Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1802: Dapeng Golden Wing

Sun Haoguang's knowledge of the sea, a whole body of pure gold, a huge Jinpeng with wings stretched thousands of miles, suddenly appeared, open mouth spit, like a thunder: "Good guy, barbaric, your knowledge of the sea is really wide, Laozi comes in to see Not at the margin, you are a barbaric, how can you refine it like this?"

Within the knowledge of the island, Sun Hao’s tall **** opened his eyes and his arms spread lightly. It appeared far away from Jinpeng’s face, and his mouth slowly said: “The predecessors really are Dapeng Jin. I have never thought of the remnant of the winged bird. Within the uncertain winds, I will meet a mythical legendary ancient beast. Fortunately, I will be lucky..."

Tie Peng, really is Sun Hao's anticipation, the real Dapeng garuda, the legendary, the dragon to feed, the death of the time to burn their own body and soul, the objectless and not burning of the ancient beast.

However, as Sun Hao said, Tie Peng, under the shackles, is a ghost without physicality, that is, a remnant soul. Otherwise, Sun Hao can never be his opponent.

At this moment, the body of Tie Peng's incarnation appears in Sun Hao's knowledge of the sea, and the purpose is self-evident. It is to use his powerful spirit to completely defeat the soul of Sun Hao and achieve his goal.

However, Tie Pengpeng broke into Sun Hao's knowledge of the sea, but was surprised to find that this barbaric knowledge of the sea is boundless and vast, completely different from ordinary barbarians.

The golden eye looked around and saw the stars floating in the air. The number of stars in the sky, Jinpeng could not help but be surprised. The mouth said: "Three souls and seven scorpions, you are actually a human race monk, kid, good, some means, no wonder no wonder The sea of ​​the gods of the Terran monks is indeed much broader than the barbarians, but the boy, you know the sea and beyond the ordinary people, I do not know how many times, can accommodate my existence, you are proud."

The body of Sun Hao Yuan Shen is not humble, but the air is long and said: "The body of the remnants of the predecessors can actually transform the thousands of miles of Jinpeng. It is a mythical existence. Sun Hao is indeed a human monk. Since the predecessors came in, please advise."

Jinpeng headed, laughing and laughing: "The kid, I dare to challenge me, I can't wait to die, then I will fulfill you, hahaha, ethos, ethos, first let your knowledge of the sea scream at him..."

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, the king of the wind, two ethos, Sun Hao's knowledge of the sea air suddenly whipped up a fierce wind, huge winds and waves will know the sea, the sea waves, the island is washed away, the government is always possible be submerged.

Sun Hao’s sea-based earthquake is generally a strong earthquake.

Switching to other monks, just this one, enough to be tossed and dizzy, may directly lead to the collapse of the sea.

Although Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea is stable, he can’t afford to be so tossed. If he is not good, it will be destroyed by life.

The body of the Yuanshen floated in the air, and Sun Hao said coldly in his mouth: "If you want to make waves in the sea of ​​knowledge, you are still a little bit worse, fighting the sticks, sticking out to fight the sky, give me a decision..."

The sticks that have been hidden in the big ridges have suddenly appeared in Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea.

Fierce, Jinguang skyrocketed, shining Sun Hao's knowledge of the island and the knowledge of the government, the stick of heaven fell from the sky, when the sound was inserted in Sun Hao's knowledge of the island, before the government.

Knowing the sound of the island, it sinks slightly.

Sun Hao was boasted by the wind, and the sea of ​​wind and waves was rolled up. With the falling of the stick, he calmed down and let the wind scream in the air. Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea was still calm.

The stick of the sky is like a pinnacle of the sea, and Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea is completely stabilized.

Jinpeng’s wings were closed, and he was surprised to see the big sticks that he had raised before Sun Hao’s knowledge. He couldn’t help but ask aloud: “Is this a sea **** pin?”

Sun Hao Yuan Sheng said: "This is Sun Hao's fighting stick."

Jinpeng a pair of golden eyes flashed through the doubts, feel it, and sighed in his mouth: "Damn, there is such a thing to set the sea, well, I don't turn your knowledge of the sea, you can't beat your soul... ”

Dapeng spread his wings and swayed up to kill a few stars that Sun Hao was hung in the sea.

Sun Hao knows the movement, the Taikoo Lei beast air screams and screams in the air, and the thunder net slams down to Jinpeng.

