Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1748: Distraction

The comrades-in-arms of the Tioman Continental side battles were only completed and consolidated.

Xia Qingyu naturally arrived, and made a special trip to visit the hill. As for what the two said, the witches were not so bored to explore.

Perhaps the two people have a good relationship in the Tioman continent, the time spent alone is relatively long, and the representatives of the Terran team are also slightly surprised.

You should know that Xia Qingyu, the masked face of the scarf, is famous for its frosty frost. It is really surprising to be able to spend two days alone with a tall man like a hill.

In fact, if you are not afraid of doubts about life, Xia Qingyu will only want to stay in the arms of Sun Hao, and he will not be able to stay in the arms of the millennium.

However, whether it is the current Terran or the current Sun Hao, it takes time to bear up, not to accumulate strength, to accumulate strength, and to be dependent on each other.

From Sun Hao's Dongfu, Xia Qingyu restored calm and nature. After returning to the team, he began to negotiate with the male and female witches how to construct the ascending channel of the Tioman continent, making the Tioman continent truly an important base for the two communities.

For these specific things, Sun Hao did not participate, only know that the two families finally reached an agreement with great joy.

The content of the agreement is in a state of confidentiality. Of course, if Sun Hao wants to see it, he has the right to mobilize the information, but Sun Hao has not shown any enthusiasm for this. It is only when Xia Qingyu leads the team to leave, Sun Haocai is courteous. Go out and see off.

The Terran team left, Xia Qingyu finally, looked at Sun Hao from afar and stepped into the transmission array.

The Terran is not safe. The Kelman Dragon Domain does not directly reach the long-distance transmission array of the Terran. After Xia Qingyu needs to transfer a lot of large domains, it can finally return to the Terran.

Their return route is very complicated and strictly confidential. Even Sun Hao has not asked.

Sun Hao only hopes that Xia Qingyu can return safely, and then strive to cultivate and grow rapidly. In the future, once he has the ability to fight against the flying people, he can become one of his own helpers.

The careless witches of the witches did not see the relationship between Sun Hao and the Terran monks.

After Xia Qingyu left, Sun Hao quickly returned to normal.

I ran to see the bridesmaid and asked about the situation of Gerland. I learned that the time of retreat in Gellan was at least a hundred years old. After a lament, I quit and went to the collection of the male and female witches. The cultivation down has been carried out for knowledge.

Sun Hao is now a five-point god, and he has also reached the mid-discipline of the distraction. This speed of cultivation and the return to the Terran are absolutely alarming.

Sun Hao can also rely on the five-point **** to directly practice and force the promotion of the fit period.

But Sun Hao’s goal is at least a seven-point **** or even a higher nine-point god.

After entering the imaginary, because of the relationship between status and identity, Sun Hao did not touch the core inheritance of the male and female witches in the past.

In addition to the inheritance of the martial arts obtained with Gerland and the sorcerer's martial arts, the other methods of cultivation are actually the road goods, many methods of cultivation, or the contribution of Sun Hao to the witches. Among the affiliated races.

Now, Sun Hao’s blood is recognized by the witches, and his status is not the same. It is natural to learn the most important inheritance of the male and female witches.

After spending a full three years, Sun Hao read a large amount of information in the collection of holy places, compared with his own situation, gradually formed a set of cultivation theory, and fell into deep thinking.

Distraction and fit are two very important stages of cultivation. Even if they are male and female, there are not many monks who can cultivate to distraction, and the power to enter the period of integration is not the same.

It can be said that the distraction period, the actual in the virtual is also the old blame in the old blame.

In the period of the combination, it is even more of a family of treasures.

The characteristic of distraction is to strengthen the Yuanshen and let the Yuanshen appear from one to nine points. Some special races may indeed realize the twelve-point god.

But the limit of the human race is the nine-point god.

The limit of the witches is also the nine-point god.

This is the distraction period.

In theory, when distracting, the distraction of the great consummation should be the nine-point god. This kind of foundation is the foundation of true peerlessness.

