Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1809: Wind war

Dapeng Golden Wings tried hard to suck, but the heart was inextricably puzzled. How could this be possible? The yin and yang qi are the qi of their own cultivation, and often they can be recovered as long as they change their minds. But now, they are actually stuck by Sun Hao, they have to fight for the river to pull back some, and a lot of yin and yang Qi still attached to Sun Hao's body and became the nutrient of Sun Hao's cultivation. Fire?????????????

Dapeng Golden Wings should recover the yin and yang.

Sun Hao suddenly reacted and immediately took countermeasures.

Sun Hao feels that this yin and yang two gas has a certain effect on the tempering of his own soul and body, but can not let it comfortably recover.

At the beginning, Sun Hao used the method of yin and yang to attract the yin and yang fire of the rabbit, and used the sneaky scorpion and the scorpion to smother the yin and anger in the soul. The Dapeng Golden-winged Bird did not shake the yin and yang of the two who were trapped in Sun Hao.

Dapeng Golden Wings are not doing it. They want to forcibly withdraw the yin and yang from the law.

At this point, Sun Hao Ling machine moved, the gold gas inside the magnetic gold lungs was called out, trying to hold the yin and yang.

Unexpectedly, the effect was unexpectedly good.

After the generation of the magnetic element Jinfei, Sun Hao is the first time to use it, which is actually a powerful effect of depriving the other party of their own magical powers.

The powerful adsorption capacity of the magnetic element is vividly displayed. Sun Hao was pleasantly surprised to find that he could actually take the river with the Dapeng garuda and take control of the yin and yang. This is really powerful and powerful. If you just throw away this kind of temperamental god, can you not hold it? Deprivation of the ability to belong to the opponent?

Sun Hao’s eyes are not bright.

Of course, since you want to pull the river, it means that your magnetic element has a certain strength to bear the limit. Oh, but the powerful existence of the Dapeng Golden Winged Remnant can be intercepted. At least, the general fit period is large. If you want to do it yourself, you have to measure it.

Sun Hao drives the magnetic element of the golden lung, which produces a huge adsorption capacity. It does not allow the yin and yang of the surrounding side to escape easily. At the same time, within the sea, on the flesh, it begins to increase the intensity of digestion, and it is also very wild. The punishment of Tian Jin and the yin rabbit Han Yu Jin Qi Qi moved together, the big mouth swallowed and lost the yin and yang of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird.

Dapeng Golden Wings swallowed a few times, failed to fully recover their yin and yang, and suddenly angered, and opened their mouths and shouted: "Kids, let go of the yin and yang of this seat, or else, You are welcome."

Is this a poor job?

Sun Hao is too lazy to care about it, still go its own way, hold it, and step up digestion.

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird was furious and screamed, "You are looking for death..."

In the violent voice, the big mouth jerked forward and slammed into the mouth with a yin and yang qi and Sun Hao. He made a swallowing action in the sky, and there was no one in the wind. Hao was swallowed into the belly of the Dapeng garuda.

Among the yin and yang two-environment wraps, Sun Hao, who sits cross-legged, only feels that he suddenly becomes smaller. It really becomes a small point, and suddenly, the sky seems to be floating in the dark clouds, covering himself densely, in an instant, the surrounding space is Black, his body began to drop rapidly and continuously.

Suddenly in the heart, Sun Hao suddenly understood what happened, and he was swallowed into the stomach by the Dapeng garuda. According to the ability of the big bird to express, this swallow may have the same effect as the small fire. I may have really fallen into the endless space.

But in an instant, Sun Hao settled down.

Dapeng Golden Wings devour themselves, but they are nothing but helplessness. If you don't work well, you won't be able to use it for a long time.

Because Sun Hao knows that the ultimate goal of the big bird is to steal the day, change the face, reincarnate in the wind, and use this mystery, it is very likely that you really need to use your own body, then you don't have to worry.

The body quickly fell down.

In the dark space, there is no wind and no light, and Sun Hao feels that his ability to vacate is completely lost, and the body can not help but fall down.

I dare not care about it. Sun Hao's body repair is driven to the maximum, and the golden light is blooming. The newly formed Zhang Ba Jin body is fully operational, welcoming the possibility of coming to the ground.

