Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1750: Hiding in the Dragon City

Sun Hao has come out of the collection of holy places, and has been in the past three years, plus the time that Sun Hao used to digest the lower bounds. Unconsciously, many years have passed, and new hotspots and new things have been in the Kelman Dragon Field. Springs have sprung up, and the low-key Sun Hao has gradually faded out of sight.

However, after so many years, the impact of Sun Hao is still there, the most typical of which is the increase in the proportion of barbarian warriors in Kelman and their status.

Under the savage barbarian, the ancient city is open for millennium, only to have the opportunity to enter the virtual.

However, the imaginary imaginary itself is a barbarian, that is, the descendants of the barbarians who have settled down after entering the imaginary state through various means for hundreds of millions of years. They are attached to the large fields of the male and female sorcerers, opening up a lot of savage fields and prospering. It is also the most important part of the male and female witches.

Different from the imaginary, the sinister savage can export some powerful corps to the male and female witches every 100 years. These warriors can also get more resources when they come to serve the male and female witches.

It is precisely because of the violent performance of Sun Hao's mirrored lower bounds that the barbarian warriors became the scent of the male and female witch monks vying for recruitment. Therefore, over the years, the barbarian warriors have increased rapidly in the Kelman dragon domain, and their status is also bullish. And just as Sun Hao did not know, Kellman Longyu granted Sun Hao the lofty glory status, which was called "the punishment of the gods."

The idol of every barbarian warrior.

What Sun Hao feels the most is that he walked to the streets of Kelman Longyu, and the attitude of the monks he met was better. In particular, as long as he went into the shops to go shopping, the attitude of the boss was called a passion, for a long time, Sun Hao will find that he has become a big head, and when he is a dumper, he is being fooled by his boss.

After a few laps outside, Sun Hao laughed and ran back to his own Dongfu.

The number of barbarian warriors has increased, no one has recognized Sun Hao, so that Sun Hao can work in the low-key of the Dragon.

The barbarian warrior character is straightforward and bold, and is loved by many merchants. It has become the cutest group of big babies in the Kelman Dragon Field.

Digested the image of the lower bound, and repaired into a mid-discipline of the distraction, such progress, the time needed to consolidate is not small, Sun Haoan quietly read a few years of books, the mentality has not been completely peaceful, but also has time to slowly Polished.

Just in the environment of Kelman Longyu, Sun Hao is just relaxing and relaxing after the intense and busy practice. With a more leisurely attitude, he walked out of his own cave and began to contact the Kelman Dragon Field. Of course, among them, they are also looking for their own goals without hesitation.

The dragon field is vast and vast. From the core living areas of the male and female witches, along the rainbow-like passage, they are invested in the Longcheng Dragon City. Sun Hao is like a drop of seawater that flows into the sea and is silent.

The Dragon City was built around the Kaelman Mountain. The more the status and strength of the monks, the closer the area of ​​residence is to the Kelman Mountains. The tall buildings are like a ring that spreads out.

After Sun Hao entered Zhongxu, most of the time he was active on the Keelman Hill, and his feelings and cultivation were not very deep.

After coming down from the mountain and descending on the Dragon City, Sun Hao suddenly had the feeling of a fairy who came to the world. He suddenly discovered that he had become a fairy in the eyes of many monks and mortals.

With tens of thousands of years of longevity, it will not be ill, and the magical powers will be enormous, and the power of the world will be truly alive.

Walking and walking, when Sun Hao went to the fourth ring in the 12th ring of the Dragon City and began to see the appearance of low-level monks and mortals, there was a strong feeling of being separated from the world.

After step by step cultivation, step by step, after flying, Sun Hao walked cautiously and trembled every step of the way, but today, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that after his hard work, he has gradually reached a very high level.


Distracted old ghosts.

Distracted power.

Distracted ancestors.

This is the exact name for the current level of Kelman Dragon City.

