Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1746: Digestion accumulation

[Title: nine refining return cents 174th chapters accumulation of digestion: Bo Yao]

Welcome to the latest chapter of the 9th refining fairy tales 2k novel network! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Strongly recommended: the door to perfection, the world, the world, the immortal, the magic, the heaven, the Confucianism, the Tao, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred The road to wake up Wu Zundao Wu Zundao invincible medicine respects such a large tribe of men and women, there is absolutely dark side, Ande Weiming is a half-elf hero, secretly how to arrange, what tasks need to be carried out, use is great, driving well In the future, it will be the most powerful part of the male and female witches.

Geerland's brothers and sisters, Sun Hao and Ander Wei, after returning to the imaginary, the first most important task is to retreat to digest the cultivation of the Tioman continent.

Among them, especially Sun Hao and Gerland are the most rewarded, and the time required for retreat is undoubtedly the longest.

Sun Hao returned to his own home in Longyuan with his life and death, and he settled in Andongwei, called for the pastoral, learned about its current situation, and dealt with many disasters. Unhurriedly, he began his own retreat.

This retreat, the experience of stimulating the cultivation of Tioman's mainland, has been continuously realized, and it has come to the fore, and the waters have come to the fore. Sun Hao's five-point **** is completed in less than three days.

In the government, the body of the Yuanshen has grown a few more points, and the area of ​​the sea has expanded many times. Unconsciously, Sun Hao’s distraction period has been repaired and a small step forward.

However, this kind of progress has only just begun. Sun Hao’s strong accumulation in the Tioman continent has only digested less than one in ten.

Among the Tioman continents, Sun Hao’s practice is divided into several major parts. The one that has just been digested is the smallest one. It is also the most routine harvest of the mirrored lower bound, and the harvest is realized, and this is often the biggest pursuit of other monks.

Sun Hao directly killed the Tioman mainland in the end, insisted on a long time, experienced many battles, especially the suppression of Xuanyuan Kun bow and the shooter Jin Maoyan and other battles, gave Sun Hao a strong understanding, so the practice of digestion, the effect is indeed It’s good to completely consolidate the five great shackles that Sun Hao has divided into his own five-point god.

But this is only one of Sun Hao’s many gains.

This time the distraction of the lower bound, Sun Hao's biggest gain, in fact, still captured the tombstone of Minohueyou, after practicing the yin and yang combination and the five elements of yin and yang turn, the great gains.

This kind of harvest is three times before and after, one time is stronger than one time, and one time is higher than one level.

After just concealing the tombstone, inadvertently, Sun Hao took Minorha to repair the soul and doubled the soul, and absorbed the pure spirit of the other side. This is the first great harvest. Now, it needs to be further digested within the body to form its own repair. For the progress of the soul.

Later, Sun Hao sneaked into the ghost road and burned out the thousands of deaths that Andewei had squandered and hardened. He obtained a large amount of pure energy of the soul. At that time, there was saturation and he had to put a lot of energy. Absorbed into a product of purple gold belt to store.

This is true, it can enhance the body repair, especially the powerful soul of the soul, and the amount of storage in a purple gold belt is quite large. It is not a day or two.

Finally, the ghost dragon rushed into the ghost road, and was killed by Sun Hao, absorbing the strange, Sun Hao never felt the power of the chilly attribute soul, the high level of dragon energy.

These things, the mirror image body is only roughly swallowed, in order to completely digest, Sun Hao may have to be slowly grinded for a long time.

Cultivation needs to be gradual.

Sun Hao began to digest Minorha and the soul of the gods, and fell into retreat.

In the distant underground palace, Minoha is full of red face, twisting in his own cloud bed, and the mouth is full of thrilling and tender gasping from time to time.

Sun Hao now drives the tombstone and digests the accumulated energy. But the real body is practicing, and it is completely different from mirroring and double repair. Minuoha is so unbearable that it is certain.

The tombstone was also ingested by Sun Hao, and the whole body was incarnate and sneaked out, constantly absorbing the energy and assisting in its own practice.

The feeling of body practice and mirror practice also has a slight difference. Sun Hao strangely perceives that the spirit of the tombstone spirit gives his body a sense of spiritual pleasure, which is thousands of times more than mirror image, and the taste is actually different from the purple smoke. Few.

Well, the spirit of this tombstone is unique.

This cultivation, Sun Hao is full of enthusiasm, one does not do two endless, for three months.

