when standing on the ground without dead, the cemetery itself has a very magical recovery function, and some are The place where the crash is broken will be automatically generated.

It is easy for a monk who has scored in it to fall into the siege of the law.

The golden retriever fled back to the cemetery and immediately slammed into his own embarrassment, which was to conclude that the enemy did not dare to break through.

Moreover, getting the blessing of the cemetery, the son-in-law is really not afraid to continue to fight against the headless and ferocious, he can not wait for the hostile soldiers to rush into the cemetery.

The Zhongxu monks who can mirror the lower bounds are not small, and their strengths are not weak. Naturally, they will not attack the cemetery.

Sitting together and seriously discussing, everyone gradually learned more about the cemetery.

The most powerful cemetery can really stop everyone. There are three points. One is that after the strength of Golden Retriever is greatly increased, everyone’s pressure will increase to the maximum. Outside the cemetery, Golden Retriever is suppressed by the hills and enters the tomb. After the park, the situation may be the opposite.

Moreover, no one can guarantee that after entering the cemetery, whether his team can still have a strong fighting ability.

The second is that the cemetery is very tough, especially the control center tombstone of the cemetery. I am afraid that it is difficult to destroy it directly before the tombstone is killed. As long as the tombstone is not destroyed, within the cemetery, each special building has the possibility of running at any time.

The third is that the array method and the various undead attribute methods that are shrouded in the formation are also very annoying.

Feeling undead cemetery is really a hedgehog that is difficult to say, a little feeling of not moving.

Sun Hao sat on the top with a smile, quietly speaking, talking to Gerland from time to time, and translating the main information of the translation. Gerland was very depressed and found that he could not understand what other people said, and got the information slowed down. Often just have a good idea, it has already been said by other monks in advance.

Sun Hao listened and analyzed.

In fact, the attitude of the various ethnic monks to the cemetery is very subtle.

The main purpose of the mirrors of the various ethnic groups is to cultivate distraction. As long as there is a lower bound experience, there is a lower bound battle, and there will be income.

Therefore, for the monks and heroes of the mirrors, the cemetery is broken. It is good to have a good experience. Maybe you can get a good racial contribution, but if the cemetery is not broken, then everyone is also Not much impact.

At most, everyone changed places to fight, or simply wait for the strength of the cemetery to recover, and then let the team come out to fight a battle, how can it be done.

Whether the cemetery is broken or not has little to do with it.

Among all the monks, if you really want to be able to break the cemetery, there may be only the Xihe monk Baihe.

Once the cemetery outside Angola is broken, the Terran is truly stable in the fighting world, and can be like a bird out of the cage, fight the Quartet, grab the battlefield site, and expand the strength of the Terran.

In fact, in a certain sense, the Gurneys of the Baizu monks, including the witches, are not very enthusiastic about breaking the cemetery. It is Gelland, who is full of enthusiasm and simply hopes to win the victory and defeat the enemy.

Everyone's discussion is very enthusiastic, but there is no practical way to do it.

Qiang even put forward: "In fact, we can think about the problem from another angle. We can form a flexible army with a strong levy. With Angola as the base, we can sweep around the undead cemetery or the undead power. It will uninterruptedly weaken the undead forces in this area, thus hindering the recovery speed of the Golden Retriever Cemetery."

His statement was supported by at least half of the monks.

However, because Goffney can perceive the strange fighting state of the Terran, he feels that there may be a famous name in the middle, and he chose to continue to support Baihe: "The strong brother said it is good, we can think about the problem from another angle, I am thinking now, For many years, after the cemetery appeared in the battlefield, our Zhongxu Wanzui monks began to suffer losses. We have been unable to find a better solution. It is rare that we have such a big advantage this time. Why not really win this cemetery? , maybe, it will have an unparalleled blessing on our distracted cultivation."

The monks are all in one.

Baihe showed gratitude to Geffney.

Because of the relationship of Gerland, the monks in the presence had a much better attitude towards Geffney. After all, at the scene, Gerland and her guardian knight were the strongest existence, even if it was strong, it is hard to estimate. Headless and fierce enemy.

After Goffney finished speaking, he looked up and asked: "Large, you think, what do we need to do in the current situation?"

Sun Hao’s thick face showed a simple smile, and his mouth slowly said: “In fact, Hill thinks that we only need to find a way to destroy the tombstone of the undead cemetery. Other problems are not problems.”

Strongly stunned, a little puzzled and asked: "Adult, what do you mean?"

Sun Hao’s tall body is quite up, and if the sound of Hong Zhong loudly said: “With me and Xiao Lan, it’s not a problem to break the battle. Golden Retriever can also be handed over to me. As long as I can find a way to defeat the tombstone, I will capture this undead cemetery. It's not a difficult time to get through.

Tombstone tombstone is very strange Sun Hao in the knowledge, the tombstone hugs the ghost, is the evidence, Sun Hao used some methods, formed a certain attack on the tombstone, but unfortunately did not see Any effect.

Now that there are so many monks, anyone who might have such wonderful spells directly defeats the tombstone and helps the Angolan race to be completely liberated.

In the heart of Sun Hao, there is a general mind with Baihe. At this time, it is naturally not easy to stop. It is a wish to kill this cemetery and completely liberate Angola.

After Sun Hao finished speaking, the morale of the church was great.

As long as the three major problems are solved, there is no doubt that everyone has already seen the hope of conquering the undead city. Once they can capture the undead cemetery, everyone's gains will multiply.

Although the Terran has benefited, it is not the case that it is profitable. What is more important is that there is a big man who is headless and savage. Maybe people don’t want to help them to get rid of the cemetery. This is a good opportunity and cannot be missed.

After a while, I failed to find a truly effective way to break the tombstone.

Gail Ridge swept a white river at this time, stood up straight, and said to Sun Hao slightly, his mouth said: "Tioman mainland people have a town artifact, just in my holy mountain of Angola, named Xuanyuan Kun bow..." (To be continued.)

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