Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1807: Zhang 8 gold body

The power of Dapeng Golden Wings makes Sun Hao fearful.

Knowing the smoldering fire in the sea, the grandson of the means is all swaying, and Sun Hao feels that he is a little too big.

Unexpectedly, the Dapeng garudas in the state of remnant souls are so fierce. If they are complete, they may not be their enemy at all during the heyday.

It is estimated that Jordan, not the opponent of Dapeng Golden Wings.

Sun Hao’s feelings against the Dapeng garudas are actually no different from confronting a fierce catastrophe.

The strong yin and yang qi, perhaps not much weaker than the robbery of the fire of the robbing, makes Sun Hao in jeopardy and tremble.

Fortunately, the water cube is magical and the weak water properties are fully utilized.

Even if the smoldering fire is strong, the water cube can always be weak and invincible, and it is tenacious. It can always improve the soul of Sun Hao's spirit, and the tough protective circle will not let Sun Hao's spirit directly expose to the smoldering fire. Under the violent roast.

Always trembled, always cautiously, Sun Hao walked over step by step.

Of course, the smoldering spirit of yin and yang is also absolutely beneficial to Sun Hao. This is actually equivalent to a very different kind of tempering process. It can be of great significance to the soul of the monk after the robbery. After this calcination, the quality of the soul will definitely increase a lot.

Moreover, during this calcination process, Sun Hao’s scorpion scorpion and sneaky scorpion took advantage of the opportunity to eat and eat, and made great progress.

Especially the sneaky scorpions, all have to support, have to condense the yin and yang of the refining and smelting into a pure soul, wave by wave to the high hanging that blends into the spirit of Dapeng garuda The sixth one.

What Sun Hao doesn't know is that he should fight Dapeng Golden Wings, and the practice of cutting yin and yang is actually frightening Minorha.

The smoldering fire burns the soul, and it is still more than the yin of her Minohayou. I don’t know how many times, so that she is timid and smoldering the soul. Under normal circumstances, her Minuoha can hide and avoid. I didn't have the courage to go forward, but now, he was pressed under the tombstone, and absorbed the strong smoldering fire again and again, transporting the double repairs, forcibly refining the yin fire into his own.

On one side, the red ear was double-repaired, and Minoha said in his heart: "This little family doesn't know which side of the power is offended. It is such a powerful move to say hello, tired old lady..."

Dapeng Golden Wings can't feel what happened to Sun Hao's knowledge of the sea, but he knows that Sun Hao still has not collapsed.

However, this phenomenon does not match the expectations of the Dapeng garuda.

If possible, Dapeng Golden Wings actually want to go to Sun Hao's knowledge of the sea to see what kind of strange things happened.

Under normal circumstances, according to Sun Hao's cultivation level analysis, Sun Hao's body is obviously stronger than the soul.

The simplest contrast is that Sun Hao's body has reached the white jade body, which is equivalent to the body of the fit; although the soul of Sun Hao is also very condensed, but after all, it is only a five-point god, this is not a fake.

Refining the gas for the mid-distraction, the five-point god, how can it be more resistant to the yin and yang than the body of the white jade?

The Dapeng garuda is completely confused.

Sun Hao sits cross-legged, the body continues to grow, the impurities in the body, the tumor-like essence of the animal that has been arbitrarily arrogant and invincible into the body can not withstand the calcination, blasted from the body of Sun Hao, splashing a lot of blood Flowers, look in the eyes of Dapeng Golden Wings, that is the physical body of Sun Hao.

The yin fire in the yin and yang two qi has been driven to the maximum, Sun Hao is still sitting cross-legged, no movement, Dapeng gold-winged bird heart, continue to promote yin and yang, see if you persist for a long time, or My yin and yang are weak and weak.

The Dapeng garuda is itself the body of the remnant.

Taking the colorful condensate, it temporarily restored some of the strength and awakened the body.

However, this recovery time will not be very long, and it will take time for the subsequent secret surgery, so after the recovery, come up directly to make a big move.

The life of the gods, the ability of space; the life of the gods, yin and yang. After repeated shots, Sun Hao was directly trapped in his own two qi, strong and calcined.