The yin and yang around the body were also dyed with a touch of gold.

Sun Hao looked around the golden light of his body and found that there was still such a dead space around him. He did not see any moving things, nor any reference objects.

On the body, the yin and yang at the same time produced a huge escape force.

This power is much bigger than in the wind.

Sun Hao instantly understood that Dapeng Golden Wings swallowed himself into the body. It used to rely on the strength of its flesh to recapture the yin and yang. He did not dare to neglect. Sun Hao sat down on his knees and pushed the magnetic gas to start the tug-of-war. Starting to fight for it, this is a rare and precious resource for cultivation. If you miss this time, it is estimated that it is difficult to see it again. It is rare for Dapeng Golden Wingbird to personally pack it up. Next time, there is no such good opportunity. Sun Hao while driving the decline of the physical strength defense, while stepping up digestion.

The golden shape of the human being, wrapped in the constant shape of change, the yin and yang that escaped from all sides, in the unknown space, fell quickly.

The time in this space is also a bit strange.

Sun Hao feels that he does not know how long he has fallen, but he can digest the yin and yang, but there are not many. Sun Hao’s heart has a ridiculous feeling of time misplacement.

The Dapeng garuda, in this dislocation time, absorbed back a lot of yin and yang.

The feeling for Sun Hao is that the time of the Dapeng Golden Wingbird is the time of his own fall. It is very long and long. It can pull out many of its own yin and yang; and Sun Hao refines the time of yin and yang. It was only a digestion of less than a quarter of an hour.

The rate of digestion is not fast, but it is ridiculous to be pulled back by the Dapeng Golden Wings.

Sun Hao vaguely understands that this is the magical time-like supernatural power of Dapeng Golden Wingbird, and his heart has a strong heart. Fortunately, Dapeng Golden Winged Bird is only a state of remnant soul. Fortunately, Dapeng Golden Wingbird needs to take care of its own body. Otherwise, if you are provoking a big bird in its heyday, you may have lost your bones.

However, this is also normal. The reason why Sun Hao dared to challenge the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, the reason why he dared to make the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird into his sixth soul, in fact, is also a sentence of Dapeng Golden Winged Bird.

The Dapeng garuda said that he was on the road.

So Sun Hao’s understanding is that the current Dapeng garudas must not occupy an absolute advantage when they confront themselves. Otherwise, how can they become, and when Dapeng Golden Wings say this, in fact, in the subconscious, Also know that the strength of the two sides is not much different ~ ~ 孰 excellent and bad, may need to play before you know.

The development of the battle also confirmed this.

So far, although Sun Hao has played hard, but it has not fallen behind, even in the case of means, it has taken up a lot of cheap.

I don't know how long it has been, and Sun Hao is falling faster and faster.

In the end, a bang, hit the ground, not like the body of Dapeng, but it is like a very hard rocky ground.

Straight, Sun Hao has plunged into the ground more than ten feet, and the huge impact force has smashed most of the yin and yang around the body of Sun Hao. Most of them only survived the yin and yang in the sea, and escaped. Sun Hao stayed in the body, but the yin and yang outside the body, but with this collision, was basically smashed, disappeared instantly and disappeared.

It should be that the Dapeng garuda, which was waiting for a long time, took it away.

Sun Hao regrets a little, and Shen Yan and Ghosts continue to digest the yin that intercepts the sea, but the body begins to look around.

After sweeping a few eyes, Sun Hao finally felt that it was wrong.

What is this golden light on your own body?

More doubts, just such a big impact force, it seems that his body has not suffered too much damage, that is, the golden light on his body has dropped a layer of gold powder.

Now, this layer of gold powder has grown back.

In the recent war, Sun Hao’s attention was mainly in the knowledge of the sea. However, he did not pay attention to the changes in the flesh. Now this sentiment is immediately wrong.

Jinguang is not a refining body, and his body is still a white jade body. Jinguang is more like a suffocating air, and it is scattered all over the body.

what is this? Such a strong defense force? Does this phase of distraction have this stage? How can you not record in the classics, and how can Jinguang recover his body? (To be continued.)

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