Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1779: The Sword of the Wind (4)

One second to remember [Cui Weiju], no pop-up window advertising novel!

Looking at the frowning and eating meat, Sun Hao, Bian Mu’s face reveals a sly expression, and Wang Wang laughed.

Sun Boda, once again being pitted by himself, is a dead dog.

Sun Hao did not care about the pastoral.

Even if the meat of Fengpeng is hard to eat, as long as it is good for your own practice, you will eat it.

In the mouth, chewing on the meat of Feng Peng, Sun Hao walked over to the neck of Feng Peng's break and saw the ground, a wave of wind and blood.

Slightly frowning, Sun Hao bowed his head, opened his mouth and sucked, and the blood of Feng Peng swallowed into his stomach.

The taste of this blood is really hard to eat, bloody, sticky feeling makes Sun Hao a little disgusting, but after Feng Peng blood enters Sun Hao body and quickly into Dantian, Sun Hao instantly feels that he is surrounded by The hurricane feels a lot clearer, and the Ming dynasty that I have just realized is so beautiful that it seems to have been improved.

In front of his eyes, Sun Hao said: "This blood should only be in the sky, how many times do you drink it in the world?" Then, open the mouth, like a long whale, and swallow it.

Not far away, the face of the dog on the side of the animal husbandry showed a suspicious expression, Feng Peng blood is so delicious? Sun boss should not lie to the dog, no, and can not be fooled.

After Sun Hao swallowed a few big mouths and blood, the hand of Shen Xiangjian was quoted in his hand, and his mouth sang softly: "Every year, the East came to help, and the dance was empty. The darkness of the grass pond, the high-rise building." Pipe sound..."

Shen Xiangjian flew up, handsome and warm as jade, with the alum of Feng Peng's flesh and blood, Sun Hao began the cultivation of "gentle sword".

Bianmu looked suspiciously at Sun Hao and appreciated the gentle sword. At the same time, he secretly determined that the cliff could not be used as the boss of the Sun. The blood of Fengpeng must be super hard to drink, yes, absolutely super difficult to drink...

While making up his mind, while grazing and licking meat, Feng Peng meat is not good, but eating can make himself run "wind fast", it is difficult, or need to eat some.

Feng Peng flesh and blood, supporting Sun Hao to practice about an hour, the potency, that is, to give Sun Hao the intimacy of the Ming dynasty disappeared.

Sun Hao stopped Shen Xiangjian, opened his mouth, faced with blood, and slammed again, laughing happily: "This blood should only be in the sky, and the world has to drink a few times." Then, he ran to practice the sword.

Bianmu contempt, so I want to let the wise and sacred priests be fooled, the door is not.

Sun Hao practiced an hour, and the potion disappeared. This time, Sun Hao did not stop practicing the sword. Instead, he opened his mouth and sucked the blood of Feng Peng. After drinking it, he came again with a sentence: "This blood should only be in the sky, and there are several times in the world." Drink", the sword does not stop...

So round-trip, full day, Feng Peng's blood eyes are watching less and less.

Bianmu is a little bit unable to sit still, damn, Fengpeng's blood may be really good, Sun Boss is too unruly, such a good thing, actually does not call the upper animal husbandry to share.

Watching Sun Hao once again drink blood and practice the sword, and the side grazing sneaked over, spit out his tongue, slammed his mouth, and sucked.

Hey, an old blood spit on the ground, and the animal husbandry broke open: "Sun boss, this is what you said delicious blood, I am, you lie to the dog..."

Sun Hao danced the sword and smiled and opened the flower. He said in his mouth: "Where is the animal, what ear do you hear me say that he is delicious? I mean, the blood of Feng Peng’s sentiment to the wind can only be found in the sky. No, no, if you don't want to drink, don't waste, I use swords usefully."

Bianmu 砸 砸 砸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The meat.

In the mouth, Bianmu said that in order to run "wind fast", Laozi endured, opened his mouth and sucked it, and the blood that had just been spit it out was sucked up again, his eyes closed, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, swallowed Go on.

Although this thing is difficult to drink, but think about Sun boss is also tolerant of nausea and drink, and the border animal husbandry instantly balances.

