Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1731: Natural enemies appear

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This time, the powerful and pure soul force made Sun Hao know that he definitely took it this time. The five-point **** is absolutely fully mature, and the five-point **** is perfect. If you are not demanding, you may be forced to attack the fit period.

The five gods are completely fed.

Sun Hao’s sneaky sorrows are also a bit unbearable. The yin and yang are combined, and the soul power generated by the yin and yang rotations has no place to overflow. Seeing this can only be done.

Most of the outside deaths have not been eliminated.

I don't know what's going on here. How come so many deaths here, the feeling of eating and eating is endless.

Just as Sun Hao sighed in secret, ready to end the feast.

The hidden purple gold belt in the forehead has produced a strong attraction. After the sneaky rotation, the pure soul force quickly overflows into the purple gold belt.

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly happy.

I did not expect that a product of Zijin belt can not only store the physical objects to bring out the lower bounds, but even the soul force can be stored and taken out. This effect is too strong.

Sun Hao produces a kind of peerless hero towel that he has worked hard to achieve. It really has a powerful use. It is no wonder that the legend is rare in a few hundred years.

This ability is too strong.

There is a storage function of purple gold belt, things become simple, Sun Hao has been constantly driving his own absorbing soul, absorbing the pure soul power that is calcined by small flames, sneaking through the yin and yang, the yin and yang rotation will be the soul force By being able to use the useful soul power that can be absorbed, it can be quickly stored in a purple gold belt.

Sun Hao doesn't know how big the storage function of a piece of Zijin belt is, but the storage volume is not small. The death inside the ghost road is burned out by Sun Hao, and all the pure soul power is absorbed, all of which are absorbed by a piece of Zijin. The whole belt, in the inner view, there is a layer of halo flowing, as if to cross a layer of silver.

Sun Hao’s heart is full of joy, and this recycling is big.

The last **** of death was burned out, and the ghosts held the tombstone. It seemed to be a long breath, and it was finally finished. It was too tired and fell asleep.

I don't know why, the beauty that came out of the tombstone gave Sun Hao a feeling of relief. It seems to be said that it was finally finished. Sun Hao thought that this beauty is a tombstone, but not much, but Minoh. At this time, lying on the cloud bed, it is like a muddy mud, my heart is shy and infinite, cursing.

It was too miserable to be made this time.

Exhausted aging mother, look at the huge share of the harvest, forgive you the kid, thinking about it, Minorhayou also fell asleep.

Sun Hao eliminated the three shields of the ghost king, placed Gerland on the back, sat cross-legged, began to digest, and stabilized.

With the strength of the small flame, Sun Hao completely wiped out the death, and spent more than a month. Simple digestion also took a full two months, while Gerland, for two consecutive months, woke up and awake.

For more than three months, Sun Hao did not move in the ghost road.

On the mainland of Tioman, there is also a sudden change in the situation.

The expansion of the Terran army ended abruptly, because the Orcs did not cooperate, annoyed the human power, decided to stand by and watched, three months, the Orcs suffered a powerful blow from the undead hero.

The loss is extremely heavy.

It is called mourning.

The reason is the undead hero Andrevi.

Andervi left a lot of death in the ghost road, do not think that there will be any problems, the ghost road has always been very safe, Andevei does not want his death army to be exposed to the heroes of the undead and the Teoman continent too early, leaving a hand Only brought some ghosts to meet old friend Mi Si.

If Mies’ attitude is a little worse, he must turn around and continue to work on his own team.

Who knows that after going up, Mises especially talked about loyalty, treated him as a brother, and gave him a small team of undead knights, a small team of vampire warriors and a small team of lichs, which are all elite undead warriors, fully occupied Mies’s little family.

The sinful devil is so little.

Andervi was moved and decided to help Mies and lead the team to attack the Orcs.

A powerful curse of the gods, basically complete the orc warriors and heroes, slow down and reduce defense, under the overall negative state, the orc warriors meet Andrevi, basically only beaten, plus Andrei's gathering Surgery can basically guarantee that Andervi is zero casualties in every battle.