Minorha is also a service, deeply admire the endurance of the Terran kid, and the interest is high, well, she also began to indulge in it and began to enjoy.

Three months later, Minoha thought that Sun Hao should have stopped, because this round of cultivation has achieved the best results, but who knows that happiness has just entered the passion.

Next, Sun Hao began to digest the soul of the **** of death.

So many deaths, calcined by Sun Hao's small flames into pure energy, not only mirror indigestion, but also a lot of accumulation in the Zijin belt, which can not be completed in a day or two.

The majestic energy emerges from the soul of Sun Hao. Through the tombstone, through the yin and yang combination and the five elements of yin and yang, it is balanced into Sun Hao's refining, refining and refining the soul.

Sun Hao found that at this moment, with his practice of yin and yang and the practice of the five elements of yin and yang, there has been a very magical change in the body.

During the previous five-line round, the five attributes of Sun Hao could be rotated and went hand in hand.

Now, after the yin and yang combination and the five elements of yin and yang, Sun Hao has been able to achieve the three rotations of refining, refining the soul and refining the gods. The yin and yang are mutually incomparable, that is, Sun Hao’s three major cultivation systems. At the time, I achieved a wonderful effect of going hand in hand.

The sea of ​​knowledge is expanding, the sea of ​​sea is expanding, and the three souls and seven scorpions are getting brighter and brighter.

Refining the pure energy of the death god, let Sun Hao's five attributes of the real element, refining the gods, refining the soul to repair and move forward a big step forward.

The most obvious change is reflected in the body of the god.

When Sun Hao spent a full decade and completely digested and absorbed the energy of all the gods of death, the body of the gods suddenly trembled, and automatically drifted out of the government, and screamed at the sea.

Under Sun Hao's internal vision, he suddenly discovered that his back of the Yuanshen suddenly appeared a three-headed and six-armed tattoo pattern. The three heads were lifelike and the six arms were strong and powerful.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly moved, and his own body really generated the magical law. It really was able to use this powerful move in the middle.

Oneself, one more powerful supernatural power against the imaginary complex.

What Sun Hao did not think was that the change of the body of the Yuanshen had not yet been completed. In the sound of the long whistle, the Yuanshen suddenly realized the right hand in the sea.

On the hand, a huge thunder net appeared, and at the same time, a reddish egg shell appeared.

The gods used their strength to continuously absorb the energy of death. The right hand slowly gripped and kept gripping. The thunder net and the egg shell were tightly tied to the palm of the hand. Finally, the sky screamed and the right hand thunder net and egg shell disappeared. Sun Haofei quickly looked inside, in the right hand palm of the Yuanshen, found a reddish thunder net egg shell pattern Hao knows a bit, the thunder net egg shell above the right hand of Yuanshen should be a fusion After the radius of the eight Gray strikes and the Aegis of Fire, the new sacred magical power formed should be a kind of supernatural power, and the power of the magical power in the end, but also need to gradually explore in the actual combat in the future.

The right hand is finished.

Starting from the left hand, there was a water blue ball in the left hand of Yuanshen, and there was also a dead branch. The ball wrapped the dead branches, and was also strongly pushed into the Yuanshen by the left hand.

There is an interesting pattern on the palm of the left hand, and a little white rabbit is smashed under an old tree.

This should be a new kind of sacred magical power generated on the body of the gods after the combination of the cold rabbit Han Yujin and the dead wood, and the water property of the yin rabbit with the strong healing power plus the strong attribute of the hairy nature. The combination of the more and more, the new body of the gods will constitute what kind of body function.

Digesting the powerful energy of the **** of death, Sun Hao’s refining, refining and refining the soul is a big step forward. The five attributes of the real element are not only in the middle of distraction, but also In the mid-middle of the gods, he rushed to the mid-discretion of Xiaocheng.

If this is not the case, other distracting monks want to complete this step, even if it is only a single attribute real element, the time of cultivation is afraid to count for thousands of years.

After the ascension, Sun Hao cultivated his own roots, cultivated the unparalleled ridges, and even the 12th robbery, formed a strong accumulation, and finally, with his unparalleled sword bones, the strength of the crown was absolutely empty, and won a purple gold belt.

The so-called one-step strong, step by step, to the Zhongxu, Sun Hao's solid foundation began to prosper, some other monks do not have the ability to promote Sun Hao on the road to cultivation faster and faster.

Digestion is not completely completed, and finally there is the magical spirit of the ghost dragon to force the soul to wait for digestion. (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network

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