This direction is correct, it can be said that Dapeng Golden Wings is the best way to fight, but unfortunately, it met Sun Hao.

Walking south and north, after thousands of hardships, Sun Hao, who has cultivated a strange ability, stubbornly seized its yin and yang.

This is a big accident.

When riding a tiger, you can only fight hard to see who is more durable.

The Dapeng garuda was mistakenly abacus.

In terms of persistence and resilience, it is estimated that there is nothing better than weak water in this world. It is like a weak patient who often suffers from illness but is not sick. The weak water is weak and does not destroy, and the key parts of Sun Hao are firmly protected. .


The five elements of yin and yang rotation, yin and yang, and the ridiculous punishment of Tianjin, the yin rabbit Han Yujin... Sun Hao these means used together, and took the opportunity to turn the yin and yang of the Dapeng garuda to gasification in order to exercise their own huge furnace, Sun Hao Sit inside and practice.

Dapeng Golden Wings want to smelt Sun Hao with yin and yang.

Sun Hao has distilled its yin and yang into his own body.

Dapeng Golden Winged Birds are not reluctant to fight.

Sun Hao stubbornly persisted and firmly held his position.

One person and one Peng, at this time, is actually a road, who is a deeper line, who can laugh at the end, who is the winner.

Sun Hao sank into cultivation and did not know how long it had passed.

In the sea, I did not dare to relax. In the flesh, Sun Hao did not pay attention to it. The yin and yang of the yin and yang, that is, the open flame, did not stop, but did not dare to bake too strong. Sun Hao constantly removes the impurities present in the flesh a little bit.

In the confrontation of Sun Hao’s body, unconsciously, changes have taken place.

At the beginning of the war, Sun Hao became the body of the barbarian, and the physical ability was raised to the maximum. It was more than ten feet. After the yin and yang refining and refining began, Sun Hao’s body continued to explode, impurities were constantly removed, and the body seemed to lose blood. Generally, it gradually becomes smaller and smaller, and becomes shorter and shorter.

Sun Hao's new all-out sink into the sea to cut the yin fire, but did not pay attention to the physical changes.

Dapeng Golden Wings saw it and never dared to push the fire to Taiwang, keeping it within the limits of Sun Hao, which he thought he could bear, that is, the state that would explode from time to time, but not collapse. Among them.

At one and three moments, the monk who fell into the yin and yang should be turned into concentrated water.

After one person and one Peng battle time flies fast, very quickly, one hour passed, Sun Hao's body has shrunk to about two feet, the change is huge, Dapeng Golden Wingbird is more and more cautious, for fear of putting Sun Hao gave refining.

However, Sun Hao’s calcination in the sea is still in a state of stalemate. Dapeng Golden Wings still can’t completely defeat Sun Hao. However, seeing Sun Hao’s shrinking body, Dapeng Golden Wings feel that Sun Hao will not be too Easy, it is very possible to use a mystery to explode the body to improve the resistance of the soul, and this secret technique should be invalid after reaching a certain level.

Therefore, when Sun Hao’s body shrinks at a slower speed, Dapeng Golden Wings feel that Sun Hao’s spirit may not be able to hold back, full of expectations.

It’s time to arrive at the moment.

Regrettably, Sun Hao still has not collapsed, and is still stubbornly persisting. At this time, Sun Hao’s body is only about one foot and eight, and the whole body has a strange change, thick golden, like Dapeng. The golden color of the golden wings blooms from Sun Hao's body, gradually and more and more concentrated.

At this time, Sun Hao’s body has stabilized and will not continue to burst.

At the beginning, Dapeng Golden Wings did not recognize what it was. It was just strange. Did the Baiyu warfare of the Terran Kid have been calcined back by me? Become a golden color?

However, as Jinguang gradually dyed the yin and yang into the golden color, the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird felt that it was wrong, and thought carefully, and his eyes slammed round, how could it be? Is this the Zhang Ba Jin body?

No mistakes!

Zijin giant eyes reveal an incredible expression, purple gold glitters, shining on the body of Sun Hao.

The flesh of the flesh is golden, and the purple gold has been assimilated in the past. The Dapeng Golden Winged Bird exclaimed, relying on it, it really is Zhang Jianjin. (To be continued.)

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