The bustling, bustling, and blossoming Dragon City suddenly made Sun Hao understand why the witches would rank the six-point **** as the best choice for cultivation, because it was too much for hundreds of millions of people. Words, a distraction has stood at the top of the food chain, and what is dissatisfied with a monk who can cultivate to fit and have a long history of hundreds of thousands of years?

Look at the millions of people, in fact, the distraction is already very powerful.

The imaginary aboriginal practice will be faster than the imaginary, the cultivation environment will be better than the imaginary, but there are still a large number of mortals in the imaginary.

Among the imaginary tribes, the races that have been born with extraordinary strength are only rare races such as the dragons, and most of the races of the races require step-by-step cultivation.

After the Fourth Ring, more ethnic monks appeared in the Dragon City, and Sun Hao discovered that more than one hundred ethnic monks appeared in the Dragon City.

The style of the Dragon City has also begun to show a variety of changes, a variety of buildings, a variety of special products, a variety of customs, so that Sun Hao opened his eyes, it is no wonder that the side animal often runs I don't see the shadow. It turns out that there are so many interesting things in the Dragon City.

After a round trip from the Dragon City, Sun Hao spent more than half a year, the Dragon City is too big, and many places have not yet visited.

After half a year, Sun Hao’s mood has calmed down more.

In the past six months, Sun Hao contrasted sentient beings, examined himself, and had different feelings. After seriously thinking about his experience after flying, Sun Hao found that his mentality was a bit impetuous, and his cultivation was a little eager to seek.

This road down, I am brave and intensive, tight spirit, constantly practising, one mind only wants to climb the road early, beyond Jordan, revenge and hate.

The reasons for this situation are many, the human race is weak, the foreign enemies are strong, etc., all of which make you feel the pressure, let yourself have to courage, fight the spirit, make great strides forward, and bravely move forward.

Seriously recall, if you can choose, stand in different periods, Sun Hao will do the same under the conditions of the time, in the circumstances of the time.

But now, Sun Hao feels that he may have to settle for a while.

After returning from Tioman's mainland, both Gerland and German were asked to retreat, and, after so many years, when asked if they could come out, the answer is still uncertain, so now, Sun Hao understands. Among the respective cultivation systems of the male and female witches, there should be a very clear standard of judgment on the extent to which the mirror image needs to be digested.

These things, the male and female witches will not actively teach themselves, but if they understand, if they need this information, they should not stop it, just like some special cultivation places for male and female witches, if Sun Hao does not go in. No one shouted Sun Hao to go to practice, but if Sun Hao wants to enter, then only the corresponding contribution can be unimpeded.

Sun Hao has a high status in the male and female witches, but after all, it is not a shackle. If Sun Hao does not ask, many people will be confused.

When Sun Hao slowly returned to the third ring of the Kayman Mountain, his heart gradually became brighter. If he was really a big man who was not so good in his head, then it might be difficult to get the core secrets of the male and female witches. .

But the self is a human race, and the human race is known for its wisdom. Then, the situation is completely different.

Did not go back to Kelman Hill's own Dongfu, Sun Hao in the second ring area ~ ~ set a large yard, busy for a few days, opened a "hill grocery" shop, symbolically Put a few hanging firecrackers and open the business.

The main business is two major items, selling groceries and acquiring interested groceries.

With the current tall size of Sun Hao, the size of the hill groceries is not small compared to the witches. The strange thing is that such a big shop is that the owner has no buddy, and the goods on the top are also messy, mixed, and of different sizes. , everything is there.

Sun Hao Da Ma Jindao, sitting in the grocery store, the front counter has the chest height of the male and female witches, and Sun Hao has to bend over while sitting, behind, is a messy grocery shelf, fully reflecting the personality of the barbarians , placed in a ruthless manner, the price is also very random and willful.

For a long time, the grocery store was less popular.

Half a year later, Sun Hao, who had a thick face and smiled, never bargained, but mixed up with a neighbor in the surrounding neighborhood.

While hiding in the Dragon City, polishing his own repairs, the salesman Sun Hao is actually not idle. (To be continued.)


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