Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1789: Very different (2)

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Fishing for millennia, only for the herring.

Sun Hao also truly realized the silence of the monks and the hardships of the practice.

Within the uncertain wind domain, the wind has the most beasts.

However, in some special areas, there are other animals of different attributes. However, most of these animals are dual attributes. In any case, they are also windy. Otherwise, they cannot stand within the uncertain wind domain.

For example, in a huge volcano, Sun Hao met a large number of different animals with fire attributes and melting properties, and Sun Hao’s hot sword, which is in the volcanic land, is completely successful. The wind and sword are perfect.

At this time, this place is above the river, the herring in the water, it should be the dual attribute of Feng Shui.

After Sun Hao finished, Tie Pengpeng smiled and began to tell Sun Hao how the two should cooperate in order to catch the herring.

At this moment, Sun Hao suddenly found a very shocking thing. Tie Pengpeng seems to have the ability to have an unknown prophet. He knows his abilities well, and even he has never shown the punishment of the criminal squad, and he was also given by Tie Peng. Take advantage of it and, just right, help him fish for herring.

Sun Hao has a feeling of being completely seen through, completely seeing through, and if there is a smile on Tie Peng’s face, it makes Sun Hao’s heart slightly cold. This is a rather strange monk, although it looks like a human. Monk, but Sun Hao can be sure that he is not, and his ability is quite scary.

Fortunately, maybe you really need Sun Hao to help catch the fish. At this time, the attitude is not bad. It is a smile to yourself.

In the heart of one side speculation, Sun Hao and Tie Peng Peng discuss the law of catching fish.

Tie Pengpeng has been studying how to fish for many years. Fishing is also a millennium. He has been thinking deeply. In the past, he fished alone, and many conditions were not met. Now he has come to Sun Hao. With the help of Sun Hao, the conscious conditions have matured.

Naturally, his hooks were collected from the glaciers and began to be sketched on the ice. While painting, he explained: "This place is the narrowest point of the glacial water surface. You can do this on the hill..."

Sun Hao listened carefully to Tie Peng’s method and put forward his own rationalization suggestions. He said sincerely: “The predecessors are assured that the hills will definitely try their best to help the seniors catch the herring.”

On the face of Tie Peng's face, there is a smile that is utterly absent: "You can rest assured that the hills, once you catch the herring, I will take you to the feathers of the magical grass, after the three plants, the hill will help me once again. The old man will have a thank you."

Sun Hao said loudly, "Good," and stood up: "In this case, the hills will act according to the rules, and the seniors will be prepared."

After that, the body swayed slightly, rising with the wind, flying in the air, and Sun Hao flew over the glaciers with his side.

On the ice, Tie Pengpeng smiled slightly, and the cockroach on the top of his head hanged down. There was no breath in his body. He was quiet and sat on the flat boat, waiting quietly for Sun Hao’s action, but from his trembling On the way, I can see that at this moment, his heart is not particularly peaceful.

In the same way, Sun Hao, who is flying in the air and drifting far above the glaciers, is not at peace.

After contact with Tie Peng, Bianmu had no reaction at all, as if it had become a real earth dog, and although Sun Hao felt strange, but did not have any substantial findings.

Until now, flying up, far away from Tie Peng, and she was on the shoulders of Sun Hao, with different general performances.

There was no barking, but the claws began to be fished on Sun Hao’s shoulders. Sun Hao continued to fly, and according to the plan of Tie Peng’s plan, his face looked as usual, but his eyes flashed. .

Amazing monks.

If Bianmu said that it is true, then he may have met a very powerful and strange existence, dealing with him, no doubt with the tiger.

The attack methods that you don’t know, the strange patterns that you have never heard of, are not mysterious and obscure, let the other side carelessly, revealing traces, and fear that they will be confused.

The heart is highly vigilant, but Sun Hao’s movements are not slow. Sun Hao judges that Tie Peng’s really needs to help himself twice. At least, after catching the herring, he can still get a few flying feathers.

The ultimate level of medicinal remedies is very high, there may be a greater chance of failure, and three flying feathers are imaginary, and they are bound to gain.