Jinpeng has a pair of wings and flies through the thunder, and his mouth blurches out: "The Archaic Thunder beast, you actually turned a Taikoo beast..."

After the words are not finished, Shen Xiangjian brings eight wind swords, and a sword wheel in the air, eight winds come out, and squats toward Dapeng Golden Wing.

Sword! Actually, I still realized the sword of the Eight Winds and Swords. Jinpeng did not have a hard connection and had to float again.

The criminal sorcerer blinked sharply, striding in the air, a huge fist, and a fist smashed over.

Headless, endless, and arrogant, it is actually a sorcerer.

Jinpeng had to hide again, flying in the air, Dapeng Golden Wings suddenly found their front, the three powerful incomparable souls, actually blocked their own way, so that it is difficult for them to rush to attack other souls.

Ding Ding Shen, Jin Peng also saw the image of several other scorpions in the air, one of which was a ghostly singer, holding a strange tombstone, and Jin Peng suddenly felt the scent of his own soul from the tombstone and the sneaky body, and suddenly understood the grandson in his heart. How can Hao not be afraid of the fire of his soul to calcine the soul, people are simply taking the fire of their own soul as a nutrient in cultivation.

There is also a silkworm, which is relatively quiet and hung in the sky.

In the middle of distraction, it is normal to divide the five scorpions. However, it is not normal for the five scorpions, and there are actually three abilities that can talk to oneself.

The thunder of the Taikoo Lei Beast, the sword of the Eight Winds of Shen Xiangjian, the fist of the criminal day, squatting on the body, are uncomfortable.

Dapeng Golden Winged Iron Tie Peng now truly feels the maliciousness of the tyranny, which is real and more powerful than natural disasters.

In the double-winged air, the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird is faster than the lightning speed of the Taikoo Lei-Ear, from the bottom, rubbing the sea, flying lightly, and spreading its wings again, suddenly appeared in the sky above the sorcerer's day. Apart from anything else, he made a blow to the seemingly weakest of the five major distractions.

A huge wind wind condensed wind blade cut to the ancient silkworm.

Sun Hao knows the movement, and the ancient silkworm opens his mouth, spits out ice silk in front, and there is a huge frozen space in front of the ice silkworm. Like a huge ice cover, he covers himself and blocks the sudden advance of the wind blade.

Below, Sun Hao's three strongest souls reacted and quickly attacked.

Dapeng Golden Wings laughed: "You are called Sun Hao. I am not afraid of you knowing that your soul is powerful, but you can't catch up with Lao Tzu. I will kill your soul a little bit in your knowledge of the sea. Strength, until you really cut into an idiot, hahaha..."

In the laughter, the Dapeng garuda flies past the interception of the three powerful launched a blow to the sneaky scorpion, the huge body is very flexible, the speed is to make the Taikoo beast Can't catch up.

Fortunately, the sneaky scorpion has been trained by Sun Hao for many years, especially after the yin and yang cultivation, the strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the hail is naturally blocked from the attack of the Dapeng garuda.

Dapeng Golden Wings are not in a hurry. It has time to mess up in Sun Hao’s head until Sun Hao completely collapses.

Unbeatable speed, in fact, has been able to let them master the absolute dominance, although the other side is also powerful, but met me Tie Peng, fear that it is only the death of the cockroach.

Sun Hao’s Yuanshen frowned slightly, Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, the fastest in the world, and now he does not succumb to his own soul, but ravages his own sea by speed, but this is not very good.

It is conceivable that in the soul of one's own soul, it will inevitably encounter continuous fighting for a long time. If one can't find an effective way to deal with Tie Peng, one day, it will always be in the position of passive beating.

How can I stop Tie Peng, how can I reduce his speed, or improve his speed? Sun Hao directed the three major souls to chase and intercept the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, and he wondered how to deal with this situation.

After half a ring, Sun Hao still couldn't get the essentials, but the Yuanshen had a very surprising discovery.

The body of the Yuanshen is very sensitive to the soul and the wind. When Sun Hao observes the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, he suddenly discovers that the inferiority of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird is still not much stronger than himself...

However, Sun Hao is puzzled. Why is Dapeng Golden Wings in such a lack of inferiority? Can it be such a brave performance? Is Dapeng Golden Wings too powerful, and it is not so fast without the help of Zhou Feng? Or have you neglected some of the characteristics of the wind? (To be continued.)

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