Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1724: Barbaric bow

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A monk or a hero whose strength is similar to that of the White River knows that he may also have a result with Baihe, but he has let go of his hands and feet and began to try to move forward.

Sun Hao found that these up-going heroes or monks have different treatments depending on their performance or according to their respect for the bow.

The true devout worship of the gods of the bow basically has the opportunity to pick up the bow of the gods and experience the magic of the bow of the gods. It should have a lot of help for their own cultivation.

And those who are perfunctory and responsible, only want to experience a monk of the gods, most of them have no chance, no matter how hard, can not shake the bow.

Following Sun Hao’s entry into the sacred mountain, there were more than a hundred monks and heroes, including several dwarves and half-elf leaders who were accepted by Sun Hao. They all showed up, but they did the best. Pulling a half inch or so, it does not meet the basic requirements for putting arrows.

Goffney and her two heroes, in the late order, also went to try, Goffney was only awkward, but not beheaded, but she still picked up Xuanyuankun bow, but only opened Less than an inch, it is a good understanding.

When Wu Kai went up, the special ethnic habits of the clay people made them not respect other races. Moreover, they also had a strong rejection of the so-called artifacts. The result was that they used the strength of breastfeeding and did not shake the bow. .

However, Sun Hao has a more unexpected finding in Wu Kai’s performance, that is, the bow should be able to surrender with brute force, but the power that may be needed is extremely great.

Next, it was Dan Yubai. After she went up, she changed Wu Kai’s rough and barbaric, and she studied Gail Ridge very carefully and piously. Every detail was in place.

The effect is surprisingly good. Not only did he pick up the Xuanyuankun bow smoothly, but he also successfully pulled the two-inch and became the best performing hero. However, the distance was completely opened and the level of shooting was possible. There is also a huge gap.

In the end, the only one who did not pull the bow was Sun Hagellan and Qiangge.

Sun Hao whispered in the ear of Gerland: "Xiaolan, a little better for the bow, the harvest should be great."

Gerland’s little head was a little bit, and he flew out and landed in front of the heroic monument.

Like Gail Ridge, Gerland is sincerely bowed, saluted, and fragrant.

Geerland’s mind is simple, and his heart is really sincere. He is respectful and cordial to the bow. After the incense, his face is very pure and smiles. He reaches for the bow and says: “God bow, God bow, I But I really like you, I hope you like Laner too."

The bow of the gods is actually quite different from the other monks. Above the bow of the bow, the three colors are shining, which seems to be the same as the breath of the whole body of Gerland.

Gellan’s face was full of surprise expressions, and he said loudly in his mouth: “Oh, the bow bow really likes me, I am so happy, come on, let’s shoot the big bad guy.”

While saying, while slanting, pick up an arrow and put it on the bow of the god.

After Sun Hao’s body, Tai’s copper right hand blinked his eyes and cried in his mouth: “I’m finished, little princess, she didn’t practice the technique of bow shooting. This posture is terrible...”

Indeed, Gerland never practiced shooting. At this time, how to look at the bow is how awkward. At first glance, it is a layman.

Sun Hao shook his head without words. In this state, Gerland, even if he got the good feeling of the bow, may not be recognized by the **** bow. After all, it is impossible to choose a monk who does not know how to do it. Owner.

There was no feeling of embarrassment at all, and I was swaying, pointing at the cemetery and starting to pull the bow.

Not to mention, it was easy, she was pulled half full, but it was able to barely shoot, but for a long time, Gerland screamed, and a slap in the eye, actually shot Above the altar.

The long arrow that came out screamed and drilled a small hole in the altar and flew back.

On the top of Xuanyuankun's bow, it flashed three colors of light, and for a while, Gellan's face finally showed a rosy grief. The mouth screamed softly: "The bow bow is not allowed to laugh at me, well, I understand, My strength is not enough, shooting is not enough, I can't force it, thank you, bow and bow, let me realize so much."

After that, Gerlan gently shook his hand, and the bow of the **** floated up and flew back to the three-legged giant tripod. The light converges and falls gently.

Gerland jumped and returned to Sun Hao.

