Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1763: Grand Master's career (6)

Sun Hao smiled at Gellin. No, naturally, he took away the three bottles of the prescription medicine that had just been refining, and then reached out and began to refine the second level of the prescription medicine.

The level of the medicinal remedy starts from the sixth level and continues to the top level of the seventh level. There are five kinds of medicines in the whole sequence, and the corresponding sacred effects are also different.

The lowest file, which is the effect of Sun Hao’s six-level prescription agent, has only been distracted, allowing the monks to transition from the robbery period to the distraction period. This medicine is for ordinary four robbers and monks below four robbers. It is helpful to advance to distraction. After the monk has been robbed, the effect of this pharmacy is better than that.

Therefore, the effect of the lowest-level dementia is not actually valued by the male and female witches.

However, once it reaches level 7 or above, the value of the sacred agent is very different immediately. The second level, which is the sacred agent of Sun Hao’s refining, can quickly promote the stability of the monk’s three-pointer. The effect greatly promotes the trilogy of the monk Yuanshen.

%%%Fiction 3. If the monk can mirror the lower bound, then with this aid, the harvesting and digesting of the lower bound will double, and the effect will be better. The monk can not only complete the three-point **** quickly, but also Get a sturdy effect.

The status of the gods in the witches is also highlighted.

However, the pharmacy of level 7 or above is the master level, and the entire witch group is only five masters. There is also a limit to the power of this medicinal preparation. Not to mention, even if the sacred agent is in the witches, it is quite rare. It is.

When Sun Hao refines the secondary fixative.

On the face of Panhe, there is a smile on the face. This kid should be the first time to formulate a magical agent. If the second-level fixative is refining to a certain extent, there will be a very important refining requirement, that is, this kid can No.

The bridesmaid and Panshan also thought of this possibility, and they looked at each other. Panshan’s face showed an inexplicable smile. The bridegroom gently frowned, shook her head slightly, and stopped talking. Finally, she decided to seriously look at Sun Hao’s medicine.

Sun Hao was fast and quickly refining according to the requirements of the second-class prescription agent. When he reached the middle section, suddenly there was a refining step that surprised Sun Hao’s heart.

There is a special requirement for this step of refining, that is, Sun Hao must shake four liquids, four liquids at the same time and be able to enter the final refining vessel at the same time. If it is normal, Sun Hao’s fingers are too thick. It is very difficult to shake four refining bottles at the same time.

Moreover, influenced by Sun Hao's fingers and palms, it is difficult for Sun Hao to infuse four bottles of liquid into a jade bottle at the same time.

Panshan Panhe is ready to watch the show.

The breeze frowned.

Sun Hao is still calm, according to the rhythm, in an orderly manner, walked to this step, the left hand gently shot on the table, four small refining bottles flew together, shouting into the right hand fingers of Sun Hao Between, gently rotate it.

Everything is as natural as it is, very natural, very pure, not sluggish, as if Sun Hao trained thousands of times in general.

The smile in Panhe’s eyes turned into a deep shock. Looking at Sun Hao’s palm, it’s not awkward. It’s like seeing beautiful art.

The women’s rites were smashed, and I looked carefully at the small refining bottle that Sun Hao’s fingers were turning. The mouth was not too good to drink. The hills were strong and strong, and the delicate mind was giggling. It was an eye-opener. what! ”

Panhe also feels wide-opened. The original configuration of pharmacy can still be played like this. He feels that the barbaric has given a very vivid lesson. If he does not see the medicine on the hill, he will never think of it. He can use the palm of his hand. Different thicknesses and sizes to adjust the rhythm of the refining.

Sun Hao's five fingers, two of which actually became the size of the ordinary male witch's fingers, while the other **** are thick and strong.

What makes the masters even more stunned is that in this state, the five fingers of the barbarians are actually more flexible, with a very reasonable mix, shaking and swaying, step by step, four small refining bottles between his fingers, like Butterfly-like flexibility.

This embarrassing hill seems to have been prepared for a long time for today's day. It is just this trick. There is no master at the scene to do it. Even if it is a revitalization, it has to be said that it has opened its eyes.