More powerful, it is Andrei's ghost king cloak. After the equipment, every battle, all the enemies that are killed will be forcibly deprived of the spirit, or directly immortalized, become the wisdom of Andrei’s acceptance. Only know the undead warriors who instinctively fight.

Originally, many undead heroes also have the same skills, but this skill has a certain proportion of conversion, and the undead warriors transformed into them are mostly the shelf and the fire of the soul.

Andrei is completely different. The spirit of his transformation is agglutinated by the cloak of the ghost king. The level is high. I don’t know how much. The orc’s fighting ability is strong and the individual is powerful. After being transformed by him, most of them become undead warriors. After reaching a certain number, Ann Devi also forcibly broke up the undead warriors and integrated them into a more powerful black warrior.

The horrible Andre.

The undead army can not kill, the two artifacts are in the body, the team is rolling like a snowball, and soon, the orc family has suffered a catastrophe, and a powerful village was uprooted by Ander Vilgen, even the orc big city. It was also forcibly captured by André.

Mi Si was pleasantly surprised to find that his friend had magically brought himself a surprise in a few months. His cemetery was not only not broken, but also the strength increased, the site increased greatly, and the undead area also Great increase.

The investment is really a huge return.

Andrei is full of enthusiasm, with his own increasingly powerful army, ravaging the orc territory.

The proud orc family finally couldn't help it. They had to ask for help from the largest competitor of the Tioman continent. They said that they were wrong. They should not deny the power and heroism of the human race and hope to receive great assistance from the Terran.

Gail Ridge was frightened by the fierce and undead hero in the Orc territory. This guy's fighting ability is too strong. If he enters the Terran territory, it is quite difficult to guard against.

I don't know what kind of plan is for the big man in the hill. It seems that I didn't have the first time to defeat the tombstone of the other side. Moreover, I don't know where the big man is now and can't be contacted.

Therefore, although the orc family bowed, Gail Ridge still insisted that the human race has now fought in the other side, and when it can kill the orc territory, it depends on whether there is space.

The Terran army began to gather at the border, built some defensive fortresses, and only defended against it, and prevented An Dewei from breaking into his own territory.

After more than three months of killing in the orc territory, Andervi’s team expanded to the limit of his troops, ran to the cemetery of Mises, and handed over some undead warriors to Mess.

Mies saw Andrew's undead army, and his heart was surprised and admired, and he was convinced.

After enjoying the infinite worship of Mi Si, Andewei suddenly remembered the Death Corps he had stayed in the ghost road, and his heart was even more proud. If Mi Si knew that he had a more powerful Death Corps, he would not know. Surprised to what extent.

It’s been a few months since I came out, and I don’t know if my Death Corps will go away. Anderville decided to go to see condolences, and then continue to help Mes to completely stabilize the territory.

Without disturbing Mies, Andway sneaked into the ghost road.

Just after coming in, the scene of the scene scared him a big jump, but she did not see a **** of death.

Standing at the entrance to the ghost road, Andewei was forced by the moment, what happened? What is your own army of death? How could it disappear without a reason?

Dumbly, slamming for a while, Andrevi, throwing a traceability technique in his hand and seeing where the **** gods ran.

Then, horrified, Anderville discovered that he was proud of him, thinking that the invincible Death Corps was caught in a burst of fire, and was burned and stripped by life. The horror is that the power of the pure spirit is actually Unknown presences are quietly sucked away.

The mystery of traceability finally revealed Sun Hao sitting cross-legged, revealing Gerland behind Sun Hao.

Seeing Gerland, Anderwei slammed it, and this little girl, in front of her, shouldn’t it be the shape of the **** big man after shrinking?

Thinking about the battle scene of Sun Hao for the first time, and thinking about the Death Corps that made his heart drop blood, Andewei suddenly felt that God is so cruel. (To be continued.)

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