However, in the actual cultivation, the highest proportion of the distraction given by the witches' classics is the seven-point god, and does not claim the Yuanshen nine points.

Among the witches' classics, the best proportion of distraction is five or six cents, and it is not even recommended for seven or more points.

When I first saw this kind of classics, Sun Hao was a bit puzzled. Isn't the foundation stronger, the better? Why do the witches think that the best five points?

If this is the case, does it mean that Sun Hao can now find a way to directly launch an impact on the fit period without continuing to degenerate?

In the distraction of the classics, Sun Hao discovered such a passage: "The best five points, the gods are easy to combine, too much to pass..."

In the subsequent extended reading, Sun Hao had a very clear understanding of this passage after he came into contact with the witchcraft's theory of cultivation in the fit period.

It is only a matter of distraction. There is no doubt that the nine-point **** is the real great consummation. It is the real foundation from time to time. It is the ultimate goal that the monk should pursue.

However, after distraction, the monk will enter the period of the fit.

The so-called fit, simply put, is "qi and body, God and body, soul and body..."

After the monk breaks through distraction, in order to truly enter the beginning of the fit, he must achieve "qi and body", but to enter the middle of the fit, then the monk must choose God and body or soul and body, and so on.

The whole period of the fit, precisely speaking, is the high degree of integration between the body of the monk and the soul of the gods, like a furnace, forging into a whole process.

Then the problem is coming.

If the monk's metaphysical division in the distraction period is too strong and truly reaches the point of the nine-point god, then there is a great possibility that the monk will be stuck in the early stage of the fit and will not be able to conform to God.

This is a refutation.

The distraction period is to be perfect, and the nine-point **** is the most.

In the mid-term of the fit period, the Yuanshen too strong will directly lead to the difficulty of the fit, which makes it difficult for the monks to enter.

The hundreds of millions of years of cultivation experience of the male and female witches have confirmed that the best **** is the five-point or six-point god. This level of the **** can enable the monk to maintain a strong power of the gods, but also A higher chance to complete God and body.

After combining the two theories, Sun Hao fell into meditation.

How do you choose yourself? Is the direct five-pointer sacred? Or is it a seven-pointed god? Still, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, what about the nine-point god?

This kind of problem, it is estimated that no one will return the answer to Sun Hao.

The advantages and disadvantages of several methods of cultivation are clearly placed in front of Sun Hao, and the fit and power is actually the heroic power of the witches. Many witch monks think that both Yes, do you still want to be the real top ancestor in this world, and the Mahayana monks are not?

Among the books of the witches, the records of the Mahayana are quite rare. Among the occasional books, the Mahayana is also a vain existence. It is said that it is in the virtual, and most of them are the masters of the fit, that is, the perfection of the perfection is the town. Powerful, and Mahayana monks, usually the dragons see the end.

In the legend, in the late stage of the fit, when certain conditions are met, there is a chance to enter the virtual.

However, this condition is quite demanding. At present, Sun Hao is not qualified to access such high-level materials. However, Sun Hao can imagine that even the powerful characters like Joe Dan have not been able to enter the virtual, I am afraid that for the Chinese monk, it is not too easy to enter the virtual.

Joe Dan can't get into the virtual.

I am thinking about Sun Hao, who should be a few cents of God. When I think of such a keyword, my heart can’t help but be shocked and ask myself what I need to do. Can you enter the virtual? What do you need to do to finally stand out and cultivate to the apex of this world and become the Mahayana ancestors?

No one can give Sun Hao an answer.

However, Sun Hao himself, but vaguely judged the answer.

What is the requirement for the fit period? God spirit and body fit, then, Sun Hao does not have to think about it, the real great perfect period, in fact, it is very likely that gas, soul, heart and soul, into one, truly smelt the monk into one, is big Complete.

The basic conditions of such a great perfection should in fact be that the "gas souls and souls" are all in a state of peaking, each one is a state of great vitality, which can be called a perfect consummation, or else, even if it is a fit In the later period, it is estimated that the state of great perfection will never be achieved. (To be continued.)

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