Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1799: Weird matchup

In the mind of Tie Peng, for the first time, he felt a sense of a little dysfunction. He felt that he might have overlooked something, but he thought about it seriously, but couldn’t think of what he had overlooked.

Sun Hao sat in the stern of his knees and sank into cultivation.

Tie Peng’s mountain nodded in the distance and did not speak.

The wingless squad rushed into the third lap. Sun Hao felt like a gentle shock. The power of the scorpion slammed into his body. The body could not help but be a little short, and the mouth could not help but gently sigh. Humph.

Tie Pengeng asked with concern: "Hill, okay?"

At this point, the side of the animal husbandry gently in the palm of the hand of Sun Hao a few strokes.

Sun Hao’s heart could not help but be slightly stunned and highly alert.

On the third lap, Tie Pengpeng finally started to work, but in the end, how did he start, he still doesn't understand it, only knows that he should have failed to get himself, but he has applied himself in a peculiar way. Enormous pressure.

On the third lap, Tie Pengeng exhibited his ability to catch two fishing rods.

At the beginning, Sun Hao sighed in his heart. Although he knew that Tie Peng was uneasy, but Sun Hao had a glimmer of hope. He hoped that he could see his help to him and let him go, but now It seems that it is extravagant.

So what do you need now?

The wingless boat continued to move forward, and Sun Hao was full of pressure, digesting the flame of the third circle, and also understanding the insults.

But in my heart, I am also thinking about my own coping style. Sun Hao now has two big directions to choose from. One is to immediately turn to the face; the other is to pretend that I don’t know and move on.

There are advantages and disadvantages in both ways. It means that Sun Hao has exposed himself, which means that Sun Hao actually knows a lot of secrets, which will force Tie Pengpeng to take full force, and Tie Pengpeng has six times. The use of hooks will create a huge deterrent to yourself and the results are unknown.

Bianmu this card, maybe it will be opened.

The advantage of pretending not knowing is that it will not tear the skin immediately, although it is a bit passive, but it can unwittingly consume the number of times it is used.

After so long contact, Sun Hao has judged that for some special reasons, Tie Peng has little or no attack that is too strong, mainly relying on the hooks in his hands and the strange ability of a very strange.

Sun Hao judged that after less than six hooks, Tie Peng will not break out with all his strength, that is to say, he can still use his four hooks to say.

Tie Pengpeng is out of the way, the most powerful ability should be the hook of the hook into the mouth, and instantly let the opponent lose the ability to resist.

Then you should never talk from now on.

Sun Hao decided to consume Tie Peng's four hooks first and then sat firmly on the wingless boat. Sun Hao seemed to be very struggling and slowly straightened his body.

Tie Pengeng asked: "Hill, is the situation okay?"

Sun Hao nodded and did not speak. He showed that he was very hard.

Tie Pengeng said softly: "It's okay, you insist on it. There are still three hours to enter the fourth ring of fire. If you can't stand it, don't go in."

Sun Hao nodded silently.

The wingless boat continued to move upwards and slid forward. Tie Pengpeng still sat silently at the end of the boat, and was not affected by the indeterminate wind and fire.

However, Sun Hao can perceive that the pressure from the surrounding eight sides is getting bigger and bigger, the power of yin and fire is getting more and more pure, and the burning soul of ice and cold is getting more and more cold.

It is quite ridiculous, and the rabbit is cold and full of force. Sun Hao is completely in a state of high vigilance and is fully prepared to deal with various unknown methods.

Tie Peng is the most secretive opponent he has met since Sun Hao's reign. If the speed is not at a certain level, he can't escape. Sun Hao has long tried to open the way.

Now, you can only install silly and full, so that Tie Peng can not easily succeed.

Sun Hao judged that Tie Peng’s really useful place, or else he would not let himself come to the volcano.

Useful, it means that you need oysters, your combat power is not weak, as long as you guard against the strange hooks of Tie Peng, even his fish silk can not trap himself, the hook is difficult to prevent in the mouth, this, Bianmu has already told himself that if he has prepared in his heart, it will not let Tie Pengpeng easily succeed.

After entering the third lap, I don’t know if it’s what happened to Tie Peng’s secret ghosts. The static eight-faced wind gave Sun Hao tremendous pressure and made Sun Hao feel a little difficult.

At the same time, Sun Hao was also pleasantly surprised to realize that as the pressure increased, his feelings about the eight sides of the wind became clearer and clearer, and he slowly separated from the wind and began to strengthen his understanding.

What makes Sun Hao more confused is that comprehend for a long time, the other seven kinds of winds in the wind come to give Sun Hao a clear and windy feeling, but not the wind, perhaps his own The ability to understand the wind is not enough, it is still the same, it seems that it is not the wind in this extremely strong place, still with the outside wind is almost the same level.

Not realm?

Soon after, Tie Pengpeng said in a low voice: "The hill is about to enter the fourth lap. Can you still insist?"

Sun Hao nodded calmly.

Tie Pengeng said: "Well, then go in, but after you go in, if you can't support it, talk immediately, I will send you out in time, you can come here, it has helped me a lot, almost enough. Do you understand? Don't be reluctant, don't talk right away."

Sun Hao’s face was full of a smile, and it seemed to be very difficult and nodded.

Tie Pengpeng drives a wingless boat and rushes into the flame of the fourth circle.

Sun Hao’s spirit is a little awkward, feeling around the body, surrounded by layers of giant cobweb-like power, and the wind is squeezing his body all the time.

Opposite, Tie Peng asked with concern: "Hill, are you going out?"

The paws of the animal husbandry moved gently twice.

Has it already consumed two hooks and different magical powers? Sun Hao’s heart moved and seemed to work very hard to open his mouth.

Opposite, Tie Peng’s eyes flashed.

Sun Hao’s mouth was closed and he nodded strongly, saying that he could persist.

In the heart of Tie Peng’s heart, he’s screaming in silence. This man is full of tenacity. He still does not open his mouth. He feels a bit difficult to ride the tiger. However, there are two fire rings in the back. The firepower will become stronger and stronger, and the wind will become stronger and stronger. I really don't believe that the barbarians can hold it.

I hope that if the barbarians are good, they will receive it. If it is hurt, it will break their plans. (To be continued.)

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