The monk practiced the sword. Usually, after comprehending the first sword meaning, the second sword behind is relatively difficult, and I want to understand the general trend of the sword, especially after comprehending a general trend, and then want to comprehend the second. Third, the difficulty is bound to increase.

The general trend of the sword that was learned in the past will come out from time to time to disrupt the generation of the new trend.

Sun Hao now wants to understand the general trend of the fourth sword.

The difficulty is big, it can be called the sky, for 20 years, Sun Hao is suffering in the unpredictable winds, only to push his own Ming dynasty sword to Dacheng, and become a gentle sword.

After Dacheng, Sun Hao wants to truly cultivate his own Ming dynasty swordsmanship into a state of great perfection. It may take a long time, and the peculiar role of Feng Peng's flesh and blood has pointed out the way for Sun Hao to become a bright sword.

The power of the Ming dynasty sentiment brought by Feng Peng's flesh and blood can effectively offset the suppression of the new swords by the three swords that Sun Hao has already condensed, so that Sun Hao's Ming dynasty swordsmanship can make rapid progress.

Digesting the two hill-like winds and blood, Sun Hao and Bianmu spent a full six months.

Sun Hao has just made a big step forward in the Ming Dynasty’s swordsmanship. Sun Hao estimates that the effect of this half year’s practice can be enough to match himself in the Ming Dynasty for ten to twenty years. Hard work and hard work.

Dacheng's alum sword is enough for Sun Hao to walk freely in the uncertain winds. Invisible, Sun Hao spent decades to complete the Ming Dynasty millennium.

After digesting Feng Peng's flesh and blood, Sun Hao's left hand appeared a blue ball. Ming Haofeng launched an attack on this foreign object appearing within his own range. Sun Hao knew the whole move. The body sinks into a state of warmth and jade, and if there is no breath, it will hang over its own sphere.

Unidentified hurricane lost its goal and slowly stabilized. Sun Hao’s face showed a bright smile. The ball in his hand slowly turned, the flow direction of the bright wind, the flow speed of the bright wind, like A cloud of clouds, reflected on the ball, Sun Hao eyes looked at the ball in the hands, began to slowly understand.

“拈 浅 浅 浅 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The length of time the ball can last in the Ming dynasty is related.

Sun Hao believes that the vast majority of male and female witch monks can not be like themselves, can make the ball always reflect the bright wind for their own enlightenment.

First practice the sword, use the sword as the cover, take the ball to reflect, understand the hurricane, and promote the Ming dynasty. This is Sun Hao’s current cultivation method. Sun Hao thinks that this way should be the most The best way to practice is to not know how the practice will be.

Next, Sun Hao took the border animal husbandry and continued to wander within the area of ​​the Ming hurricane.

There is no dragon tendon on the don't need to be hyena, the grazing enthusiasm is greatly increased, plus a lot of wind and blood, eating a lot of Fengpeng meat, side animal husbandry can also be indefinite After flying in the wind, after landing again, in less than a month, Bianmu found a higher hill.

This time, what was discovered on the mountain was not Feng Peng, but an Ming zephyr.

The wind elf is a kind of wind with a special form that is more common in the uncertain wind domain. Its body is composed entirely of wind. It can transform its body size with the help of wind, and it can also drive various powerful wind attribute spells. On the top, it will be a headache. More importantly, after killing the wind elves, the elf body will completely collapse and become a real unchanging wind, while the monk has nothing to gain.

Among the male and female witches, the Wind Elf is one of the most unpopular strange creatures within the unrestricted winds.

Sun Hao suffered one.

However, unlike other male and female witch monks, Sun Hao’s process of confronting the wind elves unexpectedly found that this form of wind elf has additional tempering and reference for his own Ming Sword practice, and In the ball, you can get more practice and understanding.

It was not as fast as the other men and women of the witches and monks who met the wind elves. Sun Hao stopped on the mountain and started the battle with the wind elves for a long time.

The biggest advantage of the Wind Elf is that it is composed of the wind itself. There is no exhaustion at all. As long as Sun Hao does not retreat, it does not know what it is.

The war started, the sand was flying, the bright wind was filled, and the spring was full for three years. The vegetation on the hill was summed up by the aura of the Sun Hao and the Wind Elf. In the three years, it expanded outwards, as if it were in the wind. Among them is a huge oasis. (.)


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