Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1791: Wingless boat

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Tie Pengpeng laughed and laughed. He took the squid into the gills of his waist and took a few shots. He was very satisfied with the weight of the fish carp and smiled at Sun Hao. Said: "Get help from the hill, and finally catch the little blue carp. Next, I want to fulfill my promise and take you to take the Feather Fantasy. Then, how can Hill help me second?"

Sun Hao nodded and smiled: "That would thank the seniors."

Tie Pengpeng still sat on his flat boat on his knees, but the boat under his body floated from the glaciers and floated smoothly in the air.

The fishing rod gently lifted his own cockroaches, and Tie Pengpeng revealed a half-faced face like Wang Yuan. He said with a chuckle: "The hill, the flying feather sacred grass is far away, please go to the old man's wingless boat, I Take you for a ride."

Sun Hao saw Tie Peng’s familiar face, familiar smile, and raised his inexplicable feelings in his heart. He nodded slightly and smiled and said: "That troubles the seniors."

The body fluttered gently, and Sun Hao landed on the head of the boat. He smiled and said to the iron fist: "Predecessors, please."

Tie Yipeng reveals Wang Yuan’s signature smile: “The hill is stable, I want to speed up.”

After that, the body swayed at the end of the boat.

The wingless canoe was slightly in the air.

At this moment, Sun Hao suddenly felt that the entire space and time were in a state of complete stillness. Then, in an instant, the wingless canoe flew away with the wind.

Really, Sun Hao really saw what speed is.

Very strangely, Sun Hao produced the speed that he had just been flying at the time of the sword. He was frightened and felt lost control.

A speed that is enough to make the distracting power feel frightened!

Sun Hao has once again produced a new understanding of the cultivation world, and the original speed can be so fast.

The wingless canoe is flying in the air, and the wind is gone. The Wanshui Qianshan is like a scroll from a wingless boat. It is flying fast. At this moment, Sun Hao’s heart has an illusion, as if he had become a giant and saw a painting. In the painting, the boat is flying fast and instantly crosses the world.

Entering the uncertain winds, Sun Hao saw a variety of wind-behaved beasts. Again and again, Sun Hao felt that he had seen the fastest speed.

But now, standing on the iron-free flat boat of Tie Pengpeng, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that the former ones were fast, and in front of Tie Peng’s wingless boat, they were actually a bowl of vegetables.

Sun Hao doesn't know how fast the wind dragon and the green dragonfly will be, but I think it should not be much stronger than the wingless boat!

If it is stronger than a wingless boat, Sun Hao really does not know if he can find the powerful sixth flaw he is looking forward to.

At the moment, Sun Hao has no intention to seek for the iron and steel in the iron 蓑 蓑 了 了 诡 诡 诡 诡 诡 诡 诡 诡 诡 诡 诡 诡 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力 实力

Once he offended Tie Peng, Sun Hao was sure that unless he played it himself, he would never run away.

Tie Pengpeng has to go, and there is absolutely no possibility that he can stop it. This is a super high speed that completely surpasses his own ability and even exceeds his own cognition.

Within the vast complex wind domain, the wingless flat boat passed through the air. In the twinkling of an eye, it has been unknown how far away, Sun Hao has a feeling of a thousand miles.

There is also a sense of wind in the mouth.

I can't help but can't break the edge of the animal husbandry, but I can't resist the wind. The head of the paw once grabbed Sun Hao's neck to avoid being stunned.

Strong and strong Tie Peng.

Tie Pengpeng still sat firmly at the end of the wingless canoe, and put down the cockroaches on his head. The whole body could not feel the slightest breath. Moreover, there was no such thing as a silent wingless boat. It was like a wingless boat. It is my own flight.

Sun Hao’s feelings are strange. The existence of Tie Peng’s existence is beyond the recognition of Sun Hao in many respects. The speed of the wingless boat is extremely fast, but it is estimated that the destination distance is not close. It is not a moment to come. Sun Hao thought for a moment. One hand squatted on the head of the side of the animal husbandry, and his body slowly sat down in the flat boat.

Just sitting, Sun Hao’s heart rushed into the wrong place, his face changed slightly, and then returned to normal.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea and the sneaky scorpion sitting on the tombstone and knees, at this time leisurely opened his eyes, above the tombstone, flashing blue light.