Floating in the air, Sun Hao raised his hand in the air, and slammed it, and the squadron appeared on his hand. Like a dragging iron plate, Sun Hao held the square shield and began to rotate on the top of his head.

The whistling sound passed from Sun Hao’s head.

Fang Dunhua is a huge disc. The air is getting bigger and bigger, the snow flies and dances, and when it is not close, it has already been far away, or directly turned into water vapor.

Over the glaciers, Sun Hao whirls and stands, as if in the endless snow, a huge black hole is rotated.

Above the boat, Tie Peng's face showed a gratifying look, his eyes flashed through the light, and he did not expect his chance to fall into this daring day, and in the middle of distraction he dared to break into the barren of the uncertain wind.

In the air, when the squadron became a huge black cloud and rotated the disc in general, Sun Hao’s mouth screamed out: “Fang Shield, the river is intercepted, I give it...”

The left hand slammed up and the muscles of the block rose above the arm. Sun Hao’s left hand seemed to be powerful, supporting the heavens and the ground, grabbing the square shield with the big hand, and slamming it in the air, inserting it into the glaciers. .

On the ice, a few feet thick ice was hit by a blow, splashing with ice, and the cold river was also hit by Fang Dong, like a fountain, rising high.

In the bang, Sun Hao’s huge punishment in the hands of the squadron is like a huge gate. It descends from the sky and falls on the glaciers. The Wuding River, which is more than 500 feet wide, was intercepted by Sun Hao and Shield.

The ice was crushed and the river was intercepted.

Sun Hao strode in the sky, one foot, and fell on the square shield. The mouth screamed, the square shield shook, the blood was shining, and some gaps that could not be completely blocked were completely blocked by the light. The glaciers are completely shut off.

When it freezes, it does not feel the flow of river water.

A shield cut off, Sun Hao suddenly felt a huge pressure on the glaciers, and above the shield, the river surface was growing rapidly.

In the sound of Sun Hao’s screaming, Fang Dun was also under the foot of Sun Hao, and kept rising. After less than a while, Sun Hao and Fang Dun had risen like mountains.

Under the Shield's glaciers, the ice surface is rapidly declining. In less than a moment, it has gone down a few dozen feet.

Sun Hao was on the top, staring at Tie Pengeng, feeling Tie Peng, and suddenly discovered that at this moment, Tie Peng, who was above the boat, completely lost any breath. If it were not for the eyes, Sun Hao thought that it was only A pile of snow piled up on the ice.

The words in the heart are "severe", and Sun Hao’s eyes are not shrinking. Tie Peng is the one he met, and his secret opponent is even more secretive. Very much, now, the feeling that Tie Peng has given Sun Hao is completely absent.

Can see the eyes, but can see.

One hand of Tie Pengpeng, gently lifted.

This is the second phase of the action signal agreed by the two.

Sun Hao's eyes shrink, the gods know, the incense sword flies up, the air, the sword body keeps oscillating, six agarwood sword shadow appears in the shock.

A sword with a bright sword and a gentle gentleman; a sword with a smoky sword and a cool character; a sword with a sword and a sense of peace; a sword with a wide sword Sexual ice cold bones...

Six swords, plus the body, a total of seven swords, with Sun Hao seven kinds of great perfection of the sword, the air slammed open, dripping and turning, falling down, Sun Hao hands, swords A handle, but also draw a windy sword, fill the wind of the eight sides.

Eight sides lock the dragon, eight swords lock the river, Sun Hao mouth clear and drink, eight swords with iron 蓑鹏 as the core, 噗噗噗 ... inserted in the glaciers, covering a large area.

The cold voice of Tie Pengpeng came out: "Well, thank you for the hill, please keep the strength of the eight winds, watch me fishing..."

In the middle of the conversation, the hand gently slammed outward, and the hook was swung away and flew away into the glaciers.

With a bang, the ice surface of Sun Hao’s eight swords shattered, and as the hooks fell, they burst silently, and the hooks were like water.

The cold and calm river water, as the hooks fall in, instantly tumbling, a huge black shadow appears in the river.

Sun Hao was shocked: "This big guy is the so-called small herring?" (To be continued.)

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