Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1733: Run side by side

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Ghost dragon?

While enjoying the changes behind him, Sun Hao began to escape from the ghost road.

The dragon has a long life. When it dies, it is usually a very powerful existence. After the death of the world, after killing the adult dragon, there are two ways to turn the dragon into its most powerful help.

One is to extract the skeleton of the dragon, ignite the manipulation with the fire of the soul, and become a powerful bone dragon. Compared with the normal dragon, the strength of the bone dragon is slightly weaker, but because there is no flesh and blood, there is no pain, and sometimes it is quite difficult.

Another method is to use the secret technique to extract the soul of the dragon and form the ghost dragon of the ghost state. This kind of mystery is quite rare, and it must be the kind of power that is more powerful than the dragon. Therefore, if Not a special occasion, the ghost dragon is quite rare.

There are records of ghost dragons in the books of the witches.

If it is such a thing, it is good. In the battle world, it basically belongs to the kind of invincible existence. Sun Hao may be able to withstand one or two, but it is definitely not worth the loss, or it is a way to run.

Carrying Xiaolan, Sun Hao followed Andewei's **** behind and strode forward.

Behind the distance, a low sound of dragons whispered in the ghost road, which seemed distant and majestic.

Sun Hao’s body is slightly stiff, and the pace is still running.

Andrei’s performance was much worse. The nightmare slammed awkwardly and almost didn’t throw him down on the horse’s back. He hurriedly stabilized the horse. Andervi’s mouth whispered a curse: “Damn Longwei.”

At this time, another burst of dragons heard.

The golden light of Sun Hao’s body flashed, if nothing happened.

This time, Andervi was also prepared, and a black light in his hand was sprinkled on the nightmare, and the nightmare settled down safely.

Slightly faster than Sun Hao, some people behind the bottom, Anderwei's heart was a little more stable, and finally a little time to look at Sun Hao.

Look at Gerland, behind the back of Sun Hao, and find that she is sleeping.

After thinking about it, Andrei reminded Sun Hao: "Daoyou, the scream of the ghost dragon has a huge impact on the soul. You better protect the little **** the back. Otherwise, it will take a long time. Some are not appropriate."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse and said: "Thank you for your reminder."

Not to mention, because Longwei has nothing to do with himself, Sun Hao really instinct to ignore the protection of Gerland.

Geerland itself is not very sound. If it is hurt by the snoring of the ghost dragon, then he really can't go too far. This undead hero has done a good thing.

Sun Hao now recognizes the undead hero Andrei, recognizing that he is the first undead hero he met from the Yongxue Forest. After he defeated the cemetery, he broke into the ghost road. I did not expect this. The two people were pity with each other and turned into a friend who fled side by side.

If you switch to other imaginary heroes or powerful monks, and see undead heroes, the first reaction is definitely to draw the sword. For a long time, Zhongxu is doing this.

But Sun Hao is slightly different here.

On the Tianling continent, Sun Hao has two confidantes who are all ghosts.

A bunch of ghost friends.

I really don't have too many prejudices about the heroes who are not dead. Especially now, after being reminded by others, I am grateful. I basically have no idea of ​​this undead hero. While running, Sun Hao said with a hand: In the lower hill, Daoyougui surname?"

Andrei slightly glimpsed, he was a little afraid of Sun Hao's strong trouble, to trouble himself, this deliberately showed good, did not expect that this hero who seems to be a human race actually really pleasing to himself, could not help, ghost face Showing a ugly smile, he said dryly: "In the next Andrei, it is just an ordinary zombie, but it makes the Taoist friends laugh."

Sun Hao couldn’t help but think of Jin Mao’s son, and his face said with a slight smile: “The hero is not afraid of being born low. Not long ago, I saw a powerful golden donkey, which is also a zombie.”

While running, Andvi sighed and said: "You should say that you will be a big man, but that is one of the most powerful warriors of my zombies. I have the blood of the minister. It’s not my little stiffness. And, I am different from his cultivation methods. He is practicing the rigid body and has been walking the zombie road. My foundation is too bad, I can’t walk, I can only go to the ghost road, it’s hard to know how many times.”