Sun Hao’s heart also produced deep doubts.

After sitting down, the sneaky scorpion and the tombstone have responded together, showing the fact that the opposite of the iron 蓑 乃 is the body of the yin, that is, the dead ghost!

Actually a ghost monk?

Sun Hao’s heart was shocked, and the opposite was awkward, and the clothes were not good. Sun Hao couldn’t perceive any death, and the wingless boat didn’t feel gloomy at all. Although the waving action of the fish carp hook was elegant, it did not look cloudy. dense.

If it weren't for the sneaky and tombstones, Sun Hao wouldn't think of Tie Peng as a ghost monk.

Sun Hao himself does not have much prejudice against the ghost monks, but Sun Hao knows that in the middle of the virtual, the ghosts are powerful races that are opposite to most of the imaginary races. Usually, they represent the ghosts of death and The other genius monks who represent the vitality of the imaginary are the opposites of the kind of meeting.

I did not expect that I was arrogant and unpredictable, and I actually encountered a powerful and powerful ghost.

The ability to repair is inexplicable, and the speed of the wingless boat is even more shocking to Sun Hao. Once I turn my face, what should I do? How to prevent a strange attack?

With a more complicated mentality, Sun Hao closed his eyes, sat cross-legged, and evenly adjusted his breathing. Tie Pengpeng should be asking for himself, or special occasions need his own assistance, or else he would not speak so well, then In other words, it is safe before he helps him for the second time.

First get the Feather Fantasy grass, and then decide your own action plan according to the situation.

The speed is fast, I don't know how far I ran. After two hours, Tie Pengpeng whispered: "The front is the windless dragon cliff. Do you want to take the feathers and let me help you?" ”

No fixed wind dragon cliff?

Sun Hao heard the words of a happy heart, and he came to the uncertain wind domain. The two biggest goals are in front of him. The flying feathers are the ones they need, and the wind dragons are their own needs.

Within the uncertain winds, the wind attribute of the favorite wind is the first of its kind, and the first is Fenglong, followed by Fenglong, and Peng Peng and Fenglong are very rare. Today, although Peng Peng can't get it, he can get the wind dragon, but it is a huge one. Surprise.

Laughing and nodding at Tie Pengpeng, Sun Hao said bluntly: "The predecessors did not know, the hills came to the uncertain winds, the primary goal is to fly the feathers, the secondary goal is the soul of the dragon, so I can't take the grass and leave, I have to find a way to get rid of the wind dragon. If you can, please help the seniors."

On the face of Tie Peng’s face, there was a sudden accident. The bamboo pole showed his face like Wang Yuan’s face. He said with a smile: “Well, that’s good, I will help you, the wind dragon cliff, there is an adult wind dragon, you Even if I go, I will let it escape."

Sun Hao floated up and said in his mouth: "Thank you."

The wingless canoe was firmly parked in the air, and in front of Sun Hao, there was a huge mountain, a towering cyan rock, which was inserted into the sky, on the rock, with many huge holes~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ looks far away, like a hive.

This is the wind dragon cliff.

Sun Hao looked at it and found that over the cliff, there were several grass green dragons with a pair of wings growing on their backs, chasing and playing, flexible and serious, and Sun Hao suddenly discovered that several dragons are chasing one. Flying eagle.

The eagle is very fast, but it can't escape the pursuit. It will be caught once in a while, then let go, continue to chase, so round-trip, it is obvious that the dragons are using the wind sculpture to practice their own flying skills.

In the heart of the movement, Shen Xiangjian spurred, the eight wind swords intended to drive, Sun Hao like lightning, flew to the wind dragon cliff.

Hey, the heart is moving at random, and Sun Hao hits a sword.

The sword is like a fire, it is for the sake of the wind.

A small wind dragon could not escape, died in the sword, was directly burned by the flame, and killed in the air.

In the snoring, the remaining few small wind dragons quickly plunged into the huge caves of Longya and disappeared. The big eagle flashed its wings and flew away.

Sun Hao stepped on the agarwood and floated on the dragon cliff.

Longya trembled fiercely. In the eyes of a huge hole, a golden stream of light rushed out and slammed into Sun Hao.

The young wind dragon is grass green, and the adult wind dragon is cash yellow.

The wind dragon is coming. (To be continued.)

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