At the scene, the monks who have not tried yet are Sun Hao and Qiang Ge, and they are also the strongest, the most outstanding, and the hope is also the biggest monk.

However, Baihe feels that there is almost no possibility of the two bows being opened. The artifacts of the human race should not be opened by other ethnic monks.

Strong look at Sun Hao, walked out of the ranks, and went outside the altar. The tall body was slightly squatting, striding up, taking over the fragrance of the priestess, clenching his fists, and braggingly said: "The big orc is strong, please God bows play with me."

With a big hand stretched out, he grabbed the bow of the **** and exclaimed: "Give me up."

The bow of the **** is as steady as a mountain, and the silk does not move. On the strong body, the yellow air moves away, and the mouth screams again: "Give me up..."

Powerful force, lifted the bow of the gods, and the whole body swelled, and the strong sighs, slammed an arrow, and screamed: "Open."

The emptiness of the string was fiercely forced to become half full, reaching the level of Gerland.

The strong shooting technique has strengthened a lot of Gerland, and he is steady and aiming in the direction of the cemetery. He said in his mouth: "There is a spirit in the bow, help me to kill and die, give me a drive..."

Suddenly, the whole body has a yellow radiance, and the muscles of the right hand violently rise and pull back.

Just as all the monks were full of expectation and ready to see the strong buds of the gods, the bows of the gods bowed, and the three colors shimmered, and the bows seemed to be slightly flicked.

The tall, tall body was awkward, and a big mouth spit out a blood, and he sat down on the ground.

The bow of the gods flashed and returned to the giant tripod again.

Qiang stood up straight and bowed his hands to the bow of the gods. He said loudly: "Thank you for your enlightenment."

After that, return to the team, sit down and sit down, adjust the interest, digest and draw the bow, although he is also unfortunately unable to do so, but the experience of pulling the bow is also quite beneficial.

At the scene, the monks looked at Sun Hao.

Only Sun Hao did not appear, just do not know whether this powerful barbaric can pull the bow.

Sun Hao smiled and smiled around, striding out of the team, looking at the bow of the gods and slowly approaching the heroic monument.

Xuanyuan Kun bow on the top of the giant Ding, with the footsteps of Sun Haozhen, gently trembled, the three colors of the bow body faintly flowed.

Sun Hao, who was approaching, was able to perceive it. With his arrival, Xuanyuan Kun’s bow showed a hint of restraint, and the silk was very exciting.

Go to the hero monument.

Sun Hao's legs and eight characters unfolded, standing straight ahead of the three-legged giant tripod.

When all the monks felt that Sun Hao should be rude, Sun Hao slammed into the sky and laughed. In the laughter, the fists were hugged up and said in a loud voice: "What the **** bow is just a killing weapon. If you are worshipped by thousands of people, you will be proud of it. Do you think it is a matter of course?"

All the monks are smashed勥 Hill, what are you doing, are you coming? I am afraid that it is very likely that even the bow will not be moved. It is too rude. Baihe looked at Gail Ridge and found that Gail Ridge was frowning deeply, looking at Sun Hao with a look of confusion.

The bow of the giant tripod is estimated to be the first time I have encountered this situation, and I have not responded for a while.

Sun Hao's left hand stretched forward, sucking hard, and screaming in his mouth: "Hey, come over, don't obey, hit your ass."

Xuanyuan Kun bow on the giant trip did not have much reaction, or did not expect such a disagreement, the situation of no worship, was attracted by Sun Hao, has involuntarily flew from the giant tripod, fell into Sun Hao hands.

Just after being arrested in the hands of Sun Hao. Xuanyuan Kun bow finally began to violently shake up, like a long dragon, Xuanyuan Kun bow swims in the hands of Sun Hao, the faucet keeps roaring, the three colors are flickering, and the huge waves are shocking. Sun Hao.

Sun Hao hasn't started to pull the bow yet. Xuanyuan Kun bow has already made a noise. From the ability to easily retreat from the strong grid, I am afraid that Sun Hao does not want to open the bow.

Sun Hao screamed: "You are also naughty. As an artifact, you should use it for people. Have you forgotten your most fundamental role? Give Laozi a point..." (To be continued.)

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