Looking at An Dewei, who is stunned, Sun Hao can't help but think of his cultivation process. Strictly speaking, his qualifications for cultivation are not very strong, so it is quite difficult for him to come along this road, especially to the end. After the virtual world, it is difficult to continue to encounter changes.

On the face, there was a faint smile. Sun Hao said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if the difference is difficult. It doesn't matter if it is difficult to cultivate. If you want to climb the avenue, we must always have the spirit of not relaxing, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of sacrifice. Resist the immortality and finally climb the peak."

Andrei groaned and said: "It makes sense." Looking forward, I asked in my mouth: "The front is the ghost road of Mi Si, we can rush out, the ghost dragon only cleans the ghost road, not Chasing the cemetery, leaving the road friend..."

Sun Hao said loudly: "Don't, the entrance to the ghost road over there has been ruined by me, and the Taoist friends continue to run forward."

Andervi quickly rushed to find the right direction, while running, and asked with trepidation: "Small brother, this ghost road, you should not ruin your mouth?"

Sun Hao said with a slight smile: "Well, only the channel you first came in is still there, but I was also blocked by the method of the array. If it is not a special means, I will not go out."

Andervi’s handcuffs on his forehead, screaming: “It’s a miserable, this is the rhythm of running to death.”

Sun Hao said with a smile: "I didn't expect the ghost road to be so wonderful. There are really a lot of powerful ghosts in it. In fact, the Taoist friends don't know. There have been a lot of deaths in front, and I have been killed. This should be the first force of the Qing Dao army. I just didn't expect that there would be a ghost dragon in the back. I knew that this way, I would not destroy this ghost exit."

Andervi... The heart says that the boss, the **** of death that you have destroyed is not a Qing army, but my troops are good, if you have not killed a huge number of deaths in one breath, sucked away the ghosts. There is a lot of pure soul power inside, and the Qing army will not necessarily break out.

This is Andrei’s heart, and it’s said in the mouth that it’s another set of things: “Big brother, you’re so powerful, you can kill the leader’s death army. I’m wondering how clean the channel is. It’s Big brother, your technique."

Sun Hao doesn't think that a ghost repaired from a normal zombie can have a powerful death army. He didn't think in that direction at all. So, naturally, Sun Hao said with a smile: "Don't say that those gods are condensed. The pure and powerful soul force almost made me indigestion, hahaha, I didn’t expect it to be a ghost guarding army, no wonder it’s no wonder.”

Andervi... I feel like talking to Sun Hao, especially troublesome, unable to pout, revealing a very speechless expression.

The two quickly advanced in the ghost road, and they ran out of the distance in an instant, but there were still hundreds of thousands of miles away from the cemetery controlled by Sun Hao. There was not a month or so, and the two could not reach it anyway.

Running for a few days nightmare's physical strength is not working.

Anderville took his special necromancer bag and put away his nightmare, running fast.

Sun Hao followed him and whispered: "An brother, your strength needs to be strengthened. This kind of running, I think you will be caught up sooner or later."

Andrei screamed and whispered: "I try my best, Hill brother, you don't know, ordinary zombies practice ghost repair, that hard, I can have the foundation now is very good, can run me so fast zombies, estimated Not much."

Sun Hao thought about the clumsy ordinary zombies, and he nodded and said: "That is also true."

After running for a few more days, Andervi couldn’t move a bit, and the ghost dragon that was chased after him had discovered the shape of the three people far away, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and he launched an attack on the three people who fled. .

A small, bat-like ghost dragon quickly chased from behind and launched a siege to the three. The strength of Xiaofeilong is not very strong, and the main effect is to interfere with the running speed of the two.

Sun Hao's strength is high, and the five attributes of the real yuan take turns to run, but it is supportive, and Anderville is bad.

Entangled by two small dragons, the speed is getting slower and slower, and it is necessary to be chased by the behemoth behind. (To be continued.)

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