Moreover, Panhe feels that the method of refining the barbarians opens up a whole new door, perhaps drawing on the method of the barbarians and pushing the pharmacy forward a small step forward.

I haven't seen such interesting refining techniques for a long time.

The interesting barbarian is really a rare barbar.

Not to mention, it may be that only the fingers are too thick, it is really not suitable for manipulating the pockets of the bottle, will be ingeniously think of this strange method.

The biggest difficulty of the second-level definite agent was captured by Sun Hao.

After half an hour, Sun Hao was shocked in front of the wooden table, three rainbows flying in the air, and three reagent bottles quickly absorbed into it.

The second-level prescription agent was successfully refining.

Three bottles of very rare secondary demings fell into the palm of your hand. Sun Hao was very generous and reached out to show the adults to Panhe. Do you need to identify the level of the medicament? ”

The whole process witnessed the process of Sun Hao's refining process. Panhe shook his head slightly, and said that he did not need to verify, your refining method was ingenious, but the effect was very good. The effect of the three-color deming agent was extraordinary, and it may have reached the medium or above quality. In this case, you can complete the normal promotion of the pharmacist. However, you are directly attacking the pharmacist from scratch. Now, you still need to continue to refine two or more remedies to prove. ”

Sun Hao’s wrists shrank, and the prescription agent was collected. He smiled and nodded. I continued to formulate the gods, but this time, I want to directly challenge the fifth level, which is the ultimate prescription agent. . ”

The feminine is gone.

Panhe also stayed, and immediately reacted to this may have problems, the ultimate definite agent, this seat can not be refining, can not let you challenge. ”

Sun Hao opened his mouth and said, Panhe eye beaded a kid, don't think about taking advantage of it, telling you that the ultimate prescription of the drug, the witches are also very difficult to get together, you don't think about continuing Greedy, at most, give you a refining elixir of the four-level definite agent, love and refine. ”

The masters finally reacted, but it is not. This barbarian seems to be honest and honest, but the work is very unreasonable. The two pharmacies that have just been refining are the elixir of Kelman Mountain. This kid has been admitted in the same way. Waist packs, but fortunately, the Panhe adults are smart, or else, can't he be directly asked for a rare prescription for the ultimate prescription?

Although the ultimate definitive agent has been refining and it is basically not used by people, but the level of elixir, each pair can be a treasure of price ~ ~ this barbaric, but it will Calculate.

Sun Hao smiled, and a trace of luck in his heart was shattered. It seems that the ultimate medicine of the gods has to be carefully collected. However, today, the formula of the ultimate prescription agent has been completed, but half of the tasks have been completed, but the province has not Less hands and feet.

Since it is possible to refine the four-level prescription, then Sun Hao is not polite, and he has a prescription for the four-level prescription.

The set of prescriptions, the same line, the first and second configuration of Sun Hao, basically master the core technology of this series of refining.

Compared with the second grade, the four-level prescription is only more difficult to refine, the control is stronger, and the accuracy requirement is higher, but this is hard to beat Sun Hao.

Almost without much effort, after two hours, Sun Hao shouted and completed the four-level refining agent refining, quickly retracting two of the bottles of higher quality, Sun Hao gently left the remaining bottle The first one sent, said the adult in the mouth, please identify, this is the four-level definite agent of the hill refining. ”

Panhe slammed his eyes, and in one hand, the four-level definite agent of the price was taken in the hands, and he did not look at it. He quickly closed it up and said that he was good. Hey, hills, your pharmacy is indeed extraordinary, I think you are completely can……"

When the words are not finished, Sun Hao said, "Yes, the adults said no, the hills I really can carry out the next refining, adults, hills are not tired, can continue, below, please let me refine the Raytheon series of potions... ..."

The first time I met this kind of Ming can be promoted immediately, but actually the dead skin, the main body to continue to refine the refining, the body of the river, a shock, actually returned to the prototype. (To be continued.)

The first seven-six-three chapter master career

The master's career in the 1763th chapter was played by [*] [small-speak-net] members.

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