Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1741: Goodbye Iraqi (2)

Before the war, no one would have thought that the war in the Tioman continent would be such a one-sided. ?燃?文小?说?????????

The Ayi people are very strong, and Rum thinks that his individual strength is not weak.

However, the result of the battle was that Rum was hit by the spot on the spot. The Terran Warriors, under the encouragement of the hills, burst into a terrifying battle.

Any unit can easily issue special combat skills.

The actual combat capability of any Terran warrior seems to have been greatly blessed, and the overall strength has increased by four or five times.

Behind Xia Qingyu, Baihe followed the killing of the Ayi warriors and said: "Bingyu, the man of the hill, is very strange. Fighting with him, I am full of fighting spirit, great spirits, and strength. Big increase, as if he was born to be the leader of my human race."

Looking far away, Sun Hao’s tall body kept rushing into the big camp of the Ayi people. Xia Qingyu finally understood what was going on.

After flying to Zhongxu, she quickly got the information of Sun Hao.

At that time, Sun Hao had already separated from his body, and he was ignorant of life and death, but he had already shocked the Zhongxu people, and was used by the Chinese people to educate their younger generations.

Although the incense and adults do not know, but his fighting will, his undead fighting spirit, and the foundation of the imaginary people, but also the spirit of the Chinese people, the spirit of the monks is greatly encouraged, but also deeply Grief and anger.

If the strength of the Zhongxu flying people is too strong, maybe the Chinese people have already had a direct dialogue with him.

Xia Qingyu was soaring. I thought I could see Sun Hao after Acacia for thousands of years. I didn't expect it to be the result.

After flying, she forbears for a long time, burying her head and repairing it, and finally stands out in the middle of the virtual with her own accumulation of monks.

At this time, she was surprised to find several Feisheng monks who were from the mainland of Tianling. I never thought of it. I thought that some of the predecessors who had fallen down were not drunk, and they did not want Wei Xinbing. The rise of the human race has begun to rise and become a powerful new generation of several big factions.

Shortly afterwards, the killing of Lulushan, once again strong, appeared to become the fifth monk who appeared in the emptiness of the mainland.

The five people gathered together and exchanged ideas to understand how each came up. At the same time, they also deeply shocked a series of feats after Sun Haofei.

In particular, Wei Xinbing is even more admired by Sun Hao.

After the gathering, they were the five generations of the new generation of the human race. In the Terran, the sacred place swears to the sky together, and this life is not endless with the flying people.

Among the holy places of the Terran, swearers like this are really many, but many people do not have their influence. Naturally, no one doubts that they will come from the same lower bound.

Later, the disciples of the large ethnic group of the Terran watched Xia Qingyu, hoping to form a Taoist, rejected by Xia Qingyu, angered, and entangled the martial art to prepare for compulsion.

Xia Qingyu does not want to be in the civil strife, and tells his origins. It is the lower bound of the incense.

The human race defies the power, that is, the white-haired monk who once flew the body of Sun Hao was shocked, appeared out, severely punished the perpetrators, and personally accepted Xia Qingyu as a pro-disciple, creating Xia Qingyu in Zhongxu The lofty status, of course, the contradiction with the flying people, it is impossible to reconcile.

Master Zheng Yuanzi once told her that Sun Hao will have a chance, but in the end, it will be difficult to know, and it will be so numerous that she will not go to the virtual search because it will expose the existence of Sun Hao and let the flying man Jordan. Master the traces of Sun Hao.

Xia Qingyu also knows that Master is not an opponent of Joe Dan, and his heart is bitter and angry.

This time, the Tioman continent opened up the battlefield, and Xia Qingyu’s main task was to protect the Terran’s sphere of influence on the Tioman continent and to enhance the influence of the Terran as much as possible.

What I never expected was that I was here, and I saw Sun Hao, who was thinking about it.

By the side, Dan Yubai’s words once again confirmed that the hill is Sun Hao.

Because Master said that Sun Hao is a purple gold belt, can instantly boost the morale of his own warriors to the extent of blood, can be without any negative influence, can be invincible.

Because Master said that as long as Aquilaria escaped from the robbery and returned to the Terran, then the Terran would be arrogant and rapidly developing.

Master said that it is too difficult for Shen Xiang to enter the virtual world, and it is difficult to find an opportunity.

But now, I know that Sun Hao has entered the imaginary, but came in as an identity that he did not expect.

The reason why he did not return to the Terran, no doubt, is not ripe enough.

Tears gradually emerged, and if it was not the experience of the human race leader who had been in the lower reaches for thousands of years, Xia Qingyu kept the awake words. At this time, she could not help but meet on the battlefield.

The enemy is the vassal of the Ayi and the Flying People.

Once this occasion is recognized, the result is that Sun Hao will once again face danger, and maybe he will have to leave the witch community.

I can't recognize each other.

Xia Qingyu also has deep sorrow in his heart.

I remembered the records recorded in the information, the sorrowful experience of Sun Hao after the rise, Xia Qingyu's heart is even more painful.

Sun Hao was upset and took the Ayi people.

When the past was empty, the holy land of the flying people, the immortal silver city of the flying people could not stop Sun Hao.

Today, on the mainland of Tioman, the city of the Ayi people can't resist the storm of Sun Hao. The giants with great powers waved the blood shield blood hammer in their hands. When they passed, the Ayi people fell.

After the Terran army followed Sun Hao, it quickly pushed through the Dahan Shenzhou.

The Flying People and the Terran are deadly enemies. The Ayi people are the running dogs of the Flying People. The Terran soldiers do not show their mercy, and the Ayi people flow into the river.

The tragic situation of the war, one of the battles fell, let the orc people watching the war frightened.

If it is not for the tycoon to admit that the skills are worse, it is the orcs who are not badly hit.

In less than three months, the Ayi people in the Dahan Shenzhou were uprooted by the tribal army, and the battle was fierce. There were not many soldiers who could withdraw the base camp of the Ayi.

Sun Hao’s tall body, with a thick **** violent atmosphere, stopped at the border of Dahan Shenzhou.

Powerful momentum, so that the soldiers of all ethnic groups behind can only look at it from afar, and dare not approach it. In the past three months, Sun Hao has displayed the barbarism and violentness of a barbaric man. The means are fierce, unreasonable, and imposing. Infinity, invincible.

Xia Qingyu stepped on a long gun and floated in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's eyes are slightly red, looking at Xia Qingyu.

The two looked at each other for a long time, Xia Qingyu whispered: "Little Hao, the rain is coming."

Sun Hao looked at Xia Qingyu with a stunned look, his hands and a shock, the hammer and the shield were taken back, and then the body was shaken. The **** gas filled with the tide was scattered like a whispered in his mouth :"follow me."

After that, the big step and the cross, flying in the air, a few jumps, fell in the mountains of the border, and said in a loud voice: "I will go to rest for a while, three days later, the three armed forces listened and killed together. Go to the Ayi camp."

Behind him, the Terran warriors held high arms in their hands and they should be blasted.

Morale is extremely high.

Xia Qingyu screamed: "The hills are slow, I have something to do."

Sun Hao shouted in the mountains: "Come here, I am waiting for you in front."

At this point, German and Gerland also chased from behind.

Gelman looked at his sister and whispered, "Are we also embarrassed?"

Geerlan sighed: "Brother, you are so esoteric, I don't understand, Xiao Anzi, Xiao Anzi, got this guy, I don't know where to go, no translation, OK, brother, let's first. Wait a few days here, after the big troops keep up, we completely smooth the Ayi..."

Glman looked back at the morale team behind him and lowered his voice: "Laner, we can fully accept it. Once the Ayi is destroyed, the human race is too strong, and our interests may be somewhat damaged. ”

There was a ignorant look on Gerland's face: "Brother, you are so esoteric, I didn't understand."

In the woods, the body that Sun Hao fell is getting smaller and smaller. When it is completely on the ground, it is already a green shirt. It is like a smile in the face of the year, and he opened his arms to Xia Qingyu.

Xia Qingyu flew in, flying into the arms of Sun Hao, clinging to the tiger's body of Sun Hao, and whispered in his mouth: "Little Hao, Xiao Yu finally saw you..."

Sun Hao held Xia Qingyu tightly and said in a low voice: "Light rain, I didn't expect that the first thing I saw was you." (To